Lord Bowser, King of the Koopas

Lord Bowser, King of the Koopas 1.1

Ooh, that's actually a pretty cool idea! I do have plans for eventual updates that do more then just bugfixes, perhaps I could add something along those lines then.
speaking of that, i can to propose an idea?
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ooo, remember that kinda white wave effect that spreads out behind Bowser when he performs the sliding haymaker? that could add somethin to it!

also, a plausible idea for making Bowser's fire not damage him when breathing it (from an above message) could be like a timer coded on the fire itself in which it doesn't affect Bowser while active, but once the fire's out far enough the timer would run out and the fire could cause Bowser harm from there, which I think'd work fairly well with pvp or coop, or maybe something similar could be done? Might need to be a flag of its own if done that way though, otherwise it'd affect fire from hazards and opponent attacks too

Either that or could just have it have its own flag and apply that flag to Bowsers so his own fire doesn't harm him.

But ye, as mentioned earlier, the fire was the thing that stuck out as not being there most, the second being Spikeball, which I think'd be pretty cool and fairly useful given Bowser's lack of speed. Just some ideas that could help if needed. Other than that, I absolutely love this to bits, very well done!
Sorry if this seems too long, apparently I can't really do short XD


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ooo, remember that kinda white wave effect that spreads out behind Bowser when he performs the sliding haymaker? that could add somethin to it!

also, a plausible idea for making Bowser's fire not damage him when breathing it (from an above message) could be like a timer coded on the fire itself in which it doesn't affect Bowser while active, but once the fire's out far enough the timer would run out and the fire could cause Bowser harm from there, which I think'd work fairly well with pvp or coop, or maybe something similar could be done? Might need to be a flag of its own if done that way though, otherwise it'd affect fire from hazards and opponent attacks too

Either that or could just have it have its own flag and apply that flag to Bowsers so his own fire doesn't harm him.

But ye, as mentioned earlier, the fire was the thing that stuck out as not being there most, the second being Spikeball, which I think'd be pretty cool and fairly useful given Bowser's lack of speed. Just some ideas that could help if needed. Other than that, I absolutely love this to bits, very well done!
Sorry if this seems too long, apparently I can't really do short XD
Making your own projectiles not hurt you is actually very simple, it's just that I didn't really see the point in a fire-breath attack during development. It has been highly requested however, so maybe I could just like... throw firebreath on the fire button or something sorta like how sms has that flame attack just for the hell of it lmao. The issue with adding moves like the spikeball is just... how would they even be inputted? He already uses both the doublejump, spin, and air-spin moves, and technically even custom 1 if you're using the alternate control style, and I prefer avoiding button-clutter in my characters when possible.
Making your own projectiles not hurt you is actually very simple, it's just that I didn't really see the point in a fire-breath attack during development. It has been highly requested however, so maybe I could just like... throw firebreath on the fire button or something sorta like how sms has that flame attack just for the hell of it lmao. The issue with adding moves like the spikeball is just... how would they even be inputted? He already uses both the doublejump, spin, and air-spin moves, and technically even custom 1 if you're using the alternate control style, and I prefer avoiding button-clutter in my characters when possible.

How about making it be inputting down after performing a Body Slam. (Body slam restricting your movement shouldn't make it too complicated) and It's main use could be rolling over enemies or being able to climb up climb-able walls for a duration of time before falling. To me the move sounds very interesting and capable.

It'd also be nice if when performing the shell move you could cancel it into the spikeball, so that you could use the spike ball midair while moving, so that lets say you're in arid canyon zone, you can go off a cliff in your shell form, and go into spikeball to climb up a wall instead of bonking off of it and descending to your death.

You could also do it with states possibly. Like
Jump + Jump - Body Slam (after landing, puts him in SHELL state)
Spin - Punch
Forward + Spin (while moving) - SPINNING SHELL

Spikeball - Custom1 (while in SHELL or SPINNING SHELL state)
Custom1 - Fire
Unshell (Uncurl) - Spin (while in SPINNINGSHELL or SHELL state)

(Fire on Custom1 since it's one of Bowser's most iconic moves and its a projectile so it'd be very useful for certain bosses or enemies, Mario also uses Custom1 [and Fire] for his fireballs so i think itd be appropriate)

You might be able to come up with better controls, i think its a good idea to only have custom1 required like Mario to not bloat the controls.
this is very wonderful thanks for making this character for very cool to play I hope maybe in the future you will make wario and waluigi if you want of course (sorry my english very bad)
Neat character, but to be honest, I don't feel like I'm bowser here, like, where is the fire abilities? Maybe you should add a new move to a custom key which allows for breathing fire
Neat character, but to be honest, I don't feel like I'm bowser here, like, where is the fire abilities? Maybe you should add a new move to a custom key which allows for breathing fire
By the way, I agree, and it's really strange that the Bowser does not have the ability to breathe fire or something like that
Bowser my beloved, He’s really cool and fun to play as thanks for making him its a well done mod hope to catch the next update when it happens!
How about making it be inputting down after performing a Body Slam. (Body slam restricting your movement shouldn't make it too complicated) and It's main use could be rolling over enemies or being able to climb up climb-able walls for a duration of time before falling. To me the move sounds very interesting and capable.

It'd also be nice if when performing the shell move you could cancel it into the spikeball, so that you could use the spike ball midair while moving, so that lets say you're in arid canyon zone, you can go off a cliff in your shell form, and go into spikeball to climb up a wall instead of bonking off of it and descending to your death.

You could also do it with states possibly. Like
Jump + Jump - Body Slam (after landing, puts him in SHELL state)
Spin - Punch
Forward + Spin (while moving) - SPINNING SHELL

Spikeball - Custom1 (while in SHELL or SPINNING SHELL state)
Custom1 - Fire
Unshell (Uncurl) - Spin (while in SPINNINGSHELL or SHELL state)

(Fire on Custom1 since it's one of Bowser's most iconic moves and its a projectile so it'd be very useful for certain bosses or enemies, Mario also uses Custom1 [and Fire] for his fireballs so i think itd be appropriate)

You might be able to come up with better controls, i think its a good idea to only have custom1 required like Mario to not bloat the controls.
so are my ideas cool?
so are my ideas cool?
I like them a lot, personally! Spikeball could also be used to traverse over thorns and such, like in Castle Eggman Zone! I did imagine Bowser being able to take Knuckles routes by punching to gain momentum towards a wall and Spikeballing midair to stick to the wall as well!

I *would* also like it if Bowser could punch in place when not holding movement keys, and do the Sliding Haymaker when hitting Punch and holding a movement key. That way he can punch things out of the way without accidentally sliding off a cliff, like punching one of those red plane badniks while it flies at him on a cliff in Arid Canyon, or one of the mosquito badniks in Techno Hill on a ledge. Punching in place could put a small hitbox in front of Bowser when he punches, and anything within that hitbox would be damaged/destroyed, since his punch does reach a bit far in BiS. Just an idea on how to handle that, tbh
this mod fits better with the paisanos (a Mario mod that's exclusive to online servers) than the Mario bros addon.

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