Kaldrum's 3D Models

Kaldrum's 3D Models v4.0 - it's-a-him!

wait a sec
how do sonic and tails get through all of FHZ without freezing
Sonic doesnt get freezed because his speed allows him to have a normal temperature,and Tails because he has fur.
Tyson Hesse is *AMAZING* :knuxsmug: . Including Metal 3.0. And some images I made for fun cuz yes.


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I hate how accurate Hesse sonic looks AAAJWJDHWNEUk jehhdhshzndhann
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oh yeah uh btw kaldrum can you make hesse's jump more sprite accurate

the model is just a sphere while the sprites have spikes sticking out
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yo do you think you can make vanilla sonic's running animation from this

to this but as a separate optional download. I'd understand if you would not want to though
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but other than that I think this is the best model pack I've ever seen MASSIVE praise to you


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yo do you think you can make vanilla sonic's running animation from this

to this but as a separate optional download. I'd understand if you would not want to though
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but other than that I think this is the best model pack I've ever seen MASSIVE praise to you
damn this crap good!!!!!! all down to the animations and the style, reminiscent of sonic mania adventures, loving the Tyson Hesse sonic!!!!!
yo do you think you can make vanilla sonic's running animation from this

to this but as a separate optional download. I'd understand if you would not want to though
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but other than that I think this is the best model pack I've ever seen MASSIVE praise to you
Thank you! Glad you like my pack! However, I can't really do that. The run animation on normal sonic is shorter than the hesse sonic one, and the animation length isn't really flexible. I wouldn't be able to recreate hesse sonics run with less frames and still make it look right.
damn this crap good!!!!!! all down to the animations and the style, reminiscent of sonic mania adventures, loving the Tyson Hesse sonic!!!!!
Thank you!
will a modern sonic model ever be a thing? have you considered a modern sonic?
(if this breaks rule 16 ill remove this section)

v3 and v3.1 comparison

super guys.png
super guys (1).png
will a modern sonic model ever be a thing? have you considered a modern sonic?
(if this breaks rule 16 ill remove this section)

v3 and v3.1 comparison

v3View attachment 101866v3.1View attachment 101868v3.1View attachment 101867v3View attachment 101869
I'm not really too big on making more sonics as of right now, I only did hesse bc it was the source material, bandages bc I had the boom alt, and super bc it doesn't require new animations. I might consider it at some point but for now most likely no.
I think, the next models should be tails doll and metal knux. But its up to you. So, do what you wanna do since its your model pack.
I'm not really too big on making more sonics as of right now, I only did hesse bc it was the source material, bandages bc I had the boom alt, and super bc it doesn't require new animations. I might consider it at some point but for now most likely no.
Kaldrun why don't you change super tyson hesse sonic because i liked the new version of super sonic
bro i died💀
do what you want with your model pack, i was just asking because y'know, modern hesse sonic is a thing and i was just wondering if you would make a MODSONIC (modern sonic) model based on that design

you didn't mention metal3.0 :threat:
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speaking of metal 3.0, the model's hands glitch out idk why
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bro i died💀
do what you want with your model pack, i was just asking because y'know, modern hesse sonic is a thing and i was just wondering if you would make a MODSONIC (modern sonic) model based on that design

you didn't mention metal3.0 :threat:
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speaking of metal 3.0, the model's hands glitch out idk whyView attachment 102238View attachment 102239
aw damn thought I had the things away enough to avoid z fighting I'll make sure its fixed next update
dont wanna break rule 16, (if this does i'll just remove it), but is it possible to make a seperate sonic model that has a different running anim where his hands are behind his back instead?
Hey, so I've been thinking about this a fair amount recently, and its been bothering me , so I figured I'd talk about it.

I really appreciate the comments I've been receiving about this pack. I'm really glad you're all excited for what I'm working on. But some comments lately have been somewhat annoying me, because comments of these types come up frequently and I don't really know the best way to respond to them. Because of this I would like to set a boundary for the interactions here as long as this pack continues development. Also, to be completely clear, if you have done something that I described here in the past, I do not hold it against you in the slightest, just going forward, I would appreciate if everyone kept this in mind.

Regarding requests.
To start, I am flattered that one, you like my models enough to want more of them, and two that you believe that I am capable of bringing to life something that you like in a competent manner. It is a good side to this thing that mostly bothers me. However, I really don't appreciate unsolicited requests. Unsolicited as in, I have not and will very rarely ever ask other people what to make for this pack. Whether that be a character, or in some cases a skin (I will elaborate on the skins later tho), I don't really need anyone telling me what to make. I have a pretty specific idea for what I want to make and when I want to make it. Furthermore, I am well aware of the variety of mods on the MB; I play this game very frequently and see all sorts of stuff hosted and other stuff as it comes out on the message board. Requests for new characters are rarely ever bringing to my attention something that I haven't heard of.

The other thing is making these models takes a lot of time. Like a lot, and making a brand new character from scratch can take multiple days at the fastest and weeks at the slowest. I can't exactly give a great estimate for exactly how long they take, but that's not really relevant. These models are high-effort, free, and take a lot of time out of my life to do. And I enjoy doing them! I am perfectly fine with continuing to make these and supporting them for everyone to use; it just needs to be on my own terms.

This doesn't necessarily mean you can't ask for anything from me; I think that is somewhat unreasonable, but I would ask you to consider a few things.
  1. Is this something that someone would be willing to make for me? Remember that I most likely do not know you, pretty much at all outside of this comment section. You do not owe me anything, obviously, but similarly I am not obligated in any way to make something for you. This is not meant as a way to demean anyone here, but I do have a life outside of this and this is just a personal hobby. You also aren't paying me. (im not taking commissions). On this note, it is extremely unlikely that I would make a whole other character specifically just because you asked me to.
  2. How much effort would something like this take? A whole character is an incredible amount of work. It requires modelling the character, any props, and sometimes effects. Then you have to texture the whole thing, which for my artstyle requires lots of tedious UV mapping. Then you have to rig the model, so it is possible to animate and moves properly. Finally, you have to animate the whole thing, which can be upwards of hundreds of frames. This is a lot of effort, which can take tons of redoing and remaking things. You've probably seen the iterations Metal Sonic has gone through in this pack; making something I like takes a while, and what I like is subject to change. On the other hand, say you're asking for mod compatibility for a sonic addon (that patches the sonic skin or reuses vanilla animations, NOT a different artstyle sonic addon). This probably is a lot easier to do. It probably requires a few extra frames, maybe an effect to model and some slight alterations to the model, but most of the heavy lifting has already been done. I'm much more likely to agree to this, but even then asking for a bunch of mod compatibility can still be draining.
  3. Why do I want this? I know the most common answer is that you just want something to have a model; I totally understand that, I've been there, that's some of the motivation I had for starting this pack. But stuff like alternate skins, model variants of existing stuff. They require a fair amount of effort, largely for something pretty much cosmetic. I understand that it might be cool for something to happen, but it still requires someone to do it. If you're willing to put in the effort, I'm not exactly opposed to you making edits to my models on the condition that you do not post them for download publicly on the message board or elsewhere, so if you wanted, you could import the model into blender or mm3d and make the changes yourself. Regardless, just keep in mind that your requests have a bearing on me, and also everyone that uses the pack. Superficial changes just to fit your preferences aren't really something I'd like to frequently incorporate into this pack.
  4. Is this something that Kaldrum hasn't thought of already? Do I know he isn't planning to do it at some point? I will say, you probably can't know the answer to this question, and if you ask me I probably won't give you the answer. But in a mania styled pack, do you really think I haven't thought of making Mighty and Ray? I know I don't share my wip stuff (here) but even then keep in mind I plan to support this pack until I'm tired of it, which I will say when. You don't know if I will or won't make something. With that in mind, when you ask if I'm gonna make something, its very unlikely I'll give you a definitive answer. I might make it at some point. Who knows? However, if you are positive that this isn't something that I have thought of (maybe mod compatibility), maybe its fine to ask. Also at some point, I might ask for ideas for bonus skins on specific characters. Go crazy then but for now please don't.
  5. Remember that I reserve the right to not make whatever you ask. Even if you ask for something in completely good faith; its relatively mundane and not a huge ask; I can still say no. And it is not personal at all. Sometimes I just don't want to make things. If you can't respect that, please don't ask me for anything.
Also as a last thing, please know when you're requesting things. Saying "imagine if" or "it would be cool if" or "is it possible if" don't really read much differently than "could you make." I don't want or need to be stingy about rule 15/16, but if it comes to mind when asking there's a chance you're doing it.

Also don't ignore these things when talking to other addon creators. If you are one and disagree, please tell me (or your commenters) but in general I'd assume that most people don't appreciate these things I discussed either.

However, some things I do really appreciate are: bug reports! constructive criticism! compliments! non-requesting speculation! screenshots! asking for help! and other things probably. Just please chill out with the requests. You'll most likely be disappointed with my answer.

With that, I think thats the gist of what I have to say. I'll edit this if anything changes. If you ignore this, I most likely will not give your comments a response.

Thank you! I promise that whatever I'm making next, even if its not what you asked for, will still be cool in its own way.
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