[Open Assets] Restrict Skins! (RestrictSkins.lua)

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Hey, after a lot of fixing, I finally finished, RESTRICT Skins!

What does Restrict Skins do?!

Basically, it restricts skins from being used, and if you used the restricted skin on the certain gametype (Or any!) you may meet a terrible end...

On default the restricted skin is set to Knuckles, and it is restricted on Co-op and Race, but these can be changed!

This is perfect for servers! Also intended for servers. :)

How do I change it to my liking?!​

Read this...
1. If you dont want to restrict any gametype, delete ALL of line 3. If you do, read on...
These are the things you can use here.
GT_COOP == Co-op and Single Player
GT_COMPETITION == Competition and Classic Race
GT_MATCH == Match
GT_TEAMMATCH == Team Match
GT_TAG == Tag
GT_HIDEANDSEEK == Hide and Seek
GT_CTF == Capture the Flag

Add these, like so.

if (gametype == GT_COOP or gametype == GT_RACE or gametype == GT_MATCH)

2. Set what skin you want to restrict.

3. You change the character it says you was slaughtered for using, or completely change it!

4(Optional). You can change what it does to the player, but this is entirely optional.

Special Thanks to all the people that helped.



  • RestrictSkins.zip
    463 bytes · Views: 503
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Ack, I'm really sorry that this has been shafted and has been sat in submissions for so long.

I finally got around to testing this, and it works fine with all of the vanilla skins and custom skins too. So I'd say this is good to go.
This REALLY changes things, making matches, races, and other things fair.
So it's basically forceskin in lua form? Who needs that?
Acctually this was made to restrict speciwik character ex.You don't want to make player to play as Knuckles but this lua allows you to play as Sonic or Tails while Knuckles is restricted.That's why that lua was made in first place!
Basically, its reverse skin restriction. Instead of being stuck with Knux and not playing as Sonic and tails, now you can play as sonic and tails, and knux players won't be on field. Its nifty in-case you are trying to show off a wad character that sonic can be better than.
Normally, I couldnt ever see much use for this, but i'd imagine others would enjoy this more snow.
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