MasterServer Ban list

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sonic260 said:
Is it possible to report a server? i keep seeing hangouts servers
[sarcasm]No it's completly impossible I wonder How You do it...?[/Sarcasm]
To report, all you need to do is experience a server breaking the rules (you do this by joining, playing, and observing), and then when the server shuts down, or you feel the need to quit, look in your SRB2 folder promptly after quitting, and you'll see "log.txt". That has all of the report material you'll need. Be careful, though, because if you start SRB2 again, log.txt will be overwritten with new log information.
Port: 5031
Version: 1.09.4
Permament: No
Reason for ban: playing match in greenflower zone 1. And they were there over 283 minutes.
^ Is that illegal? It's kinda ambiguous. Match in GVZ 1 isn't hangout, but time and pointlimits disabled may be. :/ Well, not my serv anyway.
I was hosting that server, and I gave the password to someone else so they could... uh, "take care of it". I'll be a little more wise about that next time.

I'll note that, if you CAN play match, it's not illegal. GFZ1 is no exception.
Its perfectly legal to play match on GFZ1 given that it is actually hosted in match mode and that people actually play match. The rule of thumb is that if it has rings, it's legal to play match in it.
Basically, you can play match on any of the official maps?

And I forgot about log.txt for a bit there. Thanks for reminding me, I'll report more than last (which wasn't much) when I see hangout, etc.
sonic260 said:
Thanks Ash at least someone is helping me here
Everyone else is too. They're showing how you can play the game without breaking rules.

And on your signature, I freaking laughed.
Chaos, just let it go. As long as its not here in the MB, he can say what he wants about it.
Chrome the hedgehog said:
Chaos, just let it go. As long as its not here in the MB, he can say what he wants about it.
1) I just started. :U
2) What are you talking about?
3) That has nothing to do with what I said. He was saying that no-one here helps when people here simply saying how you can play netgames better, which is good advice.
Chaos said:
Chrome the hedgehog said:
Chaos, just let it go. As long as its not here in the MB, he can say what he wants about it.
1) I just started. :U
2) What are you talking about?
3) That has nothing to do with what I said. He was saying that no-one here helps when people here simply saying how you can play netgames better, which is good advice.

True, but you didn't have to talk about his signature, I mean its in his sig, so you shouldn't say anything about it in a post.
Before a new member asks...

Chaos Knux said:
Chaos said:
What's a placeholder for?
When this thread has a full 15 posts on a page, somehow the code ****s up, and it places a page after the filled page. However, the empty page brings up a message which says...
How I remember the message said:
No messages to display.

The Placeholder posts give the page a message and temporarily fix the error.

Port: 5029
Name: godspeed's server
Version: 1.09.4
Reason: Hangout on Big Random Map
Nodes:0 : lightspeed 1 : armonte 2 : cia\123 runite 3 : *mz.amy* 4 : ,,,,,,,,


They Were in one map for about 14 minutes,Coop and did not finish.
False Accusations

Armonte, you fail to acknowledge that you were one of the people that joined earlier on, and that in fact the server was off the MS. You are going around falsely reporting people, and everyone is sick and tired of you. You need to stop making up reports and actually do something with your life. You spam, flame, curse, and break more rules than just hangout and RP. I have proof to support that. I don't have a log, but I have people that have seen you do it. Your screenshot also implies that you were there with us the whole time. You, therefore, are also "hanging out." If anything, you too need to be banned.
Re: False Accusations

Lightspeed said:
Armonte, you fail to acknowledge that you were one of the people that joined earlier on, and that in fact the server was off the MS. You are going around falsely reporting people, and everyone is sick and tired of you. You need to stop making up reports and actually do something with your life. You spam, flame, curse, and break more rules than just hangout and RP. I have proof to support that. I don't have a log, but I have people that have seen you do it. Your screenshot also implies that you were there with us the whole time. You, therefore, are also "hanging out." If anything, you too need to be banned.
The Server Was not offline. Its still online now, dummy You were hanging out on the ms, and you should be banned for it. Done.
I Was not there the whole time, When ever anyone joins The time is Not set back to 0 its how long everyone has been in the map.

Particularly large images should be scaled down, or simply linked. Or else it stretches the tables. Fixed.
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