sr_blueheaven.wad - Blue Heaven SRB2 level pack

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Tets, the easiest way to fix all the OpenGL missing textures is to open the mod in Doom Builder and select the Fix Missing Textures. All missing textures will be filled with either a default texture or something else. Like in the second zone of the snow level, how your low thok barrier connects with a high thok barrier has a missing texture. As a level maker, you need to test your levels both in Software and Opengl. If you can't, then find a beta tester.
glaber said:
I believe that the reason is because they were just deleated.
Correct! Each third act was removed as the bosses were merged into the second act of each zone. I thought this was well documented, leave it to SMS to not get it. There's no reason the map numbers need to be contiguous, it's not going to confuse anyone. If I ever rearrange the zones, then the maps will all be contigous, but otherwise it's really not that important.

BlueZero4, that area gives me no problems in either renderer, and nobody else reported it from the little testing that I was able to get done. Unfortunately this means I can't fix whatever is going wrong in that area.

Espyo, in what way do you think the teleporter is broken? Just telling me it's broken isn't going to do a lot of good, I need details. I tested it just now and it works great.
Tets, I belive that area was the one you stated was so big it caused graphical glitches in software. I checked again, and it appears to only happen in the pit itself, not in the emerald token area, or the path leading from the spin tunnel. Also, it only happens when looking at certain angles. It also happens on the platform in the pit as well as the platform above. Screens here and here.
The area I was referring to in that statement, BlueZero4, is the large central area, which initially had problems with the draw distance resulting in HOM effects. It has nothing to do with the supposed problem in the waterfall pit, and was in fact fixed over two years ago.

I honestly can't find anything wrong with the pit at the end. I've run around there and looked at it from all angles in both software and opengl renderers and can find absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I have no idea how to fix it, as I don't see a problem there at all, and it doesn't seem like anyone else does either.
I've seen that error myself, Tets. He's not making it up. It only happens in software, but it's a pretty gaping renderer error. You'll know when you find it.
I see no reason to assume he was making it up, but I still was unable to reproduce it myself no matter how I looked at that area. Regardless, I did move some linedefs around a bit in the area in an honest effort to eliminate the problem. I've found that whenever I encounter a totally baffling renderer error, moving things around tends to fix it. We'll see how it turned out once I release the next version.
I've finally gotten around to playing through it. I'm up to MWZ1 right now. And I've found some visual glitches (in Software mode, if you couldn't tell). For the record, I had SA-SRB2.wad (for the music and textures), Silver2.wad and the latest Psionicamy.wad activated too.
In Dark Pallisaides Zone Act 2.
In Burning Cavern Zone Act 2. I took two shots of this one.
Also in BCZ2.

Mod edit (long in coming): Changed the images to links in the interests of keeping the page easy to read.
I'm disgusted with the enemy placement. Yeah, it's real fun to be a Sonic and Jump into/on a Crawla and plummet to my doom.

Fucking Burning Cavern.
The end of BCZ2 has a pit of lava you drain in SP mode. At least in Race, there's no way to get out of that pit without switching to Tails/Knuckles.

I found this a long time ago but forgot about it. As you can see, the brick textures are used on the snow.

I forgot where it was exactly, and in what zone, but you might find it.
I can only assume I fixed that area long ago, I can't find it anywhere.

Also, new release. I've tweaked the enemy placement in a lot of the maps and filled in some of the death pits in Frigid Peak. Those ridiculous renderer errors are probably still there. That's a fix for another day.
Look what I found,


This is the area the SNOW BRICK was found. Also, seems to me there's a missing texture right where I'm at. FPZ2

REDWALL, can be fully seen if you move close.*No ceiling over laps the REDWALL* FPZ2

Missing side texture for snow.*Mostly found in FPZ 1-2*

Does this look normal? Is it suppose to overlap a brick texture with snow?

SRB2Doombuilding errors.

This may be the cause of the errors, you have a alot of crossing over LINEDEFs,which can cause some bugs to the MAP, seems you got alot crossing over LINEDEFs.

This was during a netgame in race.
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