SRB2 Uncapped

SRB2 Uncapped 2.0 hotfix 2


Fafabis submitted a new resource:

SRB2 Uncapped - Play SRB2 with uncapped framerate!

Play SRB2 with uncapped framerate!
This Custom Build uses interpolation to achieve more than 35 frames per second in srb2, while still supporting vanilla netgames.

Original implementation made by ShaderWraith (also known as Eidolon).

Source code:

frameinterpolation - Toggles interpolation.
frameratecap - Changes the maximum framerate of the game when interpolation is on.
gif_interp -...

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Well i can see people stopping using the original .exe and starting to use this, whatever, it's really nice to see 60+ FPS in a game like SRB2, really poggers.
Weird that object-based addons like Dirk work fine on 2.2.8 uncapped but not on 2.2.9.
Fafabis updated SRB2 Uncapped with a new update entry:

SRB2 Uncapped 1.1

- Cutscenes don't interpolate anymore to prevent bugs.
- Paused game now only interpolates the hud instead of disabling interpolation entirely.
- Fixed 1up icon on monitors.
- Renamed menu option "60 fps GIFs" to "Smooth GIFs", because smooth gifs are actually 50 fps due to the gif format limitations.
- Added version string.

- Added 64-bit windows binaries along with 64 bit dlls (be sure to put these on a separate folder so you don't mess up your 32 bit srb2...

Read the rest of this update entry...
...What do i have to do exactly with the AppImage for Linux? Im really new to all of this and would love to play the game at 60+fps
I played the old uncapped and it was jittery in netgames, im guessing that might be fixed given the description
well how to use the uncapped the older one was just put it in the game file and add it in here uh idk what i to say i put it in game files and nothing happens so can some one help me

Edit: after downloading the update there was srb2winuncapped64.exe so now i can use it :D
Whenever I try to play it, it shows this:
This pile of garbo.PNG
Does this mean that 2.2.9 changed the zones.pk3 file?
Two bugs that I've noticed with this custom build are:
1) Moving platforms jitter with the player when you stand on them.
2) In the bonus stage Frozen Hillside in the pause menu you can see the falling snowflakes sprites jitter.


  • snowflake sprite.gif
    snowflake sprite.gif
    1.7 MB · Views: 570
Two bugs that I've noticed with this custom build are:
1) Moving platforms jitter with the player when you stand on them.
2) In the bonus stage Frozen Hillside in the pause menu you can see the falling snowflakes sprites jitter.
seems like weather in general jitters because i noticed that while playing and then pausing on Castle Eggman in the rain
Thanks a lot! I've love playing SRB2 at 60 FPS now, i've switch to off and uncapped and those 25 FPS really make the difference, You should play HMS123311 with the voices and this because i've think those crappy voice-music really fits being on 60 FPS as i've seen Sonic Games that had that kind of crappy voice-music and they all run at 60 FPS so this mod's 12-year-old-esque crappyness fits into 60 FPS. Sometimes the game will not look like it's 60 FPS as things like the ERZ2 doors are not interpolated and the same with the spike balls in ECZ. But when i'm playing a mod with a character who can go really fast and then i've run in a flat map. It feels really nice to the eye.
Actually, I've tested things like in CEZ1 Where you bump on an spring and then you get close to the end of the level. I've tested the wall at the springs and i've say it looks better at 30 FPS. And that 60/100 FPS make me a bit sick now that i've see, and there are FPS drops on on/uncapped and it makes it not look really 60 FPS even if the FPS counter says 60 but then it's because the TPS drop to 30/25. So i'm going to play SRB2 with it's vanilla framerate until there are proper 60 FPS Interpolation.
Thanks a lot! I've love playing SRB2 at 60 FPS now, i've switch to off and uncapped and those 25 FPS really make the difference, You should play HMS123311 with the voices and this because i've think those crappy voice-music really fits being on 60 FPS as i've seen Sonic Games that had that kind of crappy voice-music and they all run at 60 FPS so this mod's 12-year-old-esque crappyness fits into 60 FPS. Sometimes the game will not look like it's 60 FPS as things like the ERZ2 doors are not interpolated and the same with the spike balls in ECZ. But when i'm playing a mod with a character who can go really fast and then i've run in a flat map. It feels really nice to the eye.

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