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SRB2 - Sonic Heroes Sound/Music Pack - Updated! Again! Again

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Look a little closer, Blaze. See that black and purple?
Eh, it's a single line of pixels =P If this were actually for SRB2's official release, like, something packaged in with it, I'd go through the trouble of splitting it up and all that, but right now... meh. :P As long as it's not TOTALLY screwed up in software, and just a single row of purple pixels, it can wait.
You can't, because the file was designed for the version of SRB2 that was in use three years ago. It woudn't be terribly compatible now; a lot's changed since then, IIRC.

Pre-emptively locking this since I can't think of any good use for it three years after the fact, unless Blaze is planning on updating again (which I don't see any particular signs of).
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