Ok, this is absolutely insane.

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If you want the community back like it was pre-1.09, don't count on it. Back before then the community was so small that everyone knew everyone else. We knew what to expect from all of the other users in the community. When 1.09 came out, we started hitting huge growth spurts, and we've been growing ever since. As the "How did you come across SRB2?" topic shows, we've been posted on a large number of popular websites since then, and have users flooding in from all of them simultaneously. Granted, the community can be better than it is now, but it will likely never be back to the state it was in before 1.09 came out.

We administrators are doing everything in our power to enforce the rules and try to make things better for everyone, but we can't do it alone. We can't make intelligent people play netgames. We can't make intelligent people make wads. We can't make intelligent people post. That's all up to you guys. If you want netgames that aren't n00b-infested recolor wars, start playing and hosting online more. Want better levels? Make them! Need better topics? Come up with stuff to post about. If rule-violators come in your topic, do like Sonict said and just ignore them until we can deal with them. This isn't just one person's problem or one group of people's problem. This is a community problem, and we're all going to have to work together to fix it.
FuriousFox, unfortunately many people in the community just aren't willing to help, just complain and not do anything about the problem, or even make it worse by rubbing n00bs idiocy in their faces making them hate the community and post even more idiotic posts. Yes, the flood of n00bs is enormous and the staff are doing their best to control it, but we're making it much harder to do by complaining, taking notice of idiots and insulting them and backseat moderating. This is a group effort, guys. We need to do everything in our limited power to help the community.
BlueZero4 said:
Personally, it just seems like staff action isn't fast enough anymore. I have gotten a page or two talking with a n00b before he got banned. I swear...

Not that it helps, I'm still making maps, although not entirely very quickly at all. >_>
If Anyone Could Give Me Any Ideas Than Thank You I Need Help And Ideas For A New Map For SRB2 Please Help Me Out And Thank You

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Azure Hawk

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:01 pm Post subject:


How about, Metal Furnace

A level with fire and metal? There you go, I'll let you elaborate for yourself
The blinks adventure:
2D platformer coming to PC soon!

Sonic robo blast 2>Sonic heroes by a LONG way

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Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:21 pm Post subject:


First things first, topics in the levels section of the forum need download links of finished products. You might've wanted to post this somewhere else.

And second, can't you come up with your own ideas? Until then, you could always pick a texture set and run with it, but...
<ST218> <06> <ST218> BZ, with all due respect, as you're fairly intelligent
<ST218> <06> <ST218> You're an idiot

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Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:32 pm Post subject:


Somone plz lockthis...
Super Kirby is about to shoot lazer beams out his eyes! <(◎Θ◎)>

Your talking about this Topic right?* I waited for someone to lock that topic for like about 4 hours...
ninja said:
BlueZero4 said:
Personally, it just seems like staff action isn't fast enough anymore. I have gotten a page or two talking with a n00b before he got banned. I swear...

Not that it helps, I'm still making maps, although not entirely very quickly at all. >_>
Insert huge wall of text here

Your talking about this Topic right?* I waited for someone to lock that topic for like about 4 hours...

Ninja, you are not allowed to even request a lock. If we feel it needs locking, we will deal with it. Also, so it took four hours, who cares? We do deal with them when we get to them.
FuriousFox said:
We administrators are doing everything in our power to enforce the rules and try to make things better for everyone, but we can't do it alone. We can't make intelligent people play netgames. We can't make intelligent people make wads. We can't make intelligent people post.

In all honesty, I can't say that I haven't tried that route in the past. I HAVE tried making things better for everybody, in many different ways. I've tried to play as many netgames as I could. I've tried to (and stepped down from) manage an intelligent wiki to give newcomers and oldbies alike a good resource tool. I've tried (and also stepped down from) to provide a refreshing SRB2 experience with the Ventrilo Server. I've made plenty of wads (and even a level pack) in my time being here, and I've tried my hardest to prove that intelligent conversation can indeed exist here. None if that really worked. Not to boast, but there aren't many people who care about the quality of the community like I do, hence I'd hate to see it all go to waste.

I am willing, and I am able. I'm just outnumbered by those who are exempt from either of those categories.
Spazzo said:
FuriousFox said:
We administrators are doing everything in our power to enforce the rules and try to make things better for everyone, but we can't do it alone. We can't make intelligent people play netgames. We can't make intelligent people make wads. We can't make intelligent people post.

In all honesty, I can't say that I haven't tried that route in the past. I HAVE tried making things better for everybody, in many different ways. I've tried to play as many netgames as I could. I've tried to (and stepped down from) manage an intelligent wiki to give newcomers and oldbies alike a good resource tool. I've tried (and also stepped down from) to provide a refreshing SRB2 experience with the Ventrilo Server. I've made plenty of wads (and even a level pack) in my time being here, and I've tried my hardest to prove that intelligent conversation can indeed exist here. None if that really worked. Not to boast, but there aren't many people who care about the quality of the community like I do, hence I'd hate to see it all go to waste.

I am willing, and I am able. I'm just outnumbered by those who are exempt from either of those categories.

Spazzo, let me tell you that you would make an excellent moderator or even administrator. :)

Intelligent conversation indeed comes around occasionally, it's happening right now. But, it just so happened that SRB2 got very popular, the real nature of the Sonic fanclub finally came along. We can try all we want, idiots will come and come, but if we really, REALLY pull together, we CAN make a difference. We CAN control the idiocy and welcome in intelligence and smart conversation and proper grammar. It CAN happen if we just hand in our two cents to the community.
Mystic said:
You want more intelligent discussion? You're going to have to make something interesting to talk about.
More like talk about the interesting stuff. All the good topics seem to die quickly.

Sykotic said:
If you want intelligence, then go talk with your oldbie friends. Don't bring your stupid jackass intelligent required hypocrisy to a forum. I'm certain that the majority, which are NON OLDBIE USERS, don't give a **** about the intelligent discussion, so long as they can enjoy themselves on a forum. Face it, goddamn it!
Ironically, intelligence is fun.
Yeah, intelligence is fun, but it's not fun when you say that people are devoid of it. Everyone here on this community has one common intelligence- they all like to play SRB2. No, you're saying that that's not enough. I say it is, and I say that the oldbies need to be forgotten because they're outnumbered, they suck, and when people constantly refer to them it gets on everyone nerves because oldbie also refers to them being special, or playing favorites.

ATTN SPAZZO- All the stuff you make, all the stuff you did, all of it, it doesn't mean shit when you go around to the not-as-smart as you part of the forum telling them that whatever they made sucks. Ironically, this happens to those without grammar. Sure, seeing nice posts is cool, but why the ruddy hell should it bear any influence on how you treat users? I've seen levels of better quality made by a kid who lacks a period and doesn't capitalize his 'I's than a guy who uses perfect grammar. You trample all over the kids work, but I don't think you actually played the wad. Yet the retard with awesome grammarz gets aaaaaaaaaall the praise in the fucking world.

Deny it, you know it's true.
Deny it all you want, but the oldbies we have left are the ones which care most about the SRB2 community and are currently the last ones stopping it from being a mindless world of stupidity. I sure as hell don't play favourites, and neither do lots of other people on the MB I should be able to believe. Oldbies are just regular users, like you guys. They're just referred to as oldbies because they've been here a long time, they know what goes around and what standards are set and what to expect from staff and newer members. I wouldn't refer to "they all like to play SRB2" as an intelligence, you can call it a hobby or an enjoyment, but it's certainly not an intelligence because there are some real unintelligent people playing, just like alot of other popular games on the Internet. Oldbies are everywhere, they can't just be 'forgotten'. Oldbies set the foundation of the community of which you speak to right now, and without them you wouldn't be typing into the chatbox next to the Helpful Links list which normally has the smilies in it.
Sykotic said:
ATTN SPAZZO- All the stuff you make, all the stuff you did, all of it, it doesn't mean **** when you go around to the not-as-smart as you part of the forum telling them that whatever they made sucks. Ironically, this happens to those without grammar. Sure, seeing nice posts is cool, but why the ruddy hell should it bear any influence on how you treat users? I've seen levels of better quality made by a kid who lacks a period and doesn't capitalize his 'I's than a guy who uses perfect grammar. You trample all over the kids work, but I don't think you actually played the wad. Yet the retard with awesome grammarz gets aaaaaaaaaall the praise in the **** world.

Deny it, you know it's true.

Sykotic. Most of us on this MB know how well to treat users as much as
you think, we try to help people as much as we can with that kind of stuff you said on your post, constructive critisism is good, if you don't like it, that's your problem, not ours. So say some person made a rubbishy level, and you said some critisism which was storng constructive critisism, and you get all the praise in the world, does this make you the n00b to gain the highiest of that person?, yes?, well that's exactly it, the answer was said.

The grammer issue is different. The person who is typing knows what they are typing, how they are typing. We don't want a forum which is flooded with stupid crappy grammer posts, and other related things. But these are the exceptions.

First one

Hi, i was wondering if you can help me with a wad problem i got on xwe.

you can see the mistake in this one. You shouldn't have a go at the person just for one little mistake, they can easily correct them themselves. It only takes a few seconds.

Compared to this one.

OMG h0w d0 1 mak a r3ko1or?, pls h31p mii!

That is totally different. The person knows what they are posting, and being total idiots. The Admins and the Mods are capable of sorting this out by locking stupid posing topics, and striking them with tempban strikes. Plus, someone with very poor grammer like I did a example at above, won't give you a good reputation. There's spellcheckers to help you with that kind of stuff. You seriously need to calm the heck down.

Now back to the main topic, as Furiousfox said, the rules may be pretty strict on the MB, and even if we don't like the rules, if some of us can live with it, so can the rest. We need to work as well if we want to make a good community in srb2 gaming, and here. We just have to do our best. Not everywhere's 100% perfect, there's always an idiot around the corner, if that happens, the staff deal with them, simple as that. =/

Sykotic said:
If you want intelligence, then go talk with your oldbie friends. Don't bring your stupid jackass intelligent required hypocrisy to a forum. I'm certain that the majority, which are NON OLDBIE USERS, don't give a **** about the intelligent discussion, so long as they can enjoy themselves on a forum. Face it, goddamn it!

Well, get over the fact that if we want to share intelligence, and talk with friends online, anywhere on a forum, msn, skype, those are what I mentioned are intelligence as well as messageboards/forums and others, that's up to us. We are here for a reason. To discuss various things, discuss about the game on what's good, what needs improving, some may like to make projects and show it off, there's many things to do on here then you actually think to do. All we got to do is think with our brains, which some people don't use.

Then Dark Warrior said:
Ah, but this forum isn't designed for users to do whatever the hell they feel like. It's designed for intelligent discussion of SRB2, editing SRB2, and other topics. It always has been. There was a point in time where the rules were lax, and people could actually post a few nonsense things without trouble. But that became so rampant among the (*gasp*) newer users that refused to read the rules and adhere to the warnings given to them by the staff that stricter policies and swifter action became necessary.

Dark warrior's post quoted for the right truth.

There are people THAT do give a ****, most of us do most days. We want a nice peaceful community with some new, and old friends and doing the best we can to get to our standards, some intelligence is intresting to know in a way for various things. If the idiots can't read the rules, and go rampaging on the forum, it's bye bye for them, as they will get what they deserve.
You know, after reading this topic, I can give faults to everyone. Sega, for making official recolors that n00bs flock to. Us, for making skins of these recolors that n00bs OLOLOL WER IZIT about. Sonic Team Jr., for SRB2 not really changing. People like me, for not releasing anything good, if anything at all. n00bs, for being the problem.

And, Sykotic, most people do play WADs.
Syko, It doesn't matter if my work here is crap or not. The bottom line is that I have done major work on this place, whether the work was qualitative or not. Have you done that? I don't think so.

Sykotic said:
the oldbies need to be forgotten because they're outnumbered, they suck, and when people constantly refer to them it gets on everyone nerves because oldbie also refers to them being special...

"Special" isn't the best word to describe it. Personally, I feel "seasoned" is a better fit, given the context. The only thing that defines an oldbie is the amount of time somebody has been a part of the community. If anything, the title just represents a user who's been through the thick and thin of things here, not at all representing those "good" users. Do keep in mind that users like "Draykon" and "Sonict" aren't really oldbies - yet they're just as respected as any other decent user would be.

Sykotic said:
.. or playing favorites.
So? Is it a crime to have friends here who are oldbies? Yes, the greater majority of my friends here are oldbies. Why is that? I've known them for, uh, 2+ years. I think that gives me more than enough reason to make friends who those who I've known for a longer time.

GCFreak said:
Spazzo, let me tell you that you would make an excellent moderator or even administrator. :)

As flattered as I am by that comment, In reality, I really wouldn't. After experienced first-hand what it takes to run a community, I'm quite happy just being plain old Spazzo, thanks. I don't really need a fancy administrative title to enjoy this community.
Sykotic said:
Yeah, intelligence is fun, but it's not fun when you say that people are devoid of it. Everyone here on this community has one common intelligence- they all like to play SRB2.
...That's intelligence? It's an activity, to be sure, but that's not a common "intelligence".
Sykotic said:
No, you're saying that that's not enough. I say it is, and I say that the oldbies need to be forgotten because they're outnumbered, they suck, and when people constantly refer to them it gets on everyone nerves because oldbie also refers to them being special, or playing favorites.
Hardly. It refers to older members who act(ed) intelligent and contributed to the community. To deny that most of the new people join to ask/say stupid things is ridiculous. The oldbies are respected for actually contributing intelligence to the community, for being part of what made the community what it once was. They don't need to be forgotten. That's like forgetting the first presidents of the US, because we have new ones. Just because new people are here, doesn't mean that they deserve to be treated as equals to older members. They do need to prove that they aren't typical idiots that join to do stupid things. And this isn't hard to do either. Type properly, contribute intelligently to conversation...Hell, they don't even have to make good wads. They'll be treated as a regular user rather quickly.

Sykotic said:
ATTN SPAZZO- All the stuff you make, all the stuff you did, all of it, it doesn't mean **** when you go around to the not-as-smart as you part of the forum telling them that whatever they made sucks. Ironically, this happens to those without grammar. Sure, seeing nice posts is cool, but why the ruddy hell should it bear any influence on how you treat users? I've seen levels of better quality made by a kid who lacks a period and doesn't capitalize his 'I's than a guy who uses perfect grammar. You trample all over the kids work, but I don't think you actually played the wad. Yet the retard with awesome grammarz gets aaaaaaaaaall the praise in the **** world.
It's not really ironic that this happens to the idiotic portion of the people who don't use basic English. It happens to them for a reason. And good quality is merely in the eyes of the people who play it. Users are treated based on how they act. People who act stupid are treated as such, people who don't are treated nicely. Why you think that shouldn't be so is beyond me, but it's how things work. Anyways, people may be able to make good levels, but if they don't make a good presentation of intelligence, people aren't going to play it. Especially considering that everyone thinks that they made the "most fun" or "best" level ever. It's common sense.

Sykotic said:
Deny it, you know it's true.
You seem to love to think that your thought process defines reality. Newsflash, it doesn't. Get over it. :/
as Furiousfox said, the rules may be pretty strict on the MB, and even if we don't like the rules, if some of us can live with it, so can the rest.
Honestly I don't see why anyone (with intelligence or common sense) would even have a problem with the rules. I'm perfectly fine with them and would go so far as to say I like them. If that's what it takes to keep the forum cleaned up so be it. The rules are right there for ALL to READ and the "READ THESE FIRST, OR YOU WILL LIKELY BE BANNED WITHOUT REMORSE." should grab your attention. They're even the first topic section in the MB. If you can't notice them and learn how this forum operates then you shouldn't be here. It's not hard to type properly and I'm sure there are enough people here like me that don't like blatantly flawed grammar and english (with exception to those that don't speak english as their first language). I don't know about you Syko but if there's anyone I'd prefer to talk to it's an oldbie since they actually know what grammar and common sense are. Admittedly my first posts were newbish but it doesn't take much to learn what this forum expects from you nor is it an arduous ordeal to adhere to those expectations.

HK said:
if some of us can live with it, so can (and should) the rest.

Just because someone can do something doesn't mean they will, anyone can type well or act respectful here or not act like a general idiot (or so I'd like to hope) but they don't and THAT is what you can't deny. This topic wouldn't be here if that wasn't true. You can give them warnings and temp bans and hope they clean up their act, but if they don't they probably won't be anything other than a parasite to the forum and it's best to permban them then and there. That's what the rules are for. Basically to act as the MB's immune system before it gets n00bcancer and dies a slow painful death.

on Edge said:
Can someone summarize these text walls for me?
No offense but that kind of attitude doesn't contribute to the MB. Sounds a lot like "OHAY GUYZ, h0w d0 i put a WAD in srb2 !!11.? (because I'm too lazy to google it or read the faq)" If you want to know something take the time to figure it out yourself, don't ask others to water it down or do it for you. If you don't have time to read the massive walls of text (or research how to use SRB2) then don't worry about it.

That's my 2 cents...
on Edge said:
Can someone summarize these text walls for me?

Complaints on one side, refutations on another, and total idiocy on a third.


EDIT: As for the forum complaints...who cares? Seriously, we can have the community go to pot without any new people coming in just as quickly as with a large influx. No one forces anyone to read stupid posts or stupid topics. There's just as many intelligent topics as there used to be-it's just a smaller ratio due to the higher volume. If you really want to see an intelligent topic, then go make it. If you can't be bugged to, don't bother.

As for Sykotic's idiotic rants, I just have this to say: no one cares. This is a relatively tiny message board for a game with an incredibly narrow demographic and an even narrower list of people who care to take your crap seriously. Stop wasting your time.
I needed that summarization too. I'm getting too impatient, as these discussions are getting us nowhere.

Excuse me while I try and do something the staff has failed to succeed at so far.
GCFreak said:
Spazzo, let me tell you that you would make an excellent moderator or even administrator. :)

in the saem vaien of how a441 maek the bestest robo-ass admin evers!!213!!

I'm still a bit disappointed at some of the current mod/admin choices - many of them are just plain ass-like and that somehow makes them good admin choices, while some of the more enlighted (and potentially more reasonable mods) community members are just ignored - not that I agree with Sykotic's totalitarian one-minded style, but... let's ignore all of that for now.

I've known SRB2 since it started, and I'm somewhat sure I know what has happened over time. Even when Demo 4 and such were out, we still had the stupid people, and we really treated them the same. We also used to have crappy admins also (a441 lol), so we had a share of stupid since god knows when.

The stupid people of yesterday are suddenly the moderators and admins of today - it's just that those stupid people learned from the admins instead of continuing as dumbfgses. All the rest were sorted somehow. Honestly, let's all just be glad that we don't have the ghettoest black person that ever came into srb2fun on here. And guess what? We don't have him on here since the admins were doing their job.

If the message board turns into a cesspool, so be it. I'll still be around - I also believe that the so called "oldbies" should stick together no matter what. Let's just not whine about it, since it just jynxes us anyways.

I swear every time we complain about how n00by the forums are, it just gets worse.
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