Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models

Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models V1.9c - Were Back!

great mod but uhh sonic's eyes sometimes overlaps over his brow?
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I think I might have messed up installing it, for some reason Tails, have no hug or Milne dance animation, he just stands still with no both of his Tails gone.

Edit: I'm retarded.
dude dont say slurs on the message board


  • Screenshot 2024-01-21 133149.png
    Screenshot 2024-01-21 133149.png
    99.8 KB · Views: 81
great mod but uhh sonic's eyes sometimes overlaps over his brow?
it's a modeling thing that happens with every character in this pack
since the brow is flat instead of sticking out of the head, the eye image goes beyond the brow
Rule 15: Do not request people to make entire features or mods for you. Do use our wiki and the Guides section for help making them yourself, and use the forum or our Discord server to get more help. Suggestions for base SRB2 go in the Suggestions thread.
we should have Update 2.0: Chaos and Horns (rest of the chaotix and silverhorn)
*SNIFF* bad news,,,
sa sonic got updates to have 57 NEW FRAMES,,
*SIGH,,,,* i guess i gotta get back to srb2 modeling AGAIN,,,
balloon ii.png