Ok, this is absolutely insane.

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"I want to speak to the manager of the facility!"

What the hell has happened here? The forum has been utterly DEVOID of intelligent activity for the last 2 months or so, not to mention that a good number of oldbies have just -stopped- coming here, all at once. It almost feels as if you guys have completely GIVEN UP on the forums entirely, and just let this faggotry run right through the MB. I have never in my 2.5 years of being here see the community be reshaped in a matter of months.

This doesn't sound like the SRB2MB I remember, and if this keeps up, it's likely to become the forgotten SRB2MB.

Now, all may not be lost - as long as you guys (mod team) apply yourselves and find a way to mend the forum back into proper shape, there may be a chance for recovery. However, from what I've experienced here, this is unlikely at best, and will probably just fizzle the community for a second, before "n00bifying" once again.
This has been pointed out time and time again, and the reality is that there isn't anything new to talk about, so the community isn't going anywhere. Less intelligent discussion means that the stupid crap is all you see.

You want more intelligent discussion? You're going to have to make something interesting to talk about.
Are you saying my VC thread was "deviod" of intelligence?
* Not taking this offensively *
Forums usually have intelligence, but sometimes you may just have to look harder to find the intelligent threads and posts.
I just knew that Mystic would be the first to reply, given that this isn't the first time we've discussed this issue.

Mystic said:
You want more intelligent discussion? You're going to have to make something interesting to talk about.

I could easily debate how SRB2 is near-stagnant at this point, pointing fingers at STJr. for laziness, but that is also nothing new to either of us, so no sense debating over an old issue.

In terms of "finding/making interesting stuff", I'm pretty sure that most of us here have had our fair share in that department, with little or no impact. Most of the "interesting things" that have happened here (as appreciated as it is) has become so rare that most people have stopped waiting for it to come. I mean, to be honest, the last interesting/new thing to happen here that I remember was the Ventrilo server (no advertisement intended).

Forums usually have intelligence, but sometimes you may just have to look harder to find the intelligent threads and posts.
Unfortunately, "look back 5-8 pages of threads" can be substituted for "look harder" nowadays.
Spazzo said:
Forums usually have intelligence, but sometimes you may just have to look harder to find the intelligent threads and posts.
Unfortunately, "look back 5-8 pages of threads" can be substituted for "look harder" nowadays.

Well... I can count at least 1 intelligent thread on each board.
Does that count...? >.>
I haven't been on the MB in a while but things do look alot better then they have previously this year. I'm not completley fine with how its running but can you ever be with a messege board so large?
akirahedgehog said:
I haven't been on the MB in a while but things do look alot better then they have previously this year. I'm not completley fine with how its running but can you ever be with a messege board so large?
Yup, it's better than what it was in the beginning of this year and in late 2006, when we had a noob-spree, but still a far cry from how things were two years and half ago. But I think that time naturally leads to stagnation.
Heck, two years ago we were still talking about 1.09, now we have 1.09.4 and we have only the last 1.1 release to await.
And SRB2 was newer back then than it is now.
Better or not, it's still not "good", in my eyes.

Well... I can count at least 1 intelligent thread on each board.

If that's true, then there is no way that the state of the MB is "better" than it was before.
Devoid of intelligent activity? First, tell us what fucking constitutes as intelligent. Since half of us don't even know what constitutes as intelligent discussion, in whose eyes? Not ours, since most of the community is a bunch of stupid fags. Face it, you know you want to say it. But none of us know what is intelligent. No, oldbies are the only ones who know these things. Know what I think?


They've set such a high goddamned standard for this motherfucking forum of intelligent bastards, but you don't even know what intelligent is. No, what's intelligent is what you want to hear. I think that this forum is very fine in intelligence. It's just the stupid fuckers who ruin it for everyone. Everyone has to deal with this hypocritical bull shit known as intelligence because of lingering unwelcome oldbies. Yeah, I said it. Unwelcome. Sure, I like having a smart conversation as much as the next guy, but saying that a forum is devoid is just fucking stupid.

If you want intelligence, then go talk with your oldbie friends. Don't bring your stupid jackass intelligent required hypocrisy to a forum. I'm certain that the majority, which are NON OLDBIE USERS, don't give a shit about the intelligent discussion, so long as they can enjoy themselves on a forum. Face it, goddamn it!
Personally, it just seems like staff action isn't fast enough anymore. I have gotten a page or two talking with a n00b before he got banned. I swear...

Not that it helps, I'm still making maps, although not entirely very quickly at all. >_>
BlueZero4 said:
Personally, it just seems like staff action isn't fast enough anymore. I have gotten a page or two talking with a n00b before he got banned. I swear...

Not that it helps, I'm still making maps, although not entirely very quickly at all. >_>

As it is, if you see a person act like a noob, the best thing to do is to ignore what they say and continue talking as if nothing has happened. We do get around to banning people. So it doesn't happen as quickly as you would like it, the main point is that we will get them banned if they break the rules. So I will say it again: If there are people breaking the rules, either don't post at all if they created the topic or ignore them. We will get around to banning them in due course. If everyone can follow that, then there won't be "two pages of a noob talking" because there will be nothing for the noob to respond to since you ignored him.

Now back to the main topic. I feel that the forum is good enough. No forum can be perfect. That is why the admins are here. If you guys want to make forum interesting, go ahead and make good wads and such. Otherwise, you aren't making the situation any better than it is.
Sykotic said:
Devoid of intelligent activity? First, tell us what **** constitutes as intelligent. Since half of us don't even know what constitutes as intelligent discussion, in whose eyes? Not ours, since most of the community is a bunch of stupid fags. Face it, you know you want to say it. But none of us know what is intelligent. No, oldbies are the only ones who know these things.

Alright, find us 10 recent intelligent topics. Ones devoid of spam and garbage. The new people have generally proven that they're incapable of actually being intelligent. Oh, sure, there are a few exceptions, but they're extremely outweighed by the idiots that join every day and post useless garbage.

Sykotic said:
Know what I think?


That's right let's all (CAPS, BOLD, AND ASTERISKS!) the oldbies, the people who made this once-great community what it was, and helped in the development of many of the things you use every day. Because they clearly were so incompetent and didn't know how to behave, and caused the current situation.

Sykotic said:
They've set such a high goddamned standard for this **** forum of intelligent bastards, but you don't even know what intelligent is. No, what's intelligent is what you want to hear. I think that this forum is very fine in intelligence. It's just the stupid **** who ruin it for everyone. Everyone has to deal with this hypocritical bull **** known as intelligence because of lingering unwelcome oldbies. Yeah, I said it. Unwelcome. Sure, I like having a smart conversation as much as the next guy, but saying that a forum is devoid is just **** stupid.

Right, clearly the posts that have no grammar, display no common sense, refuse to read the rules, and the like, are all caused by the older users of this message board. There's no "hypocrisy" here (Examples of such, please). The fact of the matter is that this forum is devoid of general intelligence.

Sykotic said:
If you want intelligence, then go talk with your oldbie friends. Don't bring your stupid jackass intelligent required hypocrisy to a forum. I'm certain that the majority, which are NON OLDBIE USERS, don't give a **** about the intelligent discussion, so long as they can enjoy themselves on a forum. Face it, goddamn it!

Ah, but this forum isn't designed for users to do whatever the hell they feel like. It's designed for intelligent discussion of SRB2, editing SRB2, and other topics. It always has been. There was a point in time where the rules were lax, and people could actually post a few nonsense things without trouble. But that became so rampant among the (*gasp*) newer users that refused to read the rules and adhere to the warnings given to them by the staff that stricter policies and swifter action became necessary.

I'm sorry you don't like the apparent bias on new people, but the fact of the matter is that they are almost always total morons. The few that aren't are easily accepted into the community. So, in fact, there is no bias on new people. Just the blatant and total idiocy that almost every single one of them bring with them.
I think I understood what you said, but let me clarify, for myself, and for a few others. So, basicly, alot of the new users use "chtspk" and posted unreadable garbage so much that the rules became more strict to keep it under control. But, a lot of them didn't read the rules, so they got banned for it. a lot of them never learned there lesson, so they were not accepted into this community, and very few newbies are accepted (kinda like me *shot*.) Honestly, it is out of control, here, and on the MS, and I do my best to keep it clean, but that is for another time.

Am I correct?
Sumakima said:
I think I understood what you said, but let me clarify, for myself, and for a few others. So, basicly, alot of the new users use "chtspk" and posted unreadable garbage so much that the rules became more strict to keep it under control. But, a lot of them didn't read the rules, so they got banned for it. a lot of them never learned there lesson, so they were not accepted into this community, and very few newbies are accepted (kinda like me *shot*.) Honestly, it is out of control, here, and on the MS, and I do my best to keep it clean, but that is for another time.

Am I correct?

Well, it's not the chatspeak that caused this new age of strict rules and swift bans, it's the general idiocy new users are bringing in. There are some VERY rare exceptions where people are just naive and have to get used to the strict system on this community (newbies), and then there are idiots who refuse to read the rules and in the process get banned for it (n00bs). Now that the rules are VERY strict, the admins can easily point out who the idiots are, and swat them as soon as possible. As you can see recently, a large percentage of newbies get banned now. It's a shame that the standards are very high here and people just can't be bothered or even intentionally don't read the rules anymore.
Sykotic said:
Devoid of intelligent activity?
Yes, yes, people always going "OH LOL WENS 1.1 GUNNA BE OUT AND WEARS DAT SILVER SCKIN?" is a sign of intellegence?

Sykotic said:
First, tell us what **** constitutes as intelligent.
Stuff that isn't what I said above.

Sykotic said:
But none of us know what is intelligent.
I'm guessing you don't either, then.

Sykotic said:
You too.

Sykotic said:
Everyone has to deal with this hypocritical bull **** known as intelligence because of lingering unwelcome oldbies.
Isn't this why you always tell us not to stupid things?

Sykotic said:
Sure, I like having a smart conversation as much as the next guy, but saying that a forum is devoid is just **** stupid.
Saying it's full of it isnt quite right either.

Sykotic said:
If you want intelligence, then go talk with your oldbie friends.
I know, people on here WITH A MIND.

Sykotic said:
Don't bring your stupid jackass intelligent required hypocrisy to a forum.
Don't bring yours to ours.

Sykotic said:
...so long as they can enjoy themselves on a forum.
Um, isn't that why we don't want the stupidity? DUH?

[/rantish post thing]
What I think is going on is that SRB2 is becoming more popular, causing a flood of n00bs, which causes people no longer caring about about the MB
This being the first actual intelligent discussion on the SRB2MB in a while as it seems from my eyes.

On a completely different related note, everything Chaos said before about Sykotic made me laugh. Seriously Sykotic, you need to calm the fuck down.
nitro_the_hedghog said:
What I think is going on is that SRB2 is becoming more popular, causing a flood of n00bs, which causes people no longer caring about about the MB

Quoted for truth. This is one of the many reasons why the MB is getting stupider members.
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