[Open Assets] Super Flickies for Super Tails

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Also known as TemporaryAl
This wad adds Tails' super flickies (similar to those in S3&K) that follow him around and take out enemies for him when he's super.

They are capable of attacking all enemies as long as they're in range, but have particular behaviours with certain enemies, such as not attacking Detons (they're not suicidal) or the old Brak, which has to be hurt by other means.
They will only hurt Metal Sonic after you jump near him and send him into his vulnerable phase, and they will try hitting the newer Brak at all times (even when his shield is up, much to his amusement) although they will only succeed when he's vulnerable, too.

While Brak's electric shield is apaprently too strong to be pierced by anything but lava, they have no problem destroying an Egg Guard's shield, and also aren't afraid of beaking the ground to get rid of pesky Minuses.



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