Kromos & Drakira's Definitive Classic Pack

Kromos & Drakira's Definitive Classic Pack 6.0.2

idk if shadow and silver were seen in the japanese box art used for the classic games, but it would be cool
Shadow is currently under development, were taking the liberty to re-imagine Shadow if he was done back in Sonic 1 and 2 x)
I'm a android user and the model worked on the last version I haven't used the newest version because I'm using a diffrent model right now
Was something not working on mobile in the newer versions?
It's more so for new SRB2 Android users
Noticed how harsh it can be to install a modelpack~ and I was requested to make a Tutorial on how to install it in Android..
...So I've made a more straight forward newcomer friendly package ""
Old users that get along with Android and know how to change things with ease can go with either set of files x)
Not yet~
I will be delivering mod compatibilitys sided with character entrys, I will however take a look at Metal Sonic, since it seems like it has more demands than the rest of the crew x)
May I ask, Will the Compatibilities come as separate animations or will they be packaged into the character, Or both?