Ellie the Sparklet

Ellie the Sparklet 2.1.2

flarn2006 updated Sparks the Scarf Rider with a new update entry:

Version 1.4

Here's the changelog:
  • Changed Sparks' death sprite to always view from the front, like the other characters. I also adjusted her pose a bit to look better from that angle.
  • Sparks' vertical momentum prior to starting a twirl is no longer taken into account at all when releasing it. This should result in more predictable behavior, as now th
    • The code is still there in case you want to use it; I just set the factor (TWIRL_MOMZ_RESTORE_MULTIPLIER) to 0.
    • Before making...

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:wow: A fun and fast character that isn't overpowered for once. I didn't read about the electric meter so that actually surprised me... but the same thing happened to me with Cacee and Lava
flarn2006 updated Sparks the Scarf Rider with a new update entry:

Version 1.5

Here's the changelog:

New features
  • Sparks is now compatible with Kirby, though she doesn't give the ability you might expect.
  • Speaking of cross-mod compatibility, she is also now compatible with Milne's dance.
  • Map makers can now use linedef type 443 (Call Lua Function) with function name "CHARGE_SPARKS_NO_STUN" to fill Sparks' charge bar without stunning or damaging her. This will apply to whichever player triggered the linedef executor, as long as they are...

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flarn2006 updated Sparks the Scarf Rider with a new update entry:

Version 1.5.1

Just realized there's some other mapping functionality that could be useful, so I've added it.

Effect 1 ("Slope Skew"):
Don't play sound

Newly added. Immediately removes Sparks' electric charge.
Effect 1 ("Slope Skew"): Don't play sound

Newly added. Calls a linedef executor depending on whether or not the activator (Sparks) is charged.
Front Texture...

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Did you inspire your OC's design out of Blaze's Original Design? I've was seeing Chaomix's new Terios the Hedgehog (Shadow the Hedgehog's Original Concept Art Character) video, that was talking about him and about SA2's development and some other opinions about the other Terios designs that where found over the Internet. And he showed a picture of Blaze from Sonic Rush's original design comparing her with Terios. And then i've thinked about Sparks when seeing her and i've thought if you've actually inspired from that when making it.
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Did you inspire your OC's design out of Blaze's Original Design? I've was seeing Chaomix's new Terios the Hedgehog (Shadow the Hedgehog's Original Concept Art Character) video, that was talking about him and about SA2's development and some other opinions about the other Terios designs that where found over the Internet. And he showed a picture of Blaze from Sonic Rush's original design comparing her with Terios. And then i've thinked about Sparks when seeing her and i've thought if you've actually inspired from that when making it.
Here's Chao's video if you don't know him because i've don't see his videos getting much views or him having much subscribers so to make sure;


  • sparks the scarf raider.png
    sparks the scarf raider.png
    76.5 KB · Views: 136
I think it'll be a good idea for Sparks to not lose dash mode while in midair

Partly because a few other characters with dashmodes do it,also because it's just generally nicer feeling rather than losing all that sweet sweet speed from braking while airbone
flarn2006 updated Sparks the Scarf Rider with a new update entry:

Sparks has evolved into Ellie!

This has no importance to the mod; I don't plan on incorporating any of these changes into it. But I thought I'd share this here anyway.

View attachment 76177
First off, she has a new name. Don't feel like getting into why because it's kind of a long story, but the short version is I just wanted to change it. Sparks could still be her last name I guess; it's not even an abnormal one by human standards.

Second, she has new powers!

View attachment 76178...

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Sparkette updated Sparks the Scarf Rider with a new update entry:

Version 2.0, with a new name!

First update in a while! Here's the changelog:

  • Her name is now Ellie, for consistency with my other media featuring the character. (The internal skin name is still Sparks, however.)
  • New character select sprite and player icon
  • Restored the hand on her "ride" sprite; this part was mistakenly omitted from previous versions due to a bug in my render script.
  • Getting hit by electricity will no longer hurt, even when the charge bar is full. (It will still stun you as always...

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oh my god how does that looks so good?? it looks like creepily good!!

love the character btw! super fun and the sprites look great!
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Sparkette updated Ellie the Sparklet with a new update entry:

Version 2.1.1

This is a small update for compatibility with OLDC 2023, as well as to fix something that bothered me about the previous version.

The changelog:

  • Changed the sprite identifier for Ellie's sparkles from SPR_SPSP to SPR_ELSP, to avoid a conflict with OLDC 2023
  • When being ridden by Elfilin, Ellie's charge bar will now fill up much slower, at the same rate at which it normally drains. Of course, this doesn't change the fact that Ellie will always be in her charged state when...

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