SRB2 2.0.X Bug Reports (Pre-2.0.5)

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This happened when I was in a CTF netgame. We started playing in Icicle Falls. about 5 seconds down the line = Sigsev.

This lovely sigsev struck when I had the curiosity to find out just what Brak Eggman does to make the center platform go away, and jumped up to see. The instant he destroyed it, crash. Single player, 1280x800 resolution.
The transparency of flats ERZFAN1-4 and ERZFANR1-4 doesn't work with solid translucent FOFs, like CATFLR02 does.
For some reason, my Polyobject's linedef texture is rendering like it's a flat.

(Would this bug have anything to do with why SRB2 can't render flats on Polyobjects?)

This lovely sigsev struck when I had the curiosity to find out just what Brak Eggman does to make the center platform go away, and jumped up to see. The instant he destroyed it, crash. Single player, 1280x800 resolution.
Update: I'd say this is a serious bug, because I got it to happen again in Time Attack. (with the exact same EIP as last time, at that) Basically, if you witness the platform crumble on-screen, it's gonna crash.
Pressing alt + f6 lags any netgame (From what i've heard, and it seems to work too)

To the admins: Feel free to delete this message if necessary to prevent others from knowing this deadly prank.
Not sure if this has been fixed yet, but:

In a netgame, if any player takes damage and falls directly onto a slide, the game diagnoses this (incorrectly so) as a case of the "zombie bug" (because the player took damage, landed on a floor but didn't come out of the pain state), and the host is notified of this via spam in the console. It's really annoying, and I don't see how it could ever be helpful.

It's just some leftover testing code that was forgotten about. Fixed for next release.
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EIP=004a7718 on NAGZ, single player, as Knuckles. I had just cleared the Knuckles path and was arriving at the room with the missing texture.
If you go from 3D to 2D with the linedef executor, touch a starpost in 2D, and then die, you will respawn in 3D. I'm guessing that ERZ has starposts before entering 2D mode, I just can't remember right now.

This should be fixed, since it will get annoying to go into a long 2D area without a starpost somewhere in there.

(As Neo said, would require starposts to remember your 2D state. Probably not going to happen. ~Inuyasha)
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When you activate devmode in a mod, you lose ALL access to the mod's unlockables.

This means that you can't go to any of the mod's unlockable levels you already unlocked.
Also You then only have access to the Unmodded game's unlockables you unlocked.

Edot: Save file level select can access levels past the end level number in a mod if the levels have levelselect = 1 (or was this intended to be this way?)
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Not sure if this was already mentioned, but characters who can not spin can't use the wind shield's 'second' jump. Was this intentional?
Intangible FoFs + Friction of any type = Broken. :<

This worked in 1.09 I believe, it should be fixed for 2.0.5/.1.


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For some strange reason, Bosses are unfunctional in Mario Mode. It doesn't work even if set to end the level when the boss is defeated.
If you thok into a Brak Eggman missile, and ride the missile to the ground instead of jumping off, you will be unable to thok for one jump afterwords.

The source files SOCedit reads erroneously list MT_BLACKEGGMANMISSILE's (item #42) spawn state as 446 - S_BLACKEGG_MISSILE1, when it should be listed as 463 - S_BLACKEGG_MISSILE. Saving the "default" settings into an SOC achieves amusing results, to say the least.

Knuckles acts weird when clinging to walls in ERZ3. tap up, and you will start edging downward after you release the button, and vise versia. Here's a replay of it.
Here's an obscure one: Mario item blocks will forever display their normal texture, even after being emptied out, for every player which joined the map halfway in. I'd assume this is because the thinkers are initialized on level load, so essentially anyone who didn't join before the map switch see them as ordinary FOFs and don't touch the textures.
Popped monitors are not able to be carried by conveyor belts. This is a tiny issue in a map I'm making.
....Explain me this horrible glitch.(Notice the ping ownage)

Please use F8 for screenshots in the future when 2.0.5 is released. For now, you can work around the "F8 not working in menus" bug by typing "wait 300;screenshot" (or any decent amount of time in tics to replace 300), navigating to the menu, and waiting for the game to take the screenshot. ~Inuyasha
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F8 doesn't work in menus.

This, on the other hand, is most certainly a bug.
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Intangible FoFs + Friction of any type = Broken. :<

This worked in 1.09 I believe, it should be fixed for 2.0.5/.1.

I don't understand. If something is intangible, wouldn't there be zero friction?? O_o

If you want friction on a particular surface, tag it to the FOF's control sector representing that surface.
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