Ok, this is absolutely insane.

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Kaysakado said:
Penopat said:
Honestly, let's all just be glad that we don't have the ghettoest black person that ever came into srb2fun on here.
lol racism
More like inside-joke. He's referencing GKWX2, a user that came around about 4 years ago and was the stupidest person we had ever seen.

Here's the reference, from a website Mystic backed-up after Freewebs took it down: http://mystic.sepwich.com/moron/web/maturepeople.htm
I'm really quite surprised that FF didn't mention that /moron/ contained (hilariously bad) vulgar, mature humor.
Well, Spazzo just linked me to this topic, so I'd assume he expects me to chime in with pleas of retribution. Well, I'm not doing that. First of all, it should be said that I don't really consider myself to be an "oldbie"; I've only really been around for four years of the nigh-decade that this community has existed. By this mindset, none of the people advocating intelligent discussion within this topic are oldbies, either. In fact, come four more years' time, Sykotic, On Edge and the rest of the newbies are going to be calling themselves oldbies, and by that time, they'll probably be lamenting the changes the community, as they perceived it, has further undergone, just as we are now.

To be perfectly honest, in retrospect, I don't think the community was ever intelligent to begin with. Not to say that I didn't enjoy my stay here, because that obviously isn't the case. This was the first forum I ever joined; it served as the catalyst to my development as a strapping young internet denizen, it molded me into the respectable, handsome cretin I am today by serving as a buffer for my stupidity back when I was too shy to join The GHZ, which was a far more intimidating forum in comparison. This forum has served as a much larger part of my "life" than I'm willing to admit, which is why it was so saddening to see it go! But then I got over it.

See what I did there? There were people here who thought I was funny, and the people who hated me because I thought I was funny. When the latter made that much clear, I thought, "Man, screw SRB2! I'm too good for this, I'll find another, better community." And I did. Several of them. And I don't often look back. See what I'm getting at? This is the reason the oldbies leave, and the newbies stick around: The newbies don't know any better. They like what they see because they haven't seen anything else. On the other hand, when the oldbies become dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, they spread their wings and move on to bigger, better things, be it life, or just another community.

Many of you are most likely nearing that threshold now. It's too late to change anything- it's just shoveling sand against the tide. If you can't stand the way things are, your only recourse is to move on. It is the nature of all things to degrade with the passage of time. It is also the nature of the internet community to degrade as it's userbase becomes saturated. It'll only keep getting worse until SRB2 dies, and the members peter off. Perhaps, at that point, when the userbase is back to a manageable size, the community will become the close-knit haunt it once was, and the cycle will start anew. But we'll all be long gone by then.

I understand that many of you won't immediately take this essay to heart; you'll keep fighting for the forum you once knew. But, in the end, you'll all come to see things my way. So long, SRB2MB, I hardly knew ye~

P.S: It's also amusing that the only time any intelligent discussion ever occurs here is when the forum's collective intelligence is being called into question. Perhaps all that needs to be done to shape things up around here is to replace the "Helpful Links" box with a big, fat message exclaiming "OH MY GOD YOU ARE SUCH A ****ING RETARD."?
Ritz, I'd just like to note that you're speaking strictly in light of staying around the SRB2MB for the sake of the community. I think I'll be sticking around as long as I'm enjoying making maps for SRB2, in some way or another.

Although honestly, I can't help but feel that Some Guy liked making maps but wasn't entirely sticking around for the community. He just drops by with a new match map every now and then, and he's off...
The whole custom WAD aspect of SRB2 is what's kept it alive for so long, but now that the seasoned mappers have all but lost interest in the game, there really is absolutely no incentive to stick around. You may fancy yourself to be a fine wadder, but, to be frank, I don't recall ever seeing anything decent from you. Sorry to say, but until you create something worthy of note, I'd attribute you to the demographic the "oldbies" are trying to do away with.

Also, I'm just going to go ahead and say that all it'll take to restore my interest in the community, if only for one fleeting moment, is one good map. That's just how crucial the custom maps are to the SRB2 economy; the community is gone, but the game is what really counts.
Ever played Nuclear Sunset?

I also need to have you understand that every one of your "seasoned mappers" started out as a newbie. If this community is ever going to go anywhere, more newbies need to become "seasoned mappers." Unless you expect the people who have been making maps since the beginning of SRB2 to be the ones generating all the new stuff.

Since that is obviously not going to be the case, go start trying the new stuff. Go play Torgo's SRB1 Remake. Go play Kuja's Emerald Isles co-op mod. Go play Jazz Attack. Did I mention that you should go play Nuclear Sunset?

In all seriousness, you may say that none of these are up to the standards of your "seasoned mappers" but, given time, the "up-and-coming mappers" are the future of this community.

The only way any community grows is by new people creating new things, period.
I love how while I was gone, we've managed to create a completely retarded topic about how the forum is now devoid of intelligence, pretty much proving the point.

As I said in the first reply, if you want more intelligence on this forum, complaining about it isn't going to help. Try the following:

* Create an intelligent netgame and advertise it on the master server, and often.
* Create good original content, such as a new map pack that doesn't suck.
* Create interesting topics on the forum, and continue the conversation in them instead of letting them die.

The other unavoidable fact is that we're NEVER going to go back to the tiny community we used to be. If you want that, try #srb2fun or even the original #srb2 (which pretty much shows what happens to old communities that stagnate.)

We try around here to keep the forum to a basic level of "not moronic", but we aren't omnipotent and we aren't here 24/7, so you're going to find topics that are stupid and haven't been locked yet. IGNORE THEM. Then we can simply lock them with zero fanfare. Part of the problem is that responding to stupid topics makes MORE stupidity.

There is no simple solution to this problem. Please, don't be part of the problem.
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