• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Glaber's Junkyard, Featuring SRB2 the Past 2.0 and other projects.


Emblem Radar Ready
This has been a little over due. I've been meaning to make one of these topic for a while now. So what am I making?

Project Robotower Christmas (On Hiatus)

First off, the stage seen here, Slippin Around, had been intended to release around Christmas, but it didn't happen due to how incomplete it is.
Last I left off the level was using 2 rooms recycled from an old Christmas Project.

Project Robotower
This is a project that went under a few different names. Sonic EX Stream, Sonic Extreme K1, Sonic Extreme K2, and previously just plain Sonic Extreme.
In its current form, it started off with Emerald Lake act 1 back in the OLDC and today is in need of work to be fixed for 2.2.

Other Zones to be included are:
Tube Town
either Great Gate or Magmor
Toxic Mines
Icicle Factory
Desert Gadget (may rename or re-envision)
Hunted Manor
Machine Mayhem
Egg ??????? (Sonic Only)

Badnik Pack 1 (REPLACED with Badnik Pack DX)
This one is a little special. Over the course of SRB2's History there have been various custom badniks present in various levels that the only way we had to use any of them was to wait for them to be added to SRB2 itself, or build up the nerve to ask to use the badniks. This Pack aims to be the first Custom Badnik pack for public use, and is almost ready for release!

2 more projects are also in the works, and they will be posted later. For now though these 3 are the ones I have chosen to start my topic with.


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Love the idea of a public domain badnik bundle! Will it be open for contributions? There are a couple really old enemies I worked on that I could toss in there once I stop being busy and finish them.
I appreciate the offer, but this badnik pack is not open for contributions.

Part of what this pack seeks out to do is to encourage others to make and release their own badniks too. We've had custom reuseable bosses, textures, flats, and other decorative and functional assets, but never reuseable badniks outside of SRB2 the past's offerings. (Marked as reuseable)

So while this pack won't have your badniks, don't let that stop you from releasing them whenever you get them finished.
Up next is the Recycling project
Dimension Glaber (RELEASED)

In the 1.09.4 days, Dimension Glaber was originally planned on being a multiverse level pack with levels based upon various series like Jazz Jackrabbit and Commander Keen. Attempts were made on the Jazz Jackrabbit stages with Daimondus receiving the most stages and Medivo receiving the most attention. However, this version was scrapped.

But since then I had grown in being a level designer producing such levels like Sky Top that reuse rooms from my older levels and in doing so I got the idea to port all my levels to the current engine.

During this time I didn't plan on releasing the pack until I noticed something. I had enough content for a full blown mod. And Thus, dimension glaber became more than a recycling project.

Now I'm working towards bringing this mod to 2.2, taking advantage of all the new material that comes with it.


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Now at this time, It's time to reveal the last project to the Message Board. I'm pretty sure everyone who has been to the official discord server will know what it is though.


I've been waiting to reveal this one until it was far enough along to have enough stuff to show off.

First off, the changes to the Museum:
The Changes begin with the main enterance as now we have some new out door exhibits

These include the Pure Fat Truck, the Shuttle from SRB1 and the Rocket from Red Volcano.


We also now have a much better Badnik Zoo too! Featuring badniks from all over SRB2's History! (And User Minus too)

The Boss room has been replaced with a new restraunt and Hidden Art room

Every item that was on display in the hall has now been moved into a room

The Concept art room has even been reorganized to make things easier to figure out.

We now have a Character room too.
But this is not meant for character swapping.
And now the teleports to the hubs have a new room of their own!
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Now at this time, It's time to reveal the last project to the Message Board. I'm pretty sure everyone who has been to the official discord server will know what it is though.

SRB2 The Past (WIP)
View attachment 51161

I've been waiting to reveal this one until it was far enough along to have enough stuff to show off.

First off, the changes to the Museum:
The Changes begin with the main enterance as now we have some new out door exhibits
View attachment 51160

These include the Pure Fat Truck, the Shuttle from SRB1 and the Rocket from Red Volcano.

View attachment 51162

We also now have a much better Badnik Zoo too! Featuring badniks from all over SRB2's History! (And User Minus too)
View attachment 51163

The Boss room has been replaced with a new restraunt and Hidden Art room
View attachment 51164

Every item that was on display in the hall has now been moved into a room
View attachment 51165View attachment 51168

The Concept art room has even been reorganized to make things easier to figure out.
View attachment 51169
We now have a Character room too.
View attachment 51170 But this is not meant for character swapping.
And now the teleports to the hubs have a new room of their own!
View attachment 51171
This is the best thing!!
Next are the hubs:
first off, All acts now have their own entrances so you no longer have to play them back to back
Some hubs have new features

Some have new additions
And some are brand new

Besides these, we aslo got the new Colosseum

Here you can find rooms with information on multiplayer maps (not built yet)
The Boss Rush
or SRB2 the Past's own Rival Rush, "Metal Sonic's Challenge"

Plenty of this is still a work in progress and much has already been finished since last Year. If you more info, stay tuned in the SRB2 Community Discord, or the SRB2 20 Years ago server.
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Damn bro, you're going ahead and beyond with SRB2: The Past, all of these additions look hella promising!
:wonderful:Good luck with finishing the mod!
for those of you who haven't seen the SRB2 Mod Direct.
I now have a trailer for SRB2 the Past 2.0
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It's time for another update!

This time I've started on the Development hub.
Here you can find your way to Doom Ship and Dark City

As well as a few Dev Test maps determined to be too small to include on their own maps.

These dev chunks will each have a way back in the form of teleport beams

Beams that will only show up after 10 seconds.

Stay tuned to the SRB2 Community Discord, or the SRB2 20 Years ago server for more info in real time.
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This project looks hella sick! I got a question about an easter egg though..
Will the pre-2.1 Museum still be accesible as an easter egg? That touch was really neat in the 2.1 version so I'm wondering if it's gonna be avaible to be accesed in the new museum hub area.
Good luck in your projects, glaber!
  • Cool!
Reactions: JjJ
Really looking forward to this one!
Also the fact that SRB2 The Past sounds like Sonic Robo Blast to The Past is amazing.
This project looks hella sick! I got a question about an easter egg though..
Will the pre-2.1 Museum still be accesible as an easter egg? That touch was really neat in the 2.1 version so I'm wondering if it's gonna be avaible to be accesed in the new museum hub area.
Good luck in your projects, glaber!

Really looking forward to this one!
Also the fact that SRB2 The Past sounds like Sonic Robo Blast to The Past is amazing.
I wasn't even thinking about that when I came up with the title. I only realized that afterwards, and liked it.
  • Cool!
Reactions: JjJ

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