How to make custom skincolors (In my own words)


Im back and better than ever!
Hello. For people who have been wondering how to make a skincolor, well here you go.
Also, Zipper made some mistakes on her thread about this topic but didn't reply to the questions since she/he had left the community in october.
Without further waffling, heres the tutorial.

The code looks like this

name = "CustomNameThatIsVisibleOnPlayerSetup",
ramp = {146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,253,254},
invshade = 9,
chatcolor = V_BLUEMAP,
accessible = true

freeslot decides that lua starts from the code next to it.
the SKINCOLOR_CUSTOMNAME is the name for your color
the name is that name which you see on multiplayer character select
gif for mb.jpg

Now ramp, is the hardest part. The ramp is the bits of colours which the skincolor will apply onto the skin. Colors have to be numbers. To identify these you need to follow the SRB2 pallete.

The colors you need are these numbers. There needs to be 16 numbers which represent colours.
Indeed color 255 is not transparent. It is used for the vanilla colour cyan @CloneFighter for mentioning that.
Invcolor is the opposite color of your skincolor so if you want your goal post colour to be opposite, you would need to set the invcolor.
Invshade is the shade of your color, it must be a number.
Chatcolor is the colour of your username when talking on srb2 mp. its must be V_CUSTOMCOLOURMAP
Accesible is whether you can use this color on srb2 mp it should be either = true or = false.

You can also use a handy tool called the Super Cool Custom SkinColor Creator! That's what I use, at least.

As for generating the ramp palette with, you can just copy the numbers of color indexes it gives you into the ramp field. Make sure to add the commas. Thanks to @CloneFighter for replying to this and giving me this info.

If you find anything wrong or that i've forgotten something, just tell me in the comments and i will fix that.

Thank you for using your time reading this.
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You can also use a handy tool called the Super Cool Custom SkinColor Creator! That's what I use, at least.

As for generating the ramp palette with, you can just copy the numbers of color indexes it gives you into the ramp field. Make sure to add the commas. just copy+pasted the thing, didn't you (Shouldn't've kept the "That's what I use, at least."...)
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You can also use a handy tool called the Super Cool Custom SkinColor Creator! That's what I use, at least.

As for generating the ramp palette with, you can just copy the numbers of color indexes it gives you into the ramp field. Make sure to add the commas. just copy+pasted the thing, didn't you (Shouldn't've kept the "That's what I use, at least."...)
I do use it though. i generated random colours
Also if theres anything extra i missed, dm me on discord toeispeedster#4461

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