[Open Assets] Mighty.lua (Wall jump)

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Tripel the fox

Community GU GU GUUUUU~
One day I got really bored, so I decided to lua something up. The fruit of my bordem was this: Mighty.lua.

With this lua, Sonic has the ability to wall jump like Mighty (or himself in the newer games).
All you have to do is be holding the jump button when you hit a wall, and you'll cling to it. When you let go of the button, Sonic will launch away from the wall at high speeds.
If you press the button when away from the wall, Sonic will have his normal thok ability, but you can't wall jump after thoking unless you have the charability 2 flag set to multiability.

This lua also has 2 commands to turn on/off Sonic's thok and auto-turning (turnjump & canthok)

Some walls will not be wall jump-able. It's a problem related to thok-barriers (I was having trouble detecting ceiling textures, so the upper part of thok barriers are not wall jump-able). This will not occur in most outdoor areas.

-UPDATE- (wow, I actualy updated it!)
Fofs are now detected as walls.
Fixed the accidental thokking glitch (Said glitch prevented using the wall jump twice in a row).
Attatching to a wall now stops all horizontal momentum.
Renamed to mightyabl.lua to prevent confusion with mighty.wad
Potentialy some other stuff I cant remember. It's been a while since I last touched this thing.


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Hello, this is all working right as you have said.

However, I'd like to see you try getting detecting FOF's to work with the latest version. Because I know it is definitely possible to do so now. Other than that, this is ready for release.

If you honestly can't detect FOF's for whatever reason, just post back here and I'll release it anyway.
I tried 2 fuctions, neither worked (P_IsClimbingValid() and P_CheckPosition()). I'm not sure what other functions there are that I can try.

It's been taking me a while to post back because I've gotten busy with other projects. Because of that, I won't be able to update this for a while, so I'd appreciate it if you could release this as-is.
Ah, ok, this can be released for now then.

As for getting it working with FOF's, you already obtain the sector you're checking for the wall jump, so all you need to do is run an iteration with sector.ffloors(), which runs through all the FOF's in that sector, and compare their heights as you would otherwise do.

You can see more here and here for more info.
I enjoyed it up until more complex zones, abundant with FOFs, and when I realized I kept dying because you can't wall-jump after ability usage (luckily that is changeable~).

I feel the wall-jump would be more seamless if it sent you to your character's max speed, rather than what it's doing now. If they need to slow it down they can hold back to do so, but more of the time you're trying to cross large distances and holding forward to speed up mid-air everytime is just a bit jarring.

Lastly, the wall-slide should probably be infinite, as there's no harm in letting the player get themselves under control if they ended up using it to save their skin from a pit, and it should probably be forced to always slide directly downward so the player doesn't always end up falling because they slid diagonally to the end of the wall's edge.

All in all though, this feels REALLY cool, and I'm extremely glad to see someone finally perform this in a non-halfassed manner. Thank-you for making it.
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I love the idea of this mod, it can make for some unique level design not seen in SRB2 before, and it is really fun to play around with. But I do have a few nitpicks

First off, Instead of holding the jump button to cling onto a wall, maybe you could change it to a custom button? That way there won't be any accidental thoks that result in the player not being able to walljump anymore.

Second, I really feel a name change is in order. It might just be me, but having a lua file that is named mighty is really confusing. I already have a Mighty character wad, adding another mod that has the name "mighty" just gets really confusing. Not to mention that this mod is for SONIC, not Mighty!

Also, I agree with Iceman404, the wall-slide really should be infinite, and forced to slide down only.
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I think having it use a custom button to walljump is something that the creator of a character wad can easily map it to. I prefer these things use the default controls as much as they can unless they absolutely have to. It's a single ability, and those usually do to jump.

Not that I agree with having to press a button at all though. I wish it would kick it automatically ala Super Mario series. That'd be much more intuitive.
I'm really amazed somebody got Wall Kick to work in SRB2. This is a real testament to what can be accomplished with Lua functionality. I really wished we had this stuff to play with in 1.9x days. I wouldn't have gotten so frustrated over SRB2's limits, that I ragequit from working on content altogether. (And now I simply can't because I have bigger things to work on.)

I wonder how well this would work with my old Mighty skin? Not a whole lot of walls are FOFs, mostly platforms. Double jump is so overused, he could use an edge like in the classics.

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