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Sonic Robo Blast 2: DX!!!!!!!!!

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I think you'd need to know some SOC coding. I'm sure Blaze is an expert in that division, but it dun sound so hard. Anyone have a good SOC editor?
EVERYONE knows C programming!

No, seriously, why do you ask? The idea of SOCs is you don't have to know C programming.
sry, but I might have no updates for about a week. I lost my wireless internet on my PC for some reason, and I'm using my parents laptop for the internet. My whole house has 4 computers hooked into the wireless network, but I'm only aloud to use my computer and my parents laptop.

Oh well, in the meantime, I'll be playing 4-6 year old Playstation games... and working...

EDIT: Legend of Dragoon roxers! I'm going to make progress info in my sig!!!
SS005 said:
There is no Sonic Heroes model avaible... i think :? .
But.......... I finished SADX Sonic!!! :D :mrgreen:
But it's playable, and some sprites are same as the other.
Who will host SADX-Sonic.wad? Cy-Chan? or someone else?

Next version coming out when i get (or wen i take a screenshot) more sprites :mrgreen: .
I... can't...wait!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

so happy, so happy!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

<images removed for quote's sanity>

The colors look kinda cool (especially when the game is brighten up), he IS big, but that doesn't matter for me :wink: .
Instead of making the frames all smaller like you did, why not use this "huge" character and shrink the frames using hires in the S_Skin lump? Yeah, it's insane and useless, but it might just work here... I dunno... I'll try it myself, actually

Oh, btw, Blaze is alright with SOC editing, but I'm a master of all SRB2 technology. I know and use everything. A lot of fools steal stuff from me and it's annoying... :evil: Just look at the recent stuff on my website... Chao World SRB, JTE's Pad, SPMoves... I've mastered everything from the most advanced linedef executors to the toughest Maincfg'ed enemys. Can't touch this! :twisted: Oh, if you didn't notice, while I was gone forever ago, I changed my style conciderably. I'm no longer the little kid who made a level called "Green Hill DM Zone" or "Jason's Base"... I'm more twisted now, thanks to my extreme amounts of time among people in this community. :twisted:
Code for you? Code what? Unless you want to have a full set of SA1-style abilitys and power-ups and stuff that you find, you shouldn't need any programming at all. :P
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