Stuff to put in 1.09

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What makes you think the Crawla Commander AI will be any different for 1.09?

Mystic thinks they're too hard to kill already.
I didn't mean to imply it would be different for 1.09, but I sure think it should be. That's why I made it evade spindashers for SPMoves. Especially deadly as the final boss in Rock Skull Mountain Zone, in a room that's a ring drainer. :twisted: Die you fakers, pretending to be Jason the Echidna! Mwahahahahahaa! Oh, and that's Easy mode, btw. On harder difficultys, teh evil Chao will also shoot the large fireballs that Fox gets beat down with.
sorry if this has been repeated went straight to page 27
you know how on sonic heroes of you jump on a wall with sonic and press jump he latches on to a wall then when you press jump he kicks off and if you press spin he jumps off so why not make sonic do that and he can wall kick for his transprtation for more challanging levels like a one with a narrow corridoor but no ground knuckles can glide tails can fly and sonic can wall kick.
oh and what if we make like a netgame room its just like a blank room with a couchlike block and look like a restraunt with sections like teleporters with signs one says ctf another says chaos make it a level and when you press map map91 you go to that map and there might be people already there in ctf and you join or people in coop and if someone else presses map map91 they join the map
so uh whadda think? :|
You should really look into proper punctuation. No offense.

Good idea. It'd give Sonic some of his 'Only-him' areas.
Although, you could achieve that by making a conveyer belt too fast for Knuckles, but slow enough for Sonic. Then, add a low cieling, so Tails can't fly across, and Knuckles can't glide.
(a441, you should add a good Sonic-passable-only conveyer belt speed to your list of useful heights, or something. It's not exactly a height, but very useful.)
Eh, I think the best way to add Sonic-only areas are to let him run across water instead of Tails. Seriously, Tails can fly to areas Knux can't glide to, Knux can climb to areas Tails can't get to, and Sonic has nothing. If Sonic could run across long paths of water above bottomless pits that Tails nor Knux could cross (assuming the "No Climb" attribute is working), then Sonic gets his Sonic-only areas.

Just a thought.
Wow, Jake, you're so good at the special stages it's hard for you NOT to get all the emeralds?

Yes, sir, that it is.


And I'm someone who likes getting the good ending all the time, so thanks anyway.
It would be nice to have more Sonic only area abilities, but the Sonic Heroes thing really was kinda lame, because I never really noticed that I could do it. Also it would be impossible to do it correctly with SRB2's thok.

I don't really agree that we need a clever way to make a Sonic only path, however. Personally, I've always thought we should implement Knuckles' lower jump, making it easy to split Sonic/Tails and Knuckles paths, like S3K did. All that's needed is an unclimbable wall and a jump of over 104, and Knuckles can't go through. Since the breakable walls are almost fully implemented as well, that would allow for Knuckles only paths to be created rather easily as well. If everyone remembers, there really weren't any Sonic-only paths in S3K. Instead, there were just areas Sonic and Tails couldn't reach, Sonic couldn't reach, and Knuckles couldn't reach. I don't see why we need to worry about making a Sonic only path when S3K never really had any. =P
hey mystic, doesn't your flame rift contain a knux only area in mystic realm? :?
No. It's actually possible to get up there as Sonic, with sufficient skill. Mystic Realm pretty much doesn't have any character specific paths, because I was more concerned with having content than having an insane amount of it. All of the paths can pretty much be taken as any character, but I've been trying to add more interesting content into some of the stages for the other characters, so they aren't just an easier version of the Sonic game. They're mostly just secrets and things of that nature, however.
I still say the best kind of Knuckles-only area is a bustable block on the side of a wall too high to jump to. :lol:
Sorry, It's obvious to JTE is what I meant. The reason is there's no height checking for bustable blocks in 1.08. Play Knuckles in GFZ1, and glide into the wall above the bustable block, and it still breaks.
You can do that, but in v1.09 it shouldn't matter.

Besides, aren't there flags that cause specific lindef actions to occur ONLY if the specific character is being played as? If so, create a few FOFs that are impossible to get around, and there's your character-specific paths right there.
SRB2-Playah said:
What if you move the breakable wall back a hardly noticable bit?
Then you give Tails a good space to start a spindash on. Yes, you can stand on a 1 unit thick line.
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