
I don't know if this has been suggested before, but maybe in a future revision, we could add sprites for characters (that need to breathe air, of course) that show them puffing their cheeks out when underwater? Sonic 1 almost had that, as seen in the image below.


that'd require separate sprites for almost every action in the game, which by doom's limits is almost impossible to store. you're forgetting that this is at least a hundred sprites that have to be redone and reimported.
Have the credits music end with a remix of the title theme instead of just fading out, although this would require the original source files to recompose.
The ability to use a console command to instantly re-load all WADs that are activated, it's really annoying having to re-launch the game just to test a new skincolor or something..
A launcher that can route other SRB2 versions to the launcher, auto update the game, and load mods before loading the game would be nice!
here's something that i think would be fun for the speedrunning community: maybe upon beating the game with all seven emeralds, you could be allowed to tackle and save record attack runs with super forms. i've been tinkering around with super sonic quite a lot lately, and he's been quite fun to speedrun with (if a bit inconvenient, given you have to input several commands to play as him at any time).
I would love an SF_PAPERSPRITES option to make characters flat, and only use A1 and A5 sprites.
- Make it possible through MainCfg to configure how many lives the player will have when starting a new game

- Make it so that the HUD is not reset. When you re-enter the game, it is ALWAYS on.
- Make it possible through MainCfg to configure how many lives the player will have when starting a new game

Just add lua script into your map with:
  • addHook("PlayerSpawn", function(p)
    p.lives = X

With the `p.lives = X`, replace the variable X with the number of lives you want. If you want it to be infinite lives, change the variable to INFLIVES.
Just add lua script into your map with:
  • addHook("PlayerSpawn", function(p)
    p.lives = X

With the `p.lives = X`, replace the variable X with the number of lives you want. If you want it to be infinite lives, change the variable to INFLIVES.

yes it works, but I think developers should implement this in MainCfg itself. I think it's not difficult.
Allow for the player's followmobj's ghost to copy certain attributes of the player's ghost (custom spawned), e.g. the fuse timer. Or rather just allow for the followmobj's ghost to not be created by default if you use the FollowMobj hook and the function returns true.

From what I've noticed any alterations to the player's ghost's fuse will not be copied by the followmobj, which ends up looking a little off in-game.
You can modify the Followmobj ghost by checking for... I think the ghost's tracer? It's been a while since I checked the code, but I know there's a mobjpointer to help modders creating customised ghosts.
You can modify the Followmobj ghost by checking for... I think the ghost's tracer? It's been a while since I checked the code, but I know there's a mobjpointer to help modders creating customised ghosts.

Yeah it was the ghost's tracer afterall, I don't think I read that code block correctly last night :v , thanks tho. I think I might add this info to the wiki since it's not really mentioned anywhere, not sure where it would belong tho. Edit: Nvm looks like that info was on the lua functions page for a while lol.
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First off I've seen a lot of posts here saying that bean the dynamite duck should be in srb2 but I don't think he would fit in enough because I can't think up of a zone that will give you him and unless he's unlockable via an extra level just like Amy then he can't be just thrown into srb2 (but he has quite a lot of mod potential an all so get to work mod makers).

I don't know about that, there could be a way they can still add Bean the Dynamite and fit it in well with the story. Perhaps they could add in two zones in between Techno Hill Zone(THZ) and Deep Sea Zone(DSZ). After Sonic/crew leave Techno Hill Zone, they stumble across Dark City Zone(DCZ). The reason why I would put (DCZ) right next to (THZ) is that factories are typically located around in or around cities. As it goes industrialization can lead to urbanization. Of course, historically urbanization typically occurs around bodies of water which is why (DSZ) would be so close to both (DCZ)/(THZ) and Greenflower Zone/(former) Greenflower City Zone. Of course, there would have to be a reason as to why a factory was created there in the first place(it's unwise to place a business/factory down so recklessly and I think Dr. Eggman is smart enough to know that seeing that he owns several businesses/factories already.) So that's why I would put Mine Maze Zone(MMZ) in between (DCZ) and (DSZ) because there was probably some kind of mineral that Dr. Eggman wanted which is why he placed a factory close to the mines and began excavating it until it ran dry. This is probably why he abandoned his factory, but even though the factory shut down urbanization still continues to occur. I may not know much about Bean, but there can be two scenarios into why he would be in (DCZ). One Sonic/crew can find Bean blowing up banks and robbing them or he may be taking orders from Eggman and is causing mischief for the residents living there to lure Sonic/crew into an ambush. With either scenario that is chosen, the end of the fight will still be the same with bean accidentally blowing up all of his stockpiles of bombs at once creating a huge explosion. Leading Sonic/crew to fall into a mineshaft in (MMZ) and bean (being closest to the bombs) being blown away into the sky as Team Rocket does in Pokemon. However, I realize this may be way out of order from what Sonic Team Jr. has planned, but it does provide a nice transition from place to place and it would be a good way to add Bean into the story. Oh, on a side note, the mineshaft from (MMZ) leads out into (DSZ).

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