Official Level Design Contest Voting: May-June 2007

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Welcome to the May-June 2007 contest voting. Looking like we have at least a few decent ones here.

The voting works as follows: Play a few games of the stage in question, in the intended gametype for judging, and give the map a vote from 0 to 10, no decimals. You can not vote on your own map. Votes where the voter obviously did not play the level in its intended gametype will be discarded. To encourage voting, if you are an author and you judge all of the competitor's maps, the lowest score on your map will be dropped. Please be as unbiased as possible for the author or the look of the map. It's all about how good the map plays, nothing else.

Although it's not necessary, it's very helpful to make comments about what you liked and didn't like about the map, so the author can improve his skill for future attempts.

Judging will end July 11th at midnight GMT (July 10th, 7:00 PM EST). The scores will be then averaged, and the person with the highest score is the winner.

The maps follow:

Single Player Zip - 5,286 KB

Single Player:
Grassy Grove Zone 1 by RedEchidna
Diamondus Zone by Glaber
Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4
Battlewoods 3 by Glaber

Match/CTF/Circuit Contest Level Pack - 519 KB

MAPA1 - Medivo by Glaber
MAPA2 - Hotel Hallway Zone by Dash the Hedgehog
MAPA3 - Fort Island Zone by Xtreme Starfox
MAPA4 - Winter Twilight Zone by I'll Begin
MAPA5 - Carved Canyon by Some guy
MAPA6 - Snow Shrine Zone by Oogaland

Capture the Flag:
MAPA7 - Castle Splash Zone by Xtreme Starfox
MAPA8 - Capture the flag... by Some guy
MAPA9 - Mercury Sea Zone by Blue Warrior
MAPAA - RPChat Clan Hangout Zone by Penopat

MAPAB - Furious Gorge Zone by Xtreme Starfox
MAPAC - Perpetual Wasteland by Some guy

Please make sure to play the levels in the intended gametype, and above all, have fun judging!
camo man said:
I'm getting errors when I try downloading the SP pack, yet the MFR pack seems to be downloading perfectly. Is anyone else having this problem with the link?
Fixed. Screwed up the URL, as usual.
Well, I suppose I'll start.

Furious Gorge Zone - 6/10
It was... passable. I generally liked it, The only problem being the water that hurts you.
Perpetual Wasteland - 4/10
I didn't really like this. When you first start it, you don't have much clue where you were supposed to go the first run, but you learn it.

Note: These were tested in SRB2JTE by the use of 5 bots playing for 5 minutes.
Medivo - 5/10
It was a bit large, but mostly playable. The size was the only real concern. Also, somewhere in the level, is a wall of fire. Inside of it, once being hit and temporally invincible, go through the wall, and there in one spot, is all of the weapon rings, and an automatic teleport. An Interesting secret that you can only find accidentally or if your looking for it.

Hotel Hallway Zone - 3/10
This was very large and confusing. And I hate the combination to the deepest level, just to will let you know. It took time for me to see a bot, or for the bots to even find each other.

Fort Island Zone - 6/10
Large, but it's open, so I don't care. Lack of rings in the inner area dropped the score, but it's generally good.

Winter Twilight Zone - 8/10
I quite enjoyed this level, the right size, plenty of weapons and rings, it was fun.

Carved Canyon - 7/10
It was above average. Didn't like the choice of music, but everything else was good.

Snow Shrine Zone - NA/10

I wasn't able to play long enought to give it a rating.
I think I'm only voting for SP this time. Not really good at any other modes anyway, so I really don't care.

Grassy Grove Zone 1 - RedEchidna: 4/10

Level Design 101 loves you.

Starting off, I was in a semi-cramped hallway. My camera was smoshed up against the wall, which isn't good. Also, the walls were too high to have the classic GFZ theme. I could barely see the sky. Not preferable. Again, too many small passages. My camera constantly got stuckorz, which means we can't see what's in front of muh nose killin muh selve.

Also, some of your gimmicks put us with no knowledge (or perperatiotn) of what was happening. Thus the spring designs put us face first against the red crawlers.

But you did surprise me with one thing here: You built in multiples of about 64, not 50. Usually these cramped maps have horrible texturing to top off the phailure, but this one didn't. ;D

Daimondus - Glaber: 2/10

I don't know what to say, keep to CTF.

The custom graphics weren't very much good here. The dark passages ended up being too dark to see anything, blinding me. That turned the level into mush. At least, moreso than the already stereotypical level design that was already there.

Furthermore, the lack of recognizable textures made the level hard to navigate. Err, wait, it wasn't the textures, the land was too bland and flat to have any sense of direction. I couldn't tell where anything was. This is one of thse times when I actually wish your level was more linear and generic. D:

Battle Woods Zone 3 - Glaber: 2/10

Didn't anyone teach you to use the music in game? Adding in custom music that doesn't relate at all to your map is a generally bad idea. Nay, a horrid one.

Also, too many cramped passages. By now, I think I don't need to go through how much flow it kills, how many cameras will get stuck, or how much it kills your map. Funny how in contrast, there were huge gaping flat areas. Try to bring it into moderation.

Another thing, a few areas were too much like Mystic Realm for my tastes. that's bad.

Also, to top off the reek, the cream (?) face had a few unclosed sectors.

Nuclear Sunset - Myself (BZ4): >,-/^_^

What do I need to tell you guys? If anything, I'm expecting that last DSZ area to get torn apart, but I dunno. >_>
I utterly suck at voting.
1/10 means your map fails. 5/10 means your map is "decent", NOT bad. 10/10 means your map is the best damn thing to grace the cesspool that is the SRB2 wadding communities (what communities?) on the forums ever.

Single Player:

Grassy Grove Zone 1 by RedEchidna - 1/10
lol wut
I never knew Sonic, despite being bigger than Tails (and for some reason, bigger than Knuckles in SRB2), could fit in such super tight corridors. Sonic's one amazing hedgehog for coping with really struggling out of such areas he can barely wiggle around in so consistently.

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 3/10
Glaber is getting better in some ways, but in others, he still needs improvement. While you actually are starting to *design* your levels, the design isn't exactly up to par with standards. Some hallways were small and hard to see in, and the sense of direction is a bit icky, but at least it's somewhat enjoyable now.

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 5/10
Obvious winner wins with a quite average level.
I felt that some of the areas were a bit too "separate", per say. You hit these Jettysyn bombers of which are doing absolutely nothing but standing there to raise a floor. And you suddenly discover that the platform you just jumped upon is actually bouncy, and possibly fall to your doom. You then suddenly leave the cave and enter some random city-thing where there are almost no enemies. Then you enter some warp, and start button hunting around rather slowly (no enemies either) with death pits appearing rather abruptly when doing so. If not, you are going though this teleport thing.

It looks nice, though, but the non-linearity feels a bit forced. and one path feels much faster than the next. The gimmicks aren't intuitive enough, really.

Battlewoods 3 by Glaber - 2/10
I oddly enjoyed the final arena thing. But I was seriously saying "WTF" when I heard that music suddenly playing. Then the music changes into lower quality music while fighting eggman... Erm, yeah. Too straight forward with crappy obstacles. Also, pointless "defeat-all-pop-up-turrets or crawlas" rooms are pointless.
Also, tell me why the hell everyone is giving this a zero again?


MAPA1 - Medivo by Glaber - 2/10
World of Pain is bad. Do people not realize that WOP was added as only a joke or something? Anyways, too many goddamn monitors and very little room to do anything make this rather annoying to play it. While I did in a sense like the inside sections, they were much too cramped most of the time.

MAPA2 - Hotel Hallway Zone by Dash the Hedgehog - 2/10
I adore the gimmick that this map has, but please, have a better execution. It was hard to see the indents in the hallways, and they were too straightforward and cramped to do much in. The elevators were awesome, but even that could of been executed less buggily.

MAPA3 - Fort Island Zone by Xtreme Starfox - 4/10
The outside area felt a bit empty and almost wasted potential, in a way. The placement of the special rings were kinda out the hand, considering how the rail towers' springs didn't work very well. The level itself was rather flat, but in a way, it felt like it was supposed to be. I had some fun in this map.

MAPA4 - Winter Twilight Zone by I'll Begin - 3/10
I hate this map. It's too crumbled together XY wise. The upper area is too small to do anything in, and the lower area is too cramped to actually dodge rings in. Everyone just stands at the bottom area tossing rings like mad at each other while thoking around like mad. On flat streets, even. Needs to be larger and some actual Z variety besides springing upward to an annoying upper area. The level does indeed look nice, though...

MAPA5 - Carved Canyon by Some guy - 5/10
There's something about your design style that I adore, Some guy. This level was fun, and the elevators were a nice touch. The level itself could of had a more room, I guess. Although the gimmicks were nice, nothing really stood out to make the map special. It was fun, but... it almost isn't memorable at all.

MAPA6 - Snow Shrine Zone by Oogaland - 6/10
Quite a good Match map here. It was quite fun to play. I loved how simple it is while still being complex enough to be enjoyable. While it was a bit annoying at times to access the middle area, the areas themselves weren't out of hand in unison. I felt that the upper area could of been a bit more innovative - it feels a bit randomly pasted in. Still, I liked this map quite a bit.

Capture the Flag:

MAPA7 - Castle Splash Zone by Xtreme Starfox - 3/10
Laggy, laggy, laggy, and bloated with a too massive Z axis index. The bases were okay, but all the areas around them really weren't. You could go through the walls near the Rail area, the pools were MUCH too deep, bases could of been lower, and the only thing I felt redeeming of the lower path is the water skip area (I applaud you for that). The platform jumping was a bit annoying, and I felt it could of really been executed alot better. Also, the little crevice you access by using the lower springs feels a bit pointless.

MAPA8 - Capture the flag... by Some guy - 7/10
Awesomeness. I loved how there were so many paths stuffed in such a honestly small area. The paths themselves were really intuitive, some of hem actually requiring you to be a bit careful for a payoff. This map was very fun, but I felt that there should of been a bit more of a bigger, "main" path. It was a bit *too* segmented into different areas instead of being a bit more unison'd. But I still loved it.

MAPA9 - Mercury Sea Zone by Blue Warrior - 4/10
Eh, the map was a bit small, and it felt like the area on the edges was a bit pushed aside. The middle, central area seemed like it was rarely used, with everyone in the water or on the edges. I did like it, but I guess it could of been a bit bigger and could of been a bit more... erm... special? I liked the how the thok barrier was designed, though.

MAPAA - RPChat Clan Hangout Zone by Penopat


MAPAB - Furious Gorge Zone by Xtreme Starfox - 3/10
I wonder how many goddamn times I got knocked by the water after the red springs. Erm, yeah, the water felt pointlessly damaging when there's a death pit there anyways. I did like how the shortcuts were executed, though - they weren't very defining of who's going to win, but that little push may be worth the risky payoff. Otherwise, it really didn't feel special much at all, as you were pretty much just thoking on flat land over death pits anyways.
MAPAC - Perpetual Wasteland by Some guy - 4/10
I liked the idea, but the execution was extremely confusing. The yellow springs over the death pit can be used to access the upper area if you change your direction after going so, causing a bit of a abusable shortcut. The level itself could of been a bit more lengthly with a bit more demanding obstacle style.
As a person who never made a wad before my judgement may not be too good.
Single Player:

Grassy Grove Zone 1 by Red Echidna - 1/10
I honestly thought this level was terrible. It was way too cramped my camera got stuck about 8 times in this level. I couldn't wait until it was over...

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 4/10
The walls looked like something out of a bejeweled game.
Also what were those giant things on the floor? Those were just terrible and out of place...Also what was with the signs at the end?

Battle Woods 3 by Glaber - 3/10
Rock the woods? That was incredibly out of place. The best part though was the end. The other part i liked was where you had to defeat the enemies. Once again though what was that thing on the floor in the boss area though?

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 7/10
This level was pretty good...Its done some things I've never seen for example that part where the platform rose when you killed enemies. The part with the teleporters was annoying. Other than that i liked it.
I don't usually vote, but here goes nothing...

Single Player

Grassy Grove Zone 1 by Red Echidna - 2/10
Cramped, somewhat ok with the gimmricks I guess, and camera glitches.

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 2/10
Strange textures, plus the music, a few software bugs, like overlaps, distance kind. There were some areas with water, and I kept seeing the bottom texture with the FOF's bottom. You could of aleast put that FOF's bottom alittle into the ground.

Battle Woods 3 by Glaber - 1/10
What is with the music?! Plus killing all of the foes to go on?

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 9/10
Somehow I really liked this map, and by liked it was good.
Grassy Grove Zone 1 by RedEchidna - 4/10
Cramped and kinda ugly. It would've been more fun if the level wasn't so condenced. All the things need to be thinned out, especially the rings. This map was a little short too.

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 3/10
The first thing I noticed was the annoying music. The second thing was the annoying wall textures. After some open spaces, I run into water. From there to the goal, everything was cramped and full of water. Different enemies should have been used, other than blue crawlas and the occasional skim, and I felt like it was too bland. And overall, it was really boring.

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 7/10
Looked, sounded, and felt good. The platforming was really bad though. I also felt that the alternate routes were unbalenced, and that you couldn't get the entire feel of the level in one run (though that may have been intentional). The long rote was good, but the medium route was average, and the short route was phail.

Battlewoods 3 by Glaber - 5/10
MY EARS!!! Sounds like Shadow the hedgehog. Looks like every generic forest level. Furthermore, only redcrawlas and skims, untill the boss, which was uber-cheep with all the different firepower he had with him. Also was cramped and easy to get turned around in.
I did the single-player maps first.

Grassy Grove Zone 1 by RedEchidna -- 2/10
Weird textures, weirder gimmicks, and it's way too cramped.

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 7/10
Jazz Jackrabbit, right? You get bonus points for that. The level itself was quite fun, but it was kinda bland here and there. Plus, what's with the giant Sally head?

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 9/10
Beautiful, and fun. Though it could use a better sky, but I'm not lowering points for that.

Battlewoods 3 by Glaber - 0/10
I'll Begin said:
Diamondus Zone by Glaber - 7/10
Jazz Jackrabbit, right? You get bonus points for that. The level itself was quite fun, but it was kinda bland here and there. Plus, what's with the giant Sally head?
We have a Winner here! Not many got the Direct Jazz Jackrabbit with the Textures direct from Jazz Jackrabbit and the music and the name. The Sally head was just for fun in this level.

Sp ratings-
Grassy Grove Zone 1 by RedEchidna -- 1/10
All I got to say is "ew, no".

Diamondus Zone by Glaber - N/A
Inspired by the Jazz Jackrabbit Level by the same name. this is Level 1-1 of my upcoming mod "Dimension Glaber". The textures, music, and name all came from Jazz Jackrabbit. If you open the wad in xwe, you will find textures for Medivo. This is because I took my Daimondue level out of the mod for the contest and didn't want to break the texture lump. the Springs were replaced with Jazz Jackrabbit springs meaning that Blue was the most powerful while Red was weakest.

Nuclear Sunset Zone by BlueZero4 - 8/10
I managed to find the emerald token right by the start, but I found nothing nuclear nor a sunset. The layout was good though and I ;liked the clever use of linedef 15

Battlewoods 3 by Glaber - N/A
Rejoyce! For this is the last you will ever see of Battle Woods. Let me explane my Music choice.I got the music from the SASRB2 Halloween Mod. The music was picked for the following lines. "I made a choice, that I regret". The choice being my decision to enter Battle Woods act 1 2 and 3 in the first place. "Now what I see, is what I get," Ths bit would be getting the ratings and reviews on the levels. "It's too late to look back. I've got no way to switch back." this basicly means (for this level)It's too late to take back the Battle Woods entries. If you're wondering why act 3 was released it was to close the Battle Woods for good and be done with the zone.
The boss music was chosen because of the orignal scraped plan to add Battle Woods to my mod. This would be the boss music for all the boses in the mod
Awwww, why isn't my map in the contest?

I did send the wad with my e-mail (no link from a website)

Could you tell me why my map isn't in it?
HEY! My wad isn't in it! It was a SP map, act 2, called technostorm2.wad! I sent that in June! Why didn't you put it up!?
Another way for unplayable to be defined - death right at the start. That happened to my second level before someone fixed it for me.
Sky Ninja said:
HEY! My wad isn't in it! It was a SP map, act 2, called technostorm2.wad! I sent that in June! Why didn't you put it up!?

technostorm2.wad <-- There is your problem. You didn't use the proper naming convention that every wad out there needs to have. For example: scr_mysticrealm.wad <-- "s" is single player, "c" is co-op, and "r" stands for race mode.

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