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Pizza Tower map: John Gutter

Man, John Gutter be looking differnt%
Screenshot (3390).png
do you plan on adding custom textures?
I do but I'm lazy right now and would rather work on the map than textures.
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I'll leave it here if anyone wants to save me the time of converting John Gutter's textures for SRB2.

I'd be cool with it. B)
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I guess that could include reskinning/making new enemies. But that's probably a lot more work so I don't think that's happening for the map.
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Not super happy with the ceiling for this room, any suggestions?
View attachment 104682
lookin' good! I think the ceiling looks good as it is, but I don't really like the meshing of the ATZ textures with the John Gutter ones. Also, you are kind of misusing the pillar textures I sent you, those are meant to be skyboxes, not regular textures. You can apply skyboxes by first adding Skynum = *skynumber* to the level header, (I included 2 skyboxes, each having a number of 101 and 102). If you then apply the flat F_SKY1 to a small sector at the edge, then bring that down, you will have a skybox on the wall. Other that, this looks awesome!
lookin' good! I think the ceiling looks good as it is, but I don't really like the meshing of the ATZ textures with the John Gutter ones. Also, you are kind of misusing the pillar textures I sent you, those are meant to be skyboxes, not regular textures. You can apply skyboxes by first adding Skynum = *skynumber* to the level header, (I included 2 skyboxes, each having a number of 101 and 102). If you then apply the flat F_SKY1 to a small sector at the edge, then bring that down, you will have a skybox on the wall. Other that, this looks awesome!
Well, first off I don't really have a choice for the textures since I don't have anything appropriate for wall textures. (even if I had every texture from JG, there is nothing I really could use, and would need custom textures. So for the time being, it's just going to be like that.)

Next, I'm just kind of letting the skybox still be there until I can figure that out. Not really a text person but thanks for the head start.
Alright, John is almost done. All that is left is Music which I'm searching for and Skybox mishaps.

Hopefully, it won't take that long to get those two things, also yeah there will probably be an update to the map.
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Well, I got the music... I'm now trying to get the level to play the music.
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Screenshot (296).png

does this help with the music? (O_LAKE is just the song name i used for my level just to let you know, idk how experienced you are with this stuff so eh). the SRB2 wiki is very helpful if you need any more help!
View attachment 104889
does this help with the music? (O_LAKE is just the song name i used for my level just to let you know, idk how experienced you are with this stuff so eh). the SRB2 wiki is very helpful if you need any more help!
No, I'm very inexperienced. This is my first map ever, Thank you for the info. c:
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Alright, it's here. John Gutter 1.0 for public testing. Please give me feedback and I probably make updates to the map when the time comes.

As for other PT maps it be nice to do but due to the structure of the level design. If a level has a power-up the is a need to kill a rat It makes some parts of the level pointless and I don't feel like dealing with that. (There can be exceptions like WAR or Pep Factory since the level design is still fine without rats but yeah)

My best thought on this is if anyone wants to make a custom wad that adds a new shield or shield, in general, can destroy an entity that acts similar to a wall. (a.k.a. big old rats, I guess if the shield could only destroy a certain type of wall that would work as well)
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As for me, I will be away for awhile so if anyone doesn't here back from me... you know why.


  • JohnGutter.wad
    3.4 MB · Views: 508
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this was a pretty neat level when i eventually got it working. ok so the textures and music didnt load so i did some learning of my own to figure this out cause im also just starting to make maps. so first you need to make 2 new folders in the PK3, a "Maps" folder and a "SOC" folder (exactly as typed here just without the quotations). you then have to remove the PK3 from the wad since the PK3 is the main file to load. then remove the maincfg from the wad and move it to the SOC folder. then move the map wad into the Maps folder and save all that and it all works! now for actual level design i thought it was pretty good! very spacious i like it! but you cant make it up some of the sloped ramps with a spindash or running due to their shape.
ramp uh oh.png
you cant run up this shape you just get stopped they need to look more something like this:
ramp good.png
more of a gradual incline i guess. but other than all that its pretty good so far!
Oh right, I forgot about the textures. Here they are. I really should buddle these two together.

Also, I'll think about maybe making the slops rounded but I also like ramp jumping.
this was a pretty neat level when i eventually got it working. ok so the textures and music didnt load so i did some learning of my own to figure this out cause im also just starting to make maps. so first you need to make 2 new folders in the PK3, a "Maps" folder and a "SOC" folder (exactly as typed here just without the quotations). you then have to remove the PK3 from the wad since the PK3 is the main file to load. then remove the maincfg from the wad and move it to the SOC folder. then move the map wad into the Maps folder and save all that and it all works! now for actual level design i thought it was pretty good! very spacious i like it! but you cant make it up some of the sloped ramps with a spindash or running due to their shape. View attachment 104892 you cant run up this shape you just get stopped they need to look more something like this: View attachment 104893 more of a gradual incline i guess. but other than all that its pretty good so far!


  • MAP02.wad
    4.4 KB · Views: 261
well it just didnt load any of the textures and music when the zip was in the wad, that why i gave that small tutorial on how to make it the other way around.

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