CrispyModels: Mid-Poly

CrispyModels: Mid-Poly 1.2


Crispy submitted a new resource:

CrispyModels: Mid-Poly - not high-poly but definitely absolutely not low-poly no sir

So you know how I was dead and didn't update my model pack for like, (oh god) 4 months? Well, this new model pack is what I've been working on. It's mostly inspired/based on both SRB2's artwork and Sonic the Fighters, and it's a complete 180 from the old pack in terms of style.

CHARACTERS (all support xMomentum): Sonic (supports paper peelout mod), Shadow
OBJECTS: Rings, checkpoint, springs, most monitors, that xMomentum star, ring sparkles

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I wanna use this Sonic model for MCSonic since it supports the paper peelout but MCSonic still has 2 other exclusive animations 😔
i love these new models soo much it looks so much better also shadow's right eye looks weird right here
I wanna use this Sonic model for MCSonic since it supports the paper peelout but MCSonic still has 2 other exclusive animations 😔
I was using it, and I could only find the victory animation wasn't supported... even the dropdash was supported, in a different file from the sonic.md3 file.
To be honest this model pack reminds me of those High-poly models from Super Mario 64 PC port(especially seeing those monitors on HD! :threat:)
are you planning on making a Knuckles mid poly model? cause I really wanna see what your mid poly knuckles would look like.