Sonic PSP and Sonic Collection 2 announced

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bigboi said:
Overrated? OVERRATED!?!?!?!?! WTF are you talking about? Sonic 2 is the best game ever! At least, IMO......
If you must know, I feel that way because it always seems to be the one that gets the most credit. I have played through it several times, and I will admit to its awesomeness, but I still feel the aforementioned games did the same thing and did it better. No offense, really.

BTW, on a slight tangent, am I the only one who's ever been bothered by how the score bar thing in the top right is uneven? I mean, would it have KILLED them to put an extra "R" at the end of "TIME"?
I just beat Sonic CD a few minutes ago. (Well almost, I missed one time stone and the inter-dimentional machine in MM Zone 2). You know what makes it great? Lots and lots of pathways in the levels. Gives it great replay value. That's one of the reasons why I like Sonic CD the best. Of course, there are other great things about Sonic CD as well...
When I said that it looked like the best game ever, I simply meant that it looks like the best NextGen Sonic game thus far (Not that there's much competition... *cough*Shadow*cough*). We all know that there will never be another Sonic game equal to it's 16-bit predecessors.
Ritz said:
When I said that it looked like the best game ever, I simply meant that it looks like the best NextGen Sonic game thus far (Not that there's much competition... *cough*Shadow*cough*). We all know that there will never be another Sonic game equal to it's 18-bit predecessors. mean 16-bit? >.>
Actually, you can only do it in the order so that there is a difference of 2, because the word difference refers to subtraction, and subtraction is usually done like that.

I could be wrong, though. :?
Yeah, you are. He only listed the numbers, not the order in which to subtract them, and as you know, while the answers will differ, subtraction can be done in any order. I can subtract 2 from 1 and get -1.
Mystic said:
I personally think Sonic 2 is the most cohesive and well put together of them. Sonic 3K has many more stages, which makes it more fun to play in a large sitting, and Sonic CD has some of the most interesting gameplay.

They're all the best at something. I personally prefer Sonic 2 because of the cohesiveness, but that's only if I have to pick a favorite.

Somebody, please answer me; am I the only one on the planet who HATES, and I mean *HATES* Sonic 3/Knuckles? The gameplay was uneven, the graphics were friggin' awful, the 2P reeked with as much last-minute-afterthought as the Sonic Heroes special stages, and.. well, the whole thing's just a joke.

Me? I like Sonic Adventure 1 best. Bring on the flames.
*flames Omega* Okay, not really.

Sure the 2P stages suck, I mean they REALLY suck. But the rest of the game is alright, but it isn't nearly as good as anything in Sonic 2..
I also prefer Sonic Adventure 1 over Sonic 3&k, too, though. :P

*hides under a table*
I love Sonic 3 and Knuckles, mainly for the things that gives it flaws. The fact that it's two games attached to each other makes it REALLY long, and the stages are much longer than Sonic 1/2 as well. This gives the game a real ton of area to explore, making it last a lot longer to look for secrets, hidden paths, and all that other good stuff.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is a good game simply because of how much there is to see and do, pretty much.

Doomsday didn't hurt, either ^_~
S3K is OK. It has no real good reason to play after you're done, though.
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