Rule 15: Do not ask people to make things for you.
Hey SRB2 judges.. if your reading this. then i would have my own addon, i can't make it on my own, i need my own addon. i hate it when srb2 judges reject this. and Last time they rejected my addon, i was upset now...
but if you are SRB2 Mods. reading this. then i need this created... i added it on scratch. (NOTE: Scratch and Team Sonic Jr. isnt together.) Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677375266/ also. My Jay T addon needed to turn Super. And. thats it about my addon.
(DISCALMER: Do not reject this)
(NOTICE: Couldn't make an 3D.)
but if you are SRB2 Mods. reading this. then i need this created... i added it on scratch. (NOTE: Scratch and Team Sonic Jr. isnt together.) Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677375266/ also. My Jay T addon needed to turn Super. And. thats it about my addon.
(DISCALMER: Do not reject this)
(NOTICE: Couldn't make an 3D.)