Golden Metal Sonic (GMS)

[Open Assets] Golden Metal Sonic (GMS) v1.5

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i make shit.
TeriosSonic submitted a new resource:

Golden Metal Sonic (GMS) - Use the power of rings to burst through levels!

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Golden Metal Sonic
Cool GMS art by Samups. Metal Sonic art by Alice of course

Main Developers:
Terionic: did most of the mod
ashi: helped coding the hud and the gms_propellernoise command (yes that command took way more effort than it needed)
Samups: drew the character select art
reused content:
Sz: SSNMighty (breakable floor code, reusable)
Icezer: Super Sonic (ring...

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The character is great. The ring mechanic seems well thought, and not too intrusive. Never once when I played through the vanilla campaign did it feel like the ring cost was too much.

My only real complaint is that horrendous Propeller noise. While the option to turn it off does exist, having to do so everytime you boot the game back up is very annoying. Not to back seat moderate, but try adding a config file of sorts to properly keep the settings. (or whatever most mods do to keep the settings saved.)

Still a pretty good alternate take on metal regardless.
The character is great. The ring mechanic seems well thought, and not too intrusive. Never once when I played through the vanilla campaign did it feel like the ring cost was too much.

My only real complaint is that horrendous Propeller noise. While the option to turn it off does exist, having to do so everytime you boot the game back up is very annoying. Not to back seat moderate, but try adding a config file of sorts to properly keep the settings. (or whatever most mods do to keep the settings saved.)

Still a pretty good alternate take on metal regardless.
Saving configurations is considered for a future update... if I figure out how it works.
btw there's a review section for a reason
i have a idea
the idea is:golden metal and metal sonic team up (like sonic and tails duo) if you do i will be happy!
good addon btw
Terionic updated Golden Metal Sonic (GMS) with a new update entry:

v1.5 - Command Patch (took too long)

- Added I/O support! Now all GMS commands will save in your luafiles/client folder, allowing for your GMS settings to persist between sessions!
- Added a bunch of new commands!
  • gms_help: lists all commands
  • gms_bounstomp: allows you to toggle beta Ring Crush behavior, making the rebound higher but also costing more rings to use
  • gms_betahud: toggles the placeholder HUD used before the current graphic HUD was coded in. completely pointless
  • gms_credits: pretty self...

Read the rest of this update entry...
small issue DO NOT LOSE RINGS TO YOUR POWER in special stages
or the ring requirement WILL RE-INCREASE

this has screwed over so many perfect bonuses

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