Official Level Design Collab 2024: Round 1

Official Level Design Collab 2024: Round 1 v1.2

I have not played yet, but the current reviews of major optimization issues temper my expectations a little bit.

I have a pretty decent machine, and I have been able to play many of the recent levels just fine, but perhaps it is time to have a comprehensive guide to optimization tricks posted somewhere in a prominent location (not just in terms of mapping work, but in areas like Lua scripting as well).

Granted, the optimization step tends to be the trickiest part of map creation after spending a lot of time to make things the way people want it, but is an important step, nonetheless.
Holy shit THOMPSON IS HERE!?!? Is this the same Thompson that made those really good 2.0 levels?
Yes! Molten Mountain is actually an interesting case here, where the level was a submitted to a 2015 OLDC that got cancelled by mystic, and was then never released. About a year or two ago I DM'ed Thompson asking if he'd like the level to be ported over into an upcoming OLDC, and I got the go-ahead from him just a few months ago!
Also noting how things are going on in the Discord server, good luck to anyone in charge of moderating that rapidly growing wall of comments and parsing out the bits of useful feedback. There is a reason I prefer to post on this forum rather than those channels (at least the general ones at top).
Yes! Molten Mountain is actually an interesting case here, where the level was a submitted to a 2015 OLDC that got cancelled by mystic, and was then never released. About a year or two ago I DM'ed Thompson asking if he'd like the level to be ported over into an upcoming OLDC, and I got the go-ahead from him just a few months ago!
Molten Mountain is really good for a 2.1 level. It actually holds its own extremely well against all the big 2.2 UDMF levels!
Sakura Solstice isn't saving clear time or rings, and doesn't show up in record attack.

That aside, really loving the OLDC! I might make a proper review later, but there's a lot of really fun and impressive stuff imo (kinda shocks me how many negative or lukewarm reviews there are tbh), though I can definitely sympathize with the complaints about some zones being laggy. My PC thankfully is powerful enough to handle it all with tolerable if large frame drops (from 144 to 60+), but uh... hopefully SRB2 can be further optimized in the future so it becomes less of an issue, and so people can really let loose with UDMF.

Edit: Starfall Casino's got the same issue, as does Anteggtica.
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My two cents after seeing multiple comments about "how can this 2.1 level be better than most 2.2 levels???":

There has been plenty of discussion about some kind of uniform "2.2 quality" or "2.2 standards", detracting from older versions of SRB2 in the process, and within that mindset it can seem shocking that an older stage can outclass recently-created stages.

However, the reality is that it has never been that black & white. Final Demo, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 have all had quality levels and great designers (such as Thompson!), and aside from some technical details, good design tends to be timeless. To this day, there's still plenty to like about older versions and their custom content, otherwise SRB2 wouldn't have stuck around nearly as long as it has!
My two cents after seeing multiple comments about "how can this 2.1 level be better than most 2.2 levels???":

There has been plenty of discussion about some kind of uniform "2.2 quality" or "2.2 standards", detracting from older versions of SRB2 in the process, and within that mindset it can seem shocking that an older stage can outclass recently-created stages.

However, the reality is that it has never been that black & white. Final Demo, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 have all had quality levels and great designers (such as Thompson!), and aside from some technical details, good design tends to be timeless. To this day, there's still plenty to like about older versions and their custom content, otherwise SRB2 wouldn't have stuck around nearly as long as it has!
I love all of the 2.0-2.2 levels been playin SRB2 since 2003 and It's been a blast. My fondest memories was 1.0.94 are, but that was only cuz my mom had a potato PC. Level designers worked with what they got and produced some bangers for levels.
Haven't played all the levels yet, only 14 completed so far, will post reviews when it's done. Meanwhile, to give you my personal opinion on why Thompson's level just feels good to play:

-It's compact. You can see the start and end of each area when you enter them, and you can set up a clear path for yourself. These paths aren't large open areas, they're basic old-RVZ1 tier platforming sections, but they don't have to look pretty to play nice.
-It has interactivity. This has always been one of Thompson's strengths, interweaving sectors with gimmicks. That's why Sparkling Icecap seemed like the coolest (lol xd) thing back in the day. You feel your actions actually affect things around you. This doesn't always have to be done via sector effects, it's why Lua exists, but your environment being affected by your actions is simply satisfying.
-It's properly difficult. Trying my best not to play my "all 2.2 levels are too FAT for enemies to matter" card here, but the level being small, alongside lava obstacles and the Hill Top dino enemies taking two hits and harassing you with obstacles, it's satisfying to actually proceed when I beat an area.

Those are just a few examples, I'm sure other people more versed in level design can elaborate better. But yeah, these are all factors that CAN easily be inserted into 2.2-coded levels, standards be damned.

Coincidentally, Dungeon Dune is my favourite map so far, and it also nails all three of these points despite being a 2.2 level.
I'm not that surprised by most people thinking about Thompson's level. 2.2's level design is creative and impressive, even for a new version of SRB2. For a 2.1 level is outstanding (even If 2.2's creativity isn't similar to 2.1's level design, it still holds up to this day).

Anyway, I might decide to make a review on this OLDC. I can tell most of the reviews have people saying "These maps aren't optimized and they lag my device horribly" or "Please fix the lag issues on these maps".

*This is NOT a disrespect to the mappers, I'm only pointing out stuff that is from the reviews people made specifically.
Thompsons map was good. I was surprised to see such a straight port from 2.1, zero slopes.

The only issue i had was the directioning throughout the level had me confused.

If i had to pick favourites its the Ringslinger/Doom Eternal style map by Evertone + MIDIMan and RogerRogers unique take on Emerald coast... Again, map.

Accurate 2.0 blue mountain act 2 was brilliant.
It appears at least Sunrise Temple, if not both of Zaxel's zones, are missing emblems they're meant to have.


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