UPDATE - Check Page 2 for the new URL
I was planning on releasing this with SA-SRB2 v1.1 (which is coming along, btw, but slowly -- I got sidetracked and now I need to remind myself that SRB2 exists ;P), but here it is anyway. It's big because it replaces most of the music and sound effects. Music it replaces:
Title Screen - "Sonic Heroes: Title"
GFZ, Act 1 - "Seaside Hill Zone"
GFZ, Act 2 - "Ocean Palace Zone"
THZ, Act 1 - "Grand Metropolis Zone"
THZ, Act 2 - "Power Plant Zone"
CEZ, Act 1 - "Rail Canyon Zone"
CEZ, Act 2 - "Bullet Station Zone"
CEZ, Act 3 - "Final Boss: What I'm Made Of"
Special Stage - "Special Stage - Act 1"
Credits - "Sonic Heroes Theme (Slightly Extended)"
The "extended" version of the credits was done by me =P The theme floating around out there doesn't match the 1:50 set by the original SRB2 credits tune, so with a bit of quick editing, I made it fit. :D
All that's left to replace is Castle Eggman's music (I'd like to find the two spooky level's music, I can't remember their names... the Mansion/Castle levels).
I was also going to replace GFZ rock... but when I did, well, there were ugly results:
Granted, that's not the offical texture, and it'd probably look better if it was 256x256... but I can't do those sort of big textures. ;P
I was planning on releasing this with SA-SRB2 v1.1 (which is coming along, btw, but slowly -- I got sidetracked and now I need to remind myself that SRB2 exists ;P), but here it is anyway. It's big because it replaces most of the music and sound effects. Music it replaces:
Title Screen - "Sonic Heroes: Title"
GFZ, Act 1 - "Seaside Hill Zone"
GFZ, Act 2 - "Ocean Palace Zone"
THZ, Act 1 - "Grand Metropolis Zone"
THZ, Act 2 - "Power Plant Zone"
CEZ, Act 1 - "Rail Canyon Zone"
CEZ, Act 2 - "Bullet Station Zone"
CEZ, Act 3 - "Final Boss: What I'm Made Of"
Special Stage - "Special Stage - Act 1"
Credits - "Sonic Heroes Theme (Slightly Extended)"
The "extended" version of the credits was done by me =P The theme floating around out there doesn't match the 1:50 set by the original SRB2 credits tune, so with a bit of quick editing, I made it fit. :D
All that's left to replace is Castle Eggman's music (I'd like to find the two spooky level's music, I can't remember their names... the Mansion/Castle levels).
I was also going to replace GFZ rock... but when I did, well, there were ugly results:
Granted, that's not the offical texture, and it'd probably look better if it was 256x256... but I can't do those sort of big textures. ;P