How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

The thing about replacing the thok Is that there really isn't a way you could replace the thok without causing a lot of problems.
You can't just replace It with an existing ability like the drop dash since it doesn't really work with what there going for in 2.3, but you also can't replace It with something like the one shown on #development since you're basically adding 3 new abilities into one character that people who are playing for the first time aren't going to know how to use.
Then have a homing thok. Which is basically SRB2's Homing Attack.
I never knew that, but I feel like it should decelerate quicker, or at least be slower.
Eh, if it were slower it’d be useless, I heard of an idea that it’s speed is based off of your current speed/momentum, but if it were like a tiny jolt forward, it wouldn’t be as useful
Honestly, I see both side's opinions. The thok can help experienced players a lot, but overuse of it is punished. In my opinion, that is good design. On the other hand, I also feel it can water down the momentum, which is at the core of an ideal sonic game for me. My ideal replacement would be a simple tweak, that the current thok would occur if your speed was above a certain threshold, and a less powerful one would occur if you were slower, the latter being more suitable for platforming for newer players.
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Honestly, I see both side's opinions. The thok can help experienced players a lot, but overuse of it is punished. In my opinion, that is good design. On the other hand, I also feel it can water down the momentum, which is at the core of an ideal sonic game for me. My ideal replacement would be a simple tweak, that the current thok would occur if your speed was above a certain threshold, and a less powerful one would occur if you were slower, the latter being more suitable for platforming for newer players.
yeah. I like the momentum thok mod and especially the xmomentum mod's star thok, so that's what i think 2.3 should use.
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But then you would have to make a new ability for the lighting shield
no you wouldn't. it would still be useful since for other characters, and the lightning shield retains your momentum, allowing for you to chain fewer attacks over longer distances.
Dude removing the thok is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard and I'm embarrassed for everyone that it's been entertained as much as it has

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