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Movie Sonic Progress thread (cancelled)


Ok, the sprites are finalized I'm going with SRB2 style!
Sometimes I wonder, do I even please the community with the mods that I make or are they just a big disappointment to all who plays them? Kind of want to stop making this mod now...
Bruh is that even a question?
your OVA Sonic, at least in my eyes, is one of "the good ones"

Note: I only recently played as your OVA sonic for the first time, and i really liked it.
If that doesn't say something, idk man
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Sometimes I wonder, do I even please the community with the mods that I make or are they just a big disappointment to all who plays them? Kind of want to stop making this mod now...
Ova is my favourite mod, even though if i didnt like at all the other versions it was and it's still my favourite mod! (Also Hesse is pretty dope too)
Sometimes I wonder, do I even please the community with the mods that I make or are they just a big disappointment to all who plays them? Kind of want to stop making this mod now...
Ok Blue I wait patiently and what is the name of the app to make sprites?(I'm talking on the computer)
Podría cancelar el mod de la película Sonic, principalmente porque ya no tengo ganas de trabajar en él (o al menos tomarme un descanso) y tengo otras cosas que quiero hacer. Los mantendré informados si cambio de opinión. (Y para ser honesto, tampoco me gusta el diseño de la película Sonic).

Pero independientemente de eso, siento que mi trabajo se ha visto socavado debido a la cantidad de quejas que han recibido mis mods y es realmente desmotivador simplemente trabajar en un mod durante varias semanas solo para que se quejen de él, así que podría dejar de hacer mods por completo.
Este mod parece muy prometedor, todavía no puedo creer que lo cancelarán... Eso es cierto. :devastación:

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