If Sega keeps going the way they are...

Will you remember Sonic as he was? Before Sega corrupted the series?

  • I'm loyal to Sonic, he'll survive on sites like this if I have to program games myself!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bah! Away with Sonic if that happens!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll think of him how he was.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll think he's a totally messessed up hedgehog, and play his games now and then...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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TimberWolf said:
You're comparing 2D levels to 3D levels, you fail at level comparison.
I do believe I pointed out that Yasuhara left after Sonic R. To make it obvious, Yasuhara worked on said title. Therefore, I AM comparing 3D levels to 3D levels, unless you'd like to give me a particularly good reason why Sonic R cannot be considered 3D.

And even ignoring this, it's VERY possible to compare 2D levels to 3D, unlike you seem to think. The addition of a third dimension changes an awful lot, sure, but a lot of qualities remain the same; for instance, how easy it is to die in the first stage of the game, when you deliberately go out of your way to NOT die. Green Hill, Emerald Hill, and Angel Island all work fine here; Wave Ocean in 2K6 fails due to various design flaws I swear up and down I've gone over before.

Yes, bottomless pits were in the 2D games. Yes, there were areas that they were frequent. But it was never as easy to fall into them as it is nowadays, and the levels they are frequent in are the minority, not every bloody level like it is nowadays. If you need to make a jump and miss, it was more often that, in the older games, you would land on a lower path instead. Now, you just die, flat out, and have to repeat that entire section over sans a life, instead of continuing progress on another path. It's just flat-out different design, and no half-assed argument you can come up with can refute this. The quality difference between the two ideals here is more debatable, but the consensus I've seen everywhere is that it's a change for the worse, by far.

Also, while it can NOT be said that the levels in the original games weren't linear, they were by no means as linear as they are in the modern games, where there's typically one, and only one, path worth taking (or path period). This stifles replayability, which means that game is going to be collecting dust on the shelf, and therefore not worth the money you'd put down on it.

But anyway, this argument here is absolutely retarded:

TimberWolf said:
1. 3D-ness instead 2D-ness=awsome
There should never, ever be a quality difference just because a game is 3D or 2D. If you honestly believe this is the case, you're part of the problem.

TimberWolf said:
2. Sonic's alive right now BECAUSE they went more realistic. If Oshima was still in charge SEGA and ST would've died out before the Dreamcast
Sonic's alive right now because he sells. There's a large enough devoted fanbase that it'd sell no matter what crap they put out. Also, I'll point out that despite you arguing that realistic environments is saving the series, the latest installment completely bombed, and it's got the closest thing to "realistic" that any entry in the series have so far. In short, the public is saying this:


TimberWolf said:
3. You don't fall through the floor, unless your some nOOb that can't use an analog stick properly
I've said it before and I'll say it again: skill has absolutely no impact on a programming glitch that happens entirely at random. If you honestly believe otherwise, you're an idiot, plain and simple.
FoxBlitzz said:
However, the level design is done in such a way that it limits your freedom and ultimately causes frustration, what with all the deathpits.
The deathpits are ESSENTIAL in the 3D games. Look at Shadow the Hedgehog. In Westopolis, there're alot of things that you can find that're on the other side of deathpits. Without deathpits, you can't have nything hidden and THEN it's linear.

FoxBlitzz said:
The realistic factor of a game has absolutely nothing to do with core gameplay. I assume you're talking about 2K6's new graphics, no? That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is gameplay issues, and the modern games are full of them.
My realistic, I also mean the storylines and the games from SA1-Shadow the Hedgehog (not including Sonic Heroes, Sonic Shuffle or any of the handheld games) as well as Sonic'06. And when was it that we were discussing gameplay only?
TimberWolf, any argument you make sounds 100% more stupid when you can't even fix spelling mistakes before posting.
I hate it when people say that.
"I typ 2 fast so i my speeling iz bad"
It's a freaking message board, not a chatroom. That's so hard about skimming over your post, or at least looking up from your hands? Firefox 2 has a built-in spell checker, use that or something.
Shuffle said:
I hate it when people say that.
"I typ 2 fast so i my speeling iz bad"
It's a freaking message board, not a chatroom. That's so hard about skimming over your post, or at least looking up from your hands? Firefox 2 has a built-in spell checker, use that or something.
I don't HAVE Firefox 2.............

Besides, I also have other things to do like spriting, watching YouTube vids, keeping an eye on my forum, looking at other peoples' wads............
Hmm, so I guess taking 30 seconds to read over your post is way too much time?
You do realize we have rather specific rules about grammar, right?
TimberWolf said:
Without deathpits, you can't have nything hidden and THEN it's linear.

...What? There's about a million ways you can hide objects without needing deathpits. Like a wall. Yes, a bustable opening that holds an item. Never thought of that, eh?
TimberWolf said:
Shuffle said:
TimberWolf, any argument you make sounds 100% more stupid when you can't even fix spelling mistakes before posting.
Typeing fast does that.
I type fast, and my spelling mistakes are mostly out of not knowing how to spell something. You're just making up excuses. furthermore, Shuffle is right; one can't make a good point if they can't spell it out.

Shadow Hog said:
You win the internet!
shadowysonic said:
Sonic and his series will never die because.... well I can't think of any reason at 10 pm really.
No, at this rate, I think he's dead already...
furyhunter600 said:
shadowysonic said:
Sonic and his series will never die because.... well I can't think of any reason at 10 pm really.
No, at this rate, I think he's dead already...
And I will not acept that because with out him I would have absolutly nothing to do at all times.
Sonic is becoming an overrated piece of crap (almost had a heart attack saying) that Sega is making a quick buck over. It's sad really, that when your beloved childhood idol, is becoming trash.
People who support the new Sonic are not true fans of Sonic, this is the conclusion I have come to. If they were, they would see the flaws of the newer games, yet they don't. -_-
Is it okay for me to say goodbye to Sonic yet, I can't stand to see him like this.
I'm sticking with Sonic because I'm a fan, but I still think that after they stopped making their own consoles, they just began to fall, and their games started to suck, and it's getting worse as we speak... STOP SPEAKING! *shot*

Being poor, I haven't had a chance to get my hands on various titles, so the only Sonic games I own are SA2B, Sonic Heroes and Sonic Advance 1, but I've played the 4 main Genesis/Megadrive titles, too. I've seen videos of other titles (mainly SADX and Sonic Next) as well. I have to rely on reviews and videos to know what's good or not, and by those I can see Sonic, like I said, is falling.

Sonic Heroes had a good sense of speed (on most consoles) but was slowed down by OMG TEAMWORK, as well as poor physics.
I'll Begin in another thread said:
Grinding was terrible, LETS GRIND BACKWARDZ!

Shadow The Hedgehog had some good ideas. Shadow having his own adventure, Choosing your own path, Dreamcast-esque graphics (actually turned out worse in many cases) for a classic look. But guns and vehicles seemed unnesseary.

Sonic Riders seems awesome, I've been thinking of getting it actually. Although why Sonic and Co. need boards when they could actually run is beyond me. The art style of that game is awesome too.

Sonic The Hedgehog as I described it once:
I'll Begin in another thread said:
What really baffles me is that Next Gen Sonic is basically a bunch of previous mistakes mixed into one game. Over-use of rails, rainbow rings, guns, new characters, Sonic X voices, over-use of voices, slow characters, multiple versions of the same level (I think) and most of all, BECOMING A THIRD PARTY DEVELOPER! Sonic was great when Sega was alone, and they're ruining the franchise.
With bad things aside, I really like the graphical style in this game too, the realism wasn't a bad idea, plus it still looks Sonic-y, which is good. Eggman looks ridiculous, though.
From what I've seen/heard of the story (I'm trying not to spoil it for me too much), it looks pretty good, although somewhat cheesy.

Sonic and the Secret Rings hasn't had much revealed about it, so I can't make any accurate impressions of it. I'm a bit skeptical about the control system though, but I'm sure it'll work in the end. After all, Sega knows how to program well with the GameCube, and the Wii isn't much different. Similar processor with more power, and a new controller with many uses.
I guess I'll have to agree with you, I'll Begin. The recent Sonic games were fun to play, but the problems were too much to ignore.
Sonic Heroes did have a good idea forming in the conceptual stages of development, I have no idea what happened though. It had a lot of potential, but it never worked. And the multiple pits design did more harm than adding a challenge.
Shadow The Hedgehog was a blast to play (at first.) But due to the weapons, vehicles, useless cursing, and the control scheme, that was when I started to notice Sonic Teams's flaws first-hand.

Sonic '06 is a beautiful game, and they spent more time than they should have polishing the graphics than working on gameplay engine.
But what really turned me off was that Sonic fell in love, and the story itself, and not to mention Eggman's wierd new design.

Sonic Team will always be my favorite video game developer, but I can't stay with Sonic if he keeps going this way.

I can pro
What the heck is a rainbow ring? Also, I believe in the phrase "Live and let live". If people like TimberWolf like Sonic Next, fine by him. If people like Maou-Shin Daioka like Sonic 1, fine by him. I only played Sonic Adventure once, but I liked it. It had solid gameplay, okay graphics (I have seen better on the Playstation 1), and an interesting story. I disliked Knuckles attitude, and the fact that your spindash could not harm foes. I do not care about SA1, or any game, I just want this argument to cease so I do not have to make utterly long posts like this one.
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