What I'd like to ask of you though: the fireballs are the main gimmick of this map as I see it, and it could be executed much better. I'd suggest making the fireballs larger in hitbox and in sprite size. (...)Fireballs should probably be everywhere around/close to items actually, they seem to be in places no one would go to.
Well at the moment, I'm not sure how I would go about doing that exactly, but I do like this idea and it's definitely something I could look into.
And yeah, I can honestly say that I just slapped those fireballs in, just for the sake of having something more to see, but now I realise it would be more beneficial to my level as a gimmick that can add a little more to the gameplay. Thanks!
A lot of the turns seem empty and unnecessary, this could be fixed by actually making them hazardous by adding obstacles after them, or boostpads along the inner edges of the stair turns (so better players will take a risk to get more speed)..
Hazardous turns and/or risky boostpads, got it!
There are those pits where players use springs to get over, may I suggest making straight roads before the springs, turning them into regular vertical ones, and adding fireballs under the pits (Adds to difficulty so players have to aim before they spring to the other side)?
Yeah, that'd be pretty cool actually! I'll definitely be doing that with my level, when I get round to it. ( Of course, that means the red springs area after the 5th checkpoint will be scrapped, but it'll be worth it anyway!) Much appreciated!
Lastly, the dash pads need to all be converted to boostpads, dash pads are NOT fun in kart mode unless they're at extremely hard to meet turns, which this map has none of..
Again, this is something I'll have to look into, seeing as I'm unsure how exactly to create boostpads.
However, there's these row of dash pads:
If I were to change them to boostpads, then the possibility of misaligning yourself with the platform would occur; what, with players being unable to see
WHERE EXACTLY they have to land, before approaching it (which may lead to annoying deaths that could pretty much make the difference between a win and loss). Not only that, but even if the player
WAS aligned with the platform, they'd constantly hit the barrier of the turn( Which'll become one heck of an annoyance.).
So for those reasons, only those dash pads will be staying, but I will change their appearance, so they ain't similar to boostpads. Speaking of those dash pads, I'll need to fix 'em so they can't be avoided. After playing the level a few more times, I somehow managed to zip right past them and fall to my death.
And the music needs to be a non default, I don't even think the current theme fits it at all. I'd suggest Volcano Valley Zone of Sonic 3D Blast Genesis (Act 2 would fit this better since this takes place outside).
I dunno. Although it may fit the level theme, the Act 2 music kinda sounds sad in my opinion and (as you implied)the Act 1 music is better suited to a more..."indoor"-based area.
Though at least we can agree on one thing:
Actually, it's not that the current theme doesn't fit at all, it's that it just seems boring in a Kart race.
And once more, I'll need to look into this to figure out how exactly to insert custom music and what not( Though I get the feeling it won't be too difficult anyway.).
Thanks for the feedback man!