http://pastebin.com/f5a161be5 (look for highlighted lines for dialog)
I find it annoying, how about you guys? I've seen Sb impersonated, LXShadow, of course SSNTails, Mystic, Sonict, misc. SRB2 Admins, and other people...
There's no way to prevent it, I know, but sometimes you wish you could just permanently ban them from the master server yourself. =/
http://pastebin.com/f5a161be5 (look for highlighted lines for dialog)
I find it annoying, how about you guys? I've seen Sb impersonated, LXShadow, of course SSNTails, Mystic, Sonict, misc. SRB2 Admins, and other people...
There's no way to prevent it, I know, but sometimes you wish you could just permanently ban them from the master server yourself. =/