SRB2MB Banners

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Ice said:
Using another game's inside joke for a community inside joke?

It's not an inside joke to that game, and a majority of the community does play TF2.

Well, not so much a majority, but a decent amount.
Kitsune said:
We really do need RedXVI in a logo since he's getting taken in out in 2.0. :/

Agreed with the RedXVI thing; he needs a spot in the logo!

And what do you mean by 2.0??
Sonic holding a Green Flower.

Sonic Freaking out infront of a small ledge shouting "HOW DO I JUMP?!"

More of Arf's art like a Sonic going up against hundereds of crawlas.

How about Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles having their own banners and then all 3 of them together. Oh wait, we already have that. *sarcasm*

Well, what we haven't seen is Robotnik in his SRB2 art. Also, one banner can consists of all the flight enemies (crawla commander, Jetter, & the Jettysyn). Also, maybe just one with Super Sonic. We don't need to add Super Tails or Super/Hyper Knuckles seeing as it isn't necessary to add every single character in a powerful form. That would be too much. I'm not sure about this, but there can be a banner where Knuckles (representing the red team) is stealing the blue flag and Sonic (representing the blue team) is in possession of the red flag. This would symbolize the CTF mode in the game.

All in all, other things that pertain to the game could be added, but I don't see the reason to add things that have nothing to do with them like some of the suggestions listed above. Some of them seem too immature and when presenting a website, professionalism is important. Also, no special wad characters even though I know that won't happen. I don't believe that RedXVI should be included. After all, he's being removed or so I heard so what's the point? If people are fond of RedXVI, they have them in the current build.

Let me know what you guys think of my ideas. They're very rough but I'll get to thinking later.
The SRB2MB logo with a GFZ backdrop.

Sonic throwing a red ring at a running away Tails.

Tails giving Sonic an airlift.
At first I thought this would be good, but then i decided it was too stupid.

Now you just made me think of Shadow saying "Where's that damned 4th Chaos Emerald?"

That should be a banner (jk)
arnold_the_bartender said:
but there can be a banner where Knuckles (representing the red team) is stealing the blue flag and Sonic (representing the blue team) is in possession of the red flag. This would symbolize the CTF mode in the game.
That is a pretty cool idea, I'll get working on that one as soon as I can.
On why I haven't replied much, I've had Influenza A and had to stay in bed for a while. I'm better now but I have to do some things before working on a logo.
Ghost_Zero said:
Ice said:
Using another game's inside joke for a community inside joke?

It's not an inside joke to that game, and a majority of the community does play TF2.
Well, not so much a majority, but a decent amount.

More like 10+ out of 3000 users....

Are there going to be more then one image. (Like if you refresh the banner would change into a new one like what we're doing now?
Arf said:
That is a pretty cool idea, I'll get working on that one as soon as I can. On why I haven't replied much, I've had Influenza A and had to stay in bed for a while. I'm better now but I have to do some things before working on a logo.

Take your time, especially since you just got over being sick. Here is another idea. The only problem is that there would need to be official art of ring weapons, which there isn't to my knowledge, and only appear in the game. This one would represent match mode (team match anyway) and would also bring back a bit of Sonic history to some extent.

Sonic & Tails would be wielding weapons (I would like to say Tails in flight ready to attack with a rail ring and Sonic an auto-ring because... well, he's fast?) and shows them confronting Robotnik in his little ship-thing he's always in with an explosion ring and Knuckles (Knuckles siding with Robotnik due to his recurring stubbornness) gliding in with a homing ring. This idea probably seems too complex and messy but it might work, depending on the size of the banner anyway. Of course, a proper background would be needed to work on.

A simpler idea would be an image of Sonic busting open a badnik (such as the crawla) and freeing the animal inside that's been roboticized (tell me that's part of what's happening in the SRB2 universe). Sonic would appear to be going so fast that a small (not too long though, things would start looking ugly) blur trail would be visible. This would of course, be a result of a thok, and could show the point of where Sonic performed the thok but that really isn't necessary unless you want to show the effect. As for the crawla, it could look cracked in half in the middle of an explosion while showing a rabbit or any other little critter from the 16-bit Sonic games emerging from it in a leaping motion. The leaping motion could be coming straight at the viewers direction or preferably off to the side in a 45 degree directional angle. If you want any official artwork of the roboticized animals from Sonic 2 as a guide, I can check my image archive and see if I have it. I recall downloading scans in possesion of Sonic Team. If not, I can check my Sonic manuals and scan them.

Oh, and ego boosts, here I co-*shot*
Midway through the draiwng, I realized...
I have never drawn Knuckles! So I checked AJ's stuff, did some lookan, some testan and such. Which is why knux is such a shorty in that pic and isn't... running. It was just a test to see if I could nail the little pest right. Sonic is mostly done regarding posing.
Arf said:
Midway through the draiwng, I realized...
I have never drawn Knuckles! So I checked AJ's stuff, did some lookan, some testan and such. Which is why knux is such a shorty in that pic and isn't... running. It was just a test to see if I could nail the little pest right. Sonic is mostly done regarding posing.
You pretty much nailed that pic well. As for a slightly better idea for another banner pic, you should have sonic relaxing on the master emerald while tails holds a beserk knuckles back.

Another would be to include maybe half of the crawla units surround Robotnik as he sits in his chair with an evil grin.
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