Wiki Admin
This is a topic that the Mystic removal thread has gotten into, so I thought it would be worth making a thread about it, just like how the super form thread was unlocked a few days ago.
I'll begin with my answer to the question: no, I do not think Aerial Garden Zone is at all salvageable. While I have no doubt that heavily revamping the stage could make it enjoyable without technically remaking it from scratch (think THZ1 from 2.0 to 2.1, for instance), it's enough of a dated, monotonous, slope-less drag that I don't think it warrants being in the game anymore, especially considering Mystic's removal from dev. It would be weird to put in a totally new level with a roughly similar aesthetic and the same name, because of its undeniable significance to SRB2's history.
As for the bee enemies, I honestly really like the concept of those and wish they'd appear in a level other than Aerial Garden. The bees incentivize you to get through areas without stopping to smell the roses unless you know how to deal with them, but Aerial Garden doesn't really have any roses to smell other than long, repetitive platforming, so it's a moot point as it stands. I feel similarly about some of Egg Rock's enemies, especially spincushions—I imagine they would provide extreme depth and challenge to a future version of Egg Rock that has slopes.
EDIT: I've renamed this thread to allow for discussion of Azure Temple Zone, which was also made by Mystic.
I'll begin with my answer to the question: no, I do not think Aerial Garden Zone is at all salvageable. While I have no doubt that heavily revamping the stage could make it enjoyable without technically remaking it from scratch (think THZ1 from 2.0 to 2.1, for instance), it's enough of a dated, monotonous, slope-less drag that I don't think it warrants being in the game anymore, especially considering Mystic's removal from dev. It would be weird to put in a totally new level with a roughly similar aesthetic and the same name, because of its undeniable significance to SRB2's history.
As for the bee enemies, I honestly really like the concept of those and wish they'd appear in a level other than Aerial Garden. The bees incentivize you to get through areas without stopping to smell the roses unless you know how to deal with them, but Aerial Garden doesn't really have any roses to smell other than long, repetitive platforming, so it's a moot point as it stands. I feel similarly about some of Egg Rock's enemies, especially spincushions—I imagine they would provide extreme depth and challenge to a future version of Egg Rock that has slopes.
EDIT: I've renamed this thread to allow for discussion of Azure Temple Zone, which was also made by Mystic.
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