<ZarroTsu> hell why aren't barriers in kart mode I wonder
<ZarroTsu> if rings/coins had kart mode use, magnet barrier would be boss; whirlwind is pretty much the feather; elemental barrier could be something to let you drive on water; and armageddon is the 'make everyone else wipe out' sort of item
<ZarroTsu> actually
<ZarroTsu> idea
<ZarroTsu> all barriers only last a few seconds
<Senku_Niola> barriers last 7 seconds!
<ZarroTsu> whirlwind lets you jump once, magnet is instant use all-coins-nearby-go-to-you, etc.
<Iceman404> Zarro
<Iceman404> That magnet is unnecessarily OP
<ZarroTsu> and then the shield barrier just reflects anything that hits you one time
<ZarroTsu> which is why I say one-instant-use
<ZarroTsu> and probably also only a short distance
<ZarroTsu> map makers would need to be careful not to put a giant square of rings somewhere
<ZarroTsu> else a magnet user skullfucks the map
<ZarroTsu> also when I think about it, to make barriers different from other Mario kart items, have them act like normal barriers otherwise
<ah2190> armageddon shield in Kart = POW Block
<ZarroTsu> <ZarroTsu> ; and Armageddon is the 'make everyone else wipe out' sort of item
<ZarroTsu> if barriers were items, have the first item use button press form the barrier on the player
<ZarroTsu> this would have it function to absorb an item that hits you
<ZarroTsu> if so it cancels
<ZarroTsu> but if you press the button again to use the barrier, it cancels but does its effect
<ZarroTsu> save for shield barrier which just reflects the item
* Iceman404 is now known as Iceman404|Gone
<ZarroTsu> so you could use a whirlwind barrier, then use triple green shell, and when all shells are gone, then the no-item button press will activate the barrier
<ZarroTsu> let you jump about a blue spring high
<ZarroTsu> spring sfx included :[
<Senku_Niola> What if it spawned a temporary spring?
<ah2190> Hmm... I'm gonna need someone who's not doing a CTF map for the current OLDC to help me out somewhat
<Senku_Niola> If a player is fast enough they could "borrow" the same spring
<Senku_Niola> It would only last 1-2 seconds
<ZarroTsu> if it can, but it'd have to guarantee user touch in any situation, and disappear immediately after
<ZarroTsu> well
<ZarroTsu> spawning a spring seems silly
<ZarroTsu> unless there's a spring ITEM
<ah2190> ^
<MIDIMonster> Heheh, spring item
<ZarroTsu> that drops a one-time use spring behind you, or thrown in front of you
<ZarroTsu> which would be awesome
<Senku_Niola> Screw barrier, add spring then
<ZarroTsu> when I say barrier I mean all barriers :x
<ZarroTsu> I mean it IS srb2 still
<ah2190> Indeed
<ZarroTsu> and they CAN be pretty cool items if done right
<MIDIMonster> Yeah, spring item seems an interesting idea
<Senku_Niola> Use as a shortcut or screw people up and throw it behind you near a turn/cliff
<ZarroTsu> heh
<MIDIMonster> Though, come to think of it
<MIDIMonster> Would it have much use in the current MK mode maps?
<ZarroTsu> trying to think of how many ways a spring can both fuck someone else and help you
<ZarroTsu> like a low ceiling, bounce a person into it's front
<MIDIMonster> Lol
<Senku_Niola> Throw in front of you, use it, player behind you attempts to use the spring, it poofs, pit, whee
<ah2190> Bye bye.
<ZarroTsu> or if there's a short wall that the track S-turns around then you can jump the bracket and shave off a good second
<ah2190> lulz
<ZarroTsu> problem is you have to be really skillful in throwing an item as to get its distance right
<MIDIMonster> Not to mention there'd actually have to be such a wall to use it on
<ZarroTsu> and another problem is if a map maker fucks the map in that jumping a wall means you miss a checkpoint
<Senku_Niola> player ahead of you, hit a boost pad, use your spring, fly over other player :D
<ZarroTsu> like black bliss zone
<ZarroTsu> ^@senku
<ZarroTsu> Jesus that makes bananas hit yourself so often
* Majro (~Majro@router.satan.cz) has joined #srb2fun
<ZarroTsu> actually
<ZarroTsu> more often it's when you boost into a spring and use an item
<ZarroTsu> so you could technically
<ZarroTsu> spring jump at the height of a spring
<Senku_Niola> I hit my own banana's all the time in MKWii somehow from throwing them BEHIND me >:<
<Senku_Niola> *bananas
<MIDIMonster> Heh
<ah2190> Double Jump
<ZarroTsu> ^
<ZarroTsu> whirlwind barrier followed by spring or vice versa
<MIDIMonster> Now the idea of a bumper item comes to mind
<Senku_Niola> red spring, oh god
<ZarroTsu> although if barrier is done right you wouldn't be able to use it until after you fire your item off
<ZarroTsu> UNLESS
<ZarroTsu> there's a button to activate barrier
<ZarroTsu> such as the flag throw button
<ZarroTsu> which would mean
<ZarroTsu> barriers would be different from items
<ZarroTsu> which is also a good possible idea
<ZarroTsu> maybe
<ZarroTsu> you get one at the end of a lap
<ZarroTsu> like a random item box only with barriers
<ah2190> Like how Weapon Rings are different from shields in Vanilla SRB2
<ZarroTsu> derp
<ZarroTsu> say the end of a lap it triggers a secondary item reel for barriers and you get the random single-use barrier
<Senku_Niola> 1st place gets OP barrier, oh well!
<ZarroTsu> nah
<ZarroTsu> first place would only get something like shield barrier
<ah2190> A weak shield barrier
<ZarroTsu> when I say shield barrier I mean it'll act like every other barrier's "absorb if hit" thing, but will instead reflect it
<Senku_Niola> Also red shells need fixing :<
<MIDIMonster> In what way, Senku
<ZarroTsu> unless we throw in the neutral barrier from sonic 1
<ZarroTsu> which is the dud item for first place people
<Senku_Niola> Follow the damn track to the nearest target ahead of you
<Senku_Niola> :<
<ah2190> Only lasts one hit, but certain items (Blue Shells) are not nulled by it
<ZarroTsu> yeh
<ZarroTsu> although shield barriers vs blue shell...?
<ZarroTsu> I suppose shield barrier would actually absorb the blue shell unphased
<ZarroTsu> but obviously not reflect it
<ZarroTsu> well
<ah2190> But it will short the whole shield out, no matter how strong it is
<ZarroTsu> maybe the shield barrier has two hits anyway
<Senku_Niola> reflect shield would bounce the shell behind you and hit anyone tailing you
<ZarroTsu> first hit reflects and can absorb the blue shell
<MIDIMonster> Then it'd be a Force Shield
<ZarroTsu> second hit is the dummy normal hit
<ZarroTsu> which absorbs shells but doesn't block blue shell
<ZarroTsu> person in first will always get the dummy half-shield
<ZarroTsu> which is still useful vs redshells and bananas
<ah2190> But useless against the Blue Shell
<ZarroTsu> duh
<Senku_Niola> lightning bolt?
<ZarroTsu> but single use hardly gives much of an edge
<ZarroTsu> yeah doesn't block lightning either
<ZarroTsu> maybe Armageddon
<Senku_Niola> Mega mushroom?
<ZarroTsu> if Armageddon is just an instant-banana-peel for everyone
<ZarroTsu> I question how it would block things like stars or megashrooms
<ah2190> Armageddon should ignore all shields, but keep them intact.
<ZarroTsu> <ah2190> Armageddon should ignore all shields, but keep them intact. <- sure
<ZarroTsu> person in last is most likely to get Armageddon anyway
<ZarroTsu> so the edge is needed