
A "removefile" command for the console. It's really annoying to have to close the game and restart if you want to play SRB2 and not a wad you added.
Also, it would be nice to have more tunes in the game, like Angel Island, Hydrocity, S3&K Special Stage music, etc.
A "removefile" command for the console. It's really annoying to have to close the game and restart if you want to play SRB2 and not a wad you added.
I don't think this is possible.

Also, it would be nice to have more tunes in the game, like Angel Island, Hydrocity, S3&K Special Stage music, etc.
There's no reason to bring back classic music. It would probably be unfitting, because SRB2 seems to have its own graphical and musical style.

This is the discussion topic, not the suggestions topic. I'm sorry, but it just ticks me off how people can't bother to read the topic name before posting in it.

Maybe splitting the topic was a bad idea.
Here's a hair-brained idea: Modify the waterslide ramp in DSZ1 to create a sort of psudeo-slope that you can place where floors and walls meet. Based upon how fast you enter this gimmick, you're forced upwards a proportional amount. This could be used by all the characters to access higher ledges, especially Sonic, who, due to his fastest speed, could get to higher routes than Tails or Knuckles.

I'm thinking this gimmick could have a potential place in BMZ. Slopes somehow don't seem appropriate in DCZ, at least to me.
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-I do not know if this has been done yet: axis line transfers in 2D mode, to serve as a replacement for using springs to get into the background for some levels and give more ideas for 2D boss battles. This could help levels to move more fluently when they are being played because using springs often causes cheap deaths or will look plain weird at times.

-Stat changes for Sonic and Tails also in Match. For example the speed of the rings Sonic throws are slightly a bit faster than everyone else's and Tails has a slightly more accuracy when he shoots, especially with auto aim.
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There's no reason to bring back classic music. It would probably be unfitting, because SRB2 seems to have its own graphical and musical style.

Well, for me there is, because I wanted to put those tunes in my level pack. However, I have the Sonic & Knuckles Collection CD game. Is there a way to take them off that disk and put them in my level pack?
If you want your custom music so badly, import into your own WADs.
There's no reason to make downloading the game longer just because one person wants a bunch of unnecessary and unfitting music files bundled along with it.

-Stat changes for Sonic and Tails also in Match. For example the speed of the rings Sonic throws are slightly a bit faster than everyone else's and Tails has a slightly more accuracy when he shoots, especially with auto aim.
We already have this, somewhat: Knuckles fires faster than anyone else.
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1) Corresponding Floor texture for SNDWALL and SNDPILRG.

Well, I miss floor textures that matches SNDWALL and SNDPILRG. Just it.

2) Vertical moving hang-able chain

It's a chain that moves down and up upon holding on it, depending on flags and values you could set:

-- Move up: character jumps and hold on the chain, then the chain starts to move up and carry the character. If character jumps off, the chain goes back to the original position. Useful when the character needs to get out a hole, to go up a narrow vertical passage or a wall to reach higher levels.

Flag and Values:
- Length
- Vertical variation (negative variation would make it move down)
- Vertical speed
- Deaf flag: makes it twice bigger.
- Another flag: upon reaching its end position, the chain releases the character (so character doesn't need to jump off) and goes back to the original position.

-- Move down: same as above, but it moves down.

-- Tagged to a special effect: I don't remember whether it was Sonic 2 or 3&K, Sonic pulls down a chain/chord and it turns on the light. I think a chain, upon being pulled down, could open doors, change the tagged sector's light level etc.


3) Horizontal moving hang-able chain

Works like rope-hangs, but instead of hanging on a rope, you hang on a chain; then the chain starts moving from a way-point to another. You can set the length, deaf flag and a special flag that makes the chain release the character upon reaching the end point.
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Remove Hide and seek mode. It's nothing more than a hang out or chat mode for the hiders.
I agree with this. The levels simply don't work well with the mode, and all everyone does is hide in a corner with Knuckles. It's just not fun.
Just because you may not like H&S doesn't mean it should be taken out just like that. It just needs more levels that support it. I bet some tailor made Tag/H&S levels could be quite fun. Plus, H&S being a mode was caused BECAUSE people were using tag in an H&S fashion in 1.09.
It's difficult to make a good map for Hide and Seek mode.
Once players find out common hiding spaces, they can easily claim victory without much effort. And, well, there really isn't much of a way to prevent people from climbing into high corners when hiding other than lowering the ceiling, which'll make the area feel cramped.
A Fake Hurt sector type that will throw you back and put you in your hurt frames as if you were really hurt, but won't make you lose rings or kill you. This could be useful for making an obstacle you have to jump over on a minecart.
In this case, Remove them both. We're never going to get levels that support it any way

Yeah, but you know what ELSE is basically hangout? Coop. Only Coop is far more worse in that regard.

Kick out Infernal Cavern Zone from Match; Do you know how hard it is to play in that map without getting hurt by the lava instead of the players which are supposed to hit you? The map is very unbalanced and cramped making a good Match game barely possible. Really, I hate that level.

And thus, it should stay because the only justification is that you fail at it. Seriously, how do you just FALL in the lava so constantly? You gotta be a real klutz to just FALL in so much without being knocked in. Look before you thok, seriously. Hell, the fact that it punishes random thoking is what I love about it. As for Flame jet issues, that's gonna be fixed, IIRC. I never found the map to be unbalanced, and I know I am not alone in this thinking.

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