Stuff to put in 1.09

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SRB2 needs a changelog so that we can see what new console commands you put in and new linedef execs without having to dig through the SFX guide and see what ones are new.
There already IS a help console commad. It's just not very helpful. But hey, at least it's there.
The HELP command doesn't tell you the new ones. It doesn't say 'IN 1.09, THESE ARE THE NEW COMMANDS THAT WERE ADDED:' .
One thing, I dunno if this is a bug or what:

I asked AJ awhile back to make it so that springs worked better with Adventure mode; older springs, if you'd homing attack them, they'd use the momentum from the homing attack and send you flying in wild directions. He altered them so that when you use a spring in Adventure mode, it stops your movement.

But this creates another problem: Being someone who tests the Mystic Realm, I also drummed up a SOC file that will convert _any wad_ to run in Adventure mode with SASRB2 enhancements. Problem is, some of the stuff Mystic does in this wad, involving springs especially, make it difficult or, in some cases, impossible to finish the game in this state.

So, the meaning of that overly longwinded suggestion is this: Make it so Springs stop Sonic from moving ONLY if he homing attacks them. This way, Adventure mode keeps direct compatability with regular maps while still fixing the homing bug.

It'd only take a few seconds to add, too, wouldn't it? Rather than check for Adventure mode, change it to check for homing attack.
In that topic said:
Well I know in this game tails can carry characters, but I think that characters should be able to ride and sit on knuckles when he's gliding/climbing. Also when sonic does his dash thing if he hit a diff char they should launch forward.

If Knuckles weren't in the air, that would look really awkward. *Beaten*
I actually have a rather interesting animated pic of such an event. Though there is no real nudity, I'm not sure if it would be against the rules or not to post it.

Oh, and thank you. =)
I only posted a hoax of Sonic 3. I meant for sonic to be shouting YEEHAW out of pure excitement and thrill becuase Knuckles could go soooo much faster than boring ol' Tails. I... *ramble on*

.........on-topic now...I agree with the whole ideas of riding on Knuckles and geting bumped by Sonic. It would cuase some cool distractions in deathmatch too...
Someones trying to aim with the rail rings...then BAM! A sonic bumps into him and he goes flying...
I don't know if this has been said or even added but what about triggers that chance direction in 2d mode?
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