
honestly i just want a better moveset (and also have MOMENTUM)
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Also it's not bad idea including momentum in the game
Idk what people mean when they talk about” momentum.” I assume they mean changing how the speed cap works, a la Xmomentum, but SRB2 is already a very momentum focused game. Characters have hella inertia compared to other 3d platformers. Also, having a speed cap and having momentum aren’t, like, mutually exclusive. Celeste is a very momentum heavy game, and, similar to SRB2, it also has a “speed cap” that can only be bypassed in specific situations.

Also also (if you’ll indulge me in even more digression) I honestly don’t think Xmomentum style movement works particularly well with vanilla SRB2. Vanilla SRB2 wants to emulate how 2D sonic games played (to a degree), while Xmom is designed around reaching speeds more analogous to modern sonic games. That’s not a bad thing, mind you, but it is a decidedly different design philosophy from vanilla SRB2, and it’s not a design philosophy vanilla is, ya know, designed around.

This discrepancy is felt most in level design. Classic Sonic levels are honestly pretty labyrinthine, and in turn vanilla SRB2 maps tend to be quite compact and winding. There just aren’t many places with the straightaways that Xmom needs to really shine. I think it’s telling that momentum mods tend to be paired with thicc maps (vanilla maps stretched out horizontally). Vanilla maps are just too cramped for Xmom. Hell, the Xmomentum Sonic TAS only manages to shave off a minute or two over vanilla sonic, which seems laughable considering how much more speed Xmom Sonic can get.

Anyway, that’s a bunch of my thoughts on various matters. Big speed isn’t everything, and isn’t even especially faithful to the “source material” (classic sonic games), and the physics are perfect as they are in my opinion. I don’t think SRB2 really needs increased speed down slopes (especially considering that that’s already a thing when rolling), but also it’s not an especially big change overall, so whatever. They better not change Fang’s tailbounce, though. The tailbounce is the best double jump ability in the game, even with the momentum penalty. The momentum penalty is what makes it the most nuanced and interesting ability. Fight me. JK. I do actually love the current tailbounce though. They can change the pop gun though. Like I can work around it with jump-pops (that’s pressing spin and jump at the same time), but the game shouldn’t be balanced around an exploit. Ok that’s it goodbye.
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Actually one more thing (if you’re willing to read more of my ideas). I think modded characters have kinda distorted people’s view of the vanilla moveset. I think you’d be hard pressed to argue that modded characters aren’t near always more powerful than the vanilla cast. Again, that’s not a bad thing, but it’s also not how vanilla characters are designed. The vanilla cast feel like fufin snails compared to modded characters. If you couldn’t tell, I really like the vanilla cast. I don’t think they’re perfect, and I’m not really opposed to changing Amy (who’s issue is more so one of level design than ability, I think, because hammering springs is rarely better than just using them), but I don’t think they’re especially flawed.
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Idk what people mean when they talk about” momentum.”
When Sonic fans talk about "Momentum", what they actually mean is "Classic Sonic style velocity changes based on slopes", which is not momentum but rather is the gaining of velocity when going downhill (especially while spinning) and reduced velocity when moving uphill. The term "Momentum" was applied by fans quite some time ago as a catch all term for these types of physics, and despite being inaccurate and confusing has generally stuck.

This does exist somewhat in the current vanilla release build of SRB2, but not as prominently as it does in the old classic Sonic games. The physics rework STJr is developing seems to aim to rectify this to make the game play much more closely like a 3D adaptation of these older titles than it does currently, as the fact the game runs on a modified DOOM engine has been the most consistent thing for them to need to work around when it comes to making the game more "Sonic-like" since the start. They've had to modify the engine so extensively that it barely resembles its origin anymore, a very impressive feat when you look at what it started as and what it has become with time.
When Sonic fans talk about "Momentum", what they actually mean is "Classic Sonic style velocity changes based on slopes", which is not momentum but rather is the gaining of velocity when going downhill (especially while spinning) and reduced velocity when moving uphill. The term "Momentum" was applied by fans quite some time ago as a catch all term for these types of physics, and despite being inaccurate and confusing has generally stuck.
ay that makes sense. I’ve never really noticed, but also I’ve probably played more SRB2 than any of the classic sonic games at this point, so I guess I’m used to it
these are pretty small ones but i feel like srb2 would improve a lot from them
1: tails fly cancel, we all want it. maybe by pressing shift and jump at the same time while flying?
2: sonic's thok having some cooler effects, maybe like more thok mobjs to make a trail? maybe he could also go a tiny amount upwards.
3: amy needs a hammer bounce of some sorts. i don't know if she does have this since i haven't played her much but she would benefit from SOME form of aerial movement
4: more visual flair. sometimes srb2 feels a bit empty imo, so maybe a few more objects around would be nice. more environmental effacts would be cool too like if you were in rvz or acz there would be heat waves, or the screen would blur just a TINY bit when underwater (an extra thing would be blurred sound while underwater too)
overall, that's it. just quality of life things.
3: amy needs a hammer bounce of some sorts. i don't know if she does have this since i haven't played her much but she would benefit from SOME form of aerial movement
i agree, she can badnik bounce but if you're not good at that it's not easy to head upwards without running up slopes on land or powering up springs

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