Stuff missing/incompatible in 1.1

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Ash said:
*facepalm* I said I THINK rails should come with 5 ammo, I didint say that they were going to come with 5 ammo.
And i've always hated the concept of losing everything when you get hit, but...
I said:
what is being done in 1.1 is for the beter.
Ash said:
What I really dislike about 1.1 match is that you lose EVERYTHING you had on you when you get hit once. Just once, someone could have ALL of your weapons, weapon panels, and emeralds. If their timing is right, it instantly gets collected by the predator, while the prey is totally confused as to "what the hell happened to all of my power ups".


Are the levels we have now going to be changed a little?
Losing everything isn't bad. The fact somebody else can come and get all you had for free is bad. You could wait for people to get all the ammo and then steal it and have an unfair advantage over the rest (specially if you do it with several people). So better don't allow that.

Also, for what I'm hearing, there're overpowered weapons in 1.1 too. I mean, the scratter ring. Five rings at once? C'mon, now come and tell me that isn't overpowered, even if they're normal rings :/
Sik said:
Also, for what I'm hearing, there're overpowered weapons in 1.1 too. I mean, the scratter ring. Five rings at once? C'mon, now come and tell me that isn't overpowered, even if they're normal rings :/

Its not, its totaly inaccurate, and very easy to dodge.
Scatter rings move faster than normal rings, come in bunches (and if one hits, the others still continue if possible), and have higher knockback strength than bomb and grenade. They aren't totally inaccurate (they shoot where you point your mouse, like all other rings). Overpowered? Ring panels and weapons for scatter give you a lot of ammo, so why spam red rings when you can spam scatter? The shooting rate is still pretty fast, though less than red rings.

zeldagamer00 said:
*facepalm* I said I THINK rails should come with 5 ammo, I didint say that they were going to come with 5 ammo.
And i've always hated the concept of losing everything when you get hit, but...

Uh, you never said anything about the rail ammo. By the way, I actually have the 1.1 demo, and yes, at the moment they only provide five ammo. =|

zeldagamer00 said:
what is being done in 1.1 is for the beter.
So, we should just get out of the staff member's faces, and let them do everything without any player input? That makes no sense. If we don't have any say in how the game is being developed, how are they going to know if the players will like it or not? Important suggestions, bugs, ideas, etcetera are passed through player input. Take that away, and the game could end up worse than it ever could've been.

Honestly though, we could do that. Are you familiar with the term "tourneyfag"? It's a player that feels it's only fair if both players have the exact same resources without any exploits or anything. This is big in Brawl where there are no items, and you play only on the flattest stage. Would SRB2 be better with only red rings and flat planes?
I like this thread.

How do you suppose we fix it? Not allow instant-pickup of spilled weapons? Only spill the ammo and not the weapon itself, what?
Ash said:
More ranting
What i meant about "what is being done in 1.1 is for the beter." is that developers sometimes have to do things that not many people like, but is better in the long run, like in Mario kart i was a snaking king until Mario kart wii came out and they changed the drifting system, that lowered the bar for online play so people could keep up with me, so what i am seeing in 1.1 is like what happened with Mario kart, not many people will like the change but its better in the long run.

Edit:My brother-in-law is a "tourney fag" when it comes to smash bros brawl >_>
SSNTails said:
I like this thread.

How do you suppose we fix it? Not allow instant-pickup of spilled weapons? Only spill the ammo and not the weapon itself, what?

Only lose panels and ring weapons when you die.

@Zeldagamer00: What the hell is snaking?
Zeldagamer00 doesn't seem to know how to respond correctly.

I say we fix the item thing by not allowing instant-pickup of spilled weapons, and at the same time making it so the player doesn't lose the collected panels.
SSNTails said:
How do you suppose we fix it? Not allow instant-pickup of spilled weapons? Only spill the ammo and not the weapon itself, what?
Reduce the ammo for half. Not sure if they're thrown as separate rings or as a single ring, but if it's the latter case, then change it to be like the former. And make sure there's less time to get them back (instantly being in the blink state, anyone?).
SSNTails said:
I like this thread.

How do you suppose we fix it? Not allow instant-pickup of spilled weapons? Only spill the ammo and not the weapon itself, what?

Actually, simply allowing the player to keep the weapon would be fine. The rest seems alright, but I've just always felt that the weapons should be kept on the player.
Turtle Man said:
@someone-with-access-to-the-private-srb2-svn: Theres are #ifdefs on the public SVN that remove the OpenGL Lights, SRB2TODOLIGHTING. Does this mean that OpenGL lights are being removed? or replaced?
It says "to do", so I highly doubt they're being removed, but actually worked on (well, actually lights aren't perfect in 1.09.4, sometimes they disappear when they're still visible).
Dark Warrior said:
Actually, simply allowing the player to keep the weapon would be fine. The rest seems alright, but I've just always felt that the weapons should be kept on the player.

Then the weapon panels would only serve any real purpose in the first 20 seconds of the match when everyone runs to get them. If people don't lose their weapon plates, then these may just as well be ammo. The level's design may actually use the weapon plates to make certain areas important in the overall layout. Maybe if weapon panels do not provide you with ammo but don't disappear when they are picked up, it will be a little more fair to get the panels back after one loses them.

By the way, I think if the player is skilled enough to run past you at precisely the right moment after you get hit by their projectile, then they deserve to be able to take most of what you have. At any rate, do all the items fly out at a different distance/speed when the player is hurt? Perhaps that could be used to ensure that emeralds are difficult to pick up by the attacker and the victim has a fighting chance to get his weapons back quickly.

Sik said:
Not sure if they're thrown as separate rings or as a single ring, but if it's the latter case, then change it to be like the former.

Forgive me if I read this incorrectly... but I like the idea of seperate ammo rings being thrown when the player is hit. However in such a case the amount of ammo rings thrown would have to be limited, maybe like tossing no more than three or four ammo rings.

And regarding the svn revision thing, after reading the SCIENCE topic I'm curious, what revision was the 1.1 semi-private beta (or during what revision was it released)?
JEV3 said:
Forgive me if I read this incorrectly... but I like the idea of seperate ammo rings being thrown when the player is hit. However in such a case the amount of ammo rings thrown would have to be limited, maybe like tossing no more than three or four ammo rings.
Actually throwing the separate weapons is exactly what the old match system does. And about the ammo issue, I also said before to throw the weapons but with half the ammo they had (while this is mainly to discourage people to steal weapons, it also works as an extra challenge, as even if the player manages to get them back, there's a penalty for getting hurt).

Another suggestion to avoid overpowering is to impose a maximum to the amount of ammo you can carry. Moreover, this maximum should be different depending on the weapon.
JEV3 said:
And regarding the svn revision thing, after reading the SCIENCE topic I'm curious, what revision was the 1.1 semi-private beta (or during what revision was it released)?

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