Coming back to SRB2 after a decade-- what to expect?

I know I'm echoing what others have said when I say this, but this game has come extremely far. It's been alive for so long a lot of the people originally involved have left and went on with life.
Even as someone who started pretty late into it's life, it's still quite fun going back to older versions of the game. I mean hell, I made a Discord server centered around older versions, and it's quite populated too. Showing how there's definitely something about that era. Maybe the simplicity of modding and other things from that era.
Hey, everyone. I used to play SRB2 quite a lot back in mid-to-late 2010/early 2011, as a young girl.

As you can expect from the title, however, I eventually moved on to other things and haven't touched the game ever since. A few weeks ago I was reminded of it and thought it was the perfect time to come back, specially while having my sister to play with me. I imagine there's been A LOT of changes over the past 12 years, so I'm going to lay down a few questions I hope this great community can help me with.

  1. What are the most important changes, major additions and overall updates since 2.0.6?
  2. How's mod compatibility? I remember quite a few great .wads back in the day, such as Sonic Adventure 2 being recreated within SRB2. Do old mods still work? Any must have .wads for today?
  3. What's up with SRB2 Kart?
  4. I think I've heard about 3D models somewhere. Is that official or a mod?
Thanks! I appreciate any reply in advance. Looking forward to enjoying SRB2 once more.
Oh, man, do you have a lot to learn. The SRB2 Wiki should help explain all of the major changes since v2.0.

1. The game looks, sounds, and plays better than it used to. Greenflower is mostly the same in terms of level layout, but it looks better in 2.2. Techno Hill got one hell of a glowup in 2.1, but Deep Sea was more of the same. Castle Eggman was finished, though. Both Deep Sea and Castle Eggman got remade in v2.2, though. Arid Canyon got it's second and third acts, as well as the first act getting an overhaul. Red Volcano was redone, too, but there's no second or third act. Egg Rock is mostly the same, but there are now enemies in Act 1. Act 2 got rid of the enemy trap near the first starpost, the wind tunnel room, the shrink section, and the laser miniboss near the end. 1 slope total was added to the entire zone, to connect the space between before and after the shrink section.
2. Nobody uses .wads anymore. People have evolved to either .pk3s or .luas. There were some mods ported from even 1.09.4, but the original mods no longer work. And they won't unless they're converted to 2.2. Plus, you no longer have to add mods in using the console. There's a dedicated menu for it that was added in v2.1.22.
3. SRB2Kart is a source code modification of v2.1, based heavily off of Mario Kart. It has yet to be ported to v2.2.
4. There are 3D Models included with the game by a talented man named Jeck Jims. Here's a link to a mod for more 3D Models to add to custom characters, made by the same guy.
Oh, man, do you have a lot to learn. The SRB2 Wiki should help explain all of the major changes since v2.0.

1. The game looks, sounds, and plays better than it used to. Greenflower is mostly the same in terms of level layout, but it looks better in 2.2. Techno Hill got one hell of a glowup in 2.1, but Deep Sea was more of the same. Castle Eggman was finished, though. Both Deep Sea and Castle Eggman got remade in v2.2, though. Arid Canyon got it's second and third acts, as well as the first act getting an overhaul. Red Volcano was redone, too, but there's no second or third act. Egg Rock is mostly the same, but there are now enemies in Act 1. Act 2 got rid of the enemy trap near the first starpost, the wind tunnel room, the shrink section, and the laser miniboss near the end. 1 slope total was added to the entire zone, to connect the space between before and after the shrink section.
2. Nobody uses .wads anymore. People have evolved to either .pk3s or .luas. There were some mods ported from even 1.09.4, but the original mods no longer work. And they won't unless they're converted to 2.2. Plus, you no longer have to add mods in using the console. There's a dedicated menu for it that was added in v2.1.22.
3. SRB2Kart is a source code modification of v2.1, based heavily off of Mario Kart. It has yet to be ported to v2.2.
4. There are 3D Models included with the game by a talented man named Jeck Jims. Here's a link to a mod for more 3D Models to add to custom characters, made by the same guy.
i think she knows most of the changes by now
Hey, everyone. I used to play SRB2 quite a lot back in mid-to-late 2010/early 2011, as a young girl.

As you can expect from the title, however, I eventually moved on to other things and haven't touched the game ever since. A few weeks ago I was reminded of it and thought it was the perfect time to come back, specially while having my sister to play with me. I imagine there's been A LOT of changes over the past 12 years, so I'm going to lay down a few questions I hope this great community can help me with.

  1. What are the most important changes, major additions and overall updates since 2.0.6?
  2. How's mod compatibility? I remember quite a few great .wads back in the day, such as Sonic Adventure 2 being recreated within SRB2. Do old mods still work? Any must have .wads for today?
  3. What's up with SRB2 Kart?
  4. I think I've heard about 3D models somewhere. Is that official or a mod?
Thanks! I appreciate any reply in advance. Looking forward to enjoying SRB2 once more.
Welcome to SRB2 2.2!
If you're willing to read, you can go here for a more (official) comprehensive list of changes.
TL;DR, complete visual overhaul, complete revamp of (most) singleplayer levels, and a general improvement to presentation


While it has less visual features than software, it is completely stable and safe to use without causing errors. It actually boosts your performance SIGNIFCANTLY more than ever. There's even a WIP feature planned for the next patch to get OpenGL nearly indistinguishable from software, with all the benefits!

With the advent of patch updates, here's many of the significant changes brought on by these!
Uncapped Framerates!
With verison 2.2.11, you're no longer stuck to the sluggish 35fps we've been on for nearly 30 years!

Navigate to the options menu either from the title, or the pause menu


Go to video options here

Go to the bottom of video options and select FPS CAP

You can press the left arrow to match it to your refresh rate, or do it manually in increments of 1 with the right arrow

You can now save with mods!
With the newest major update, 2.2.12 (.13 is a hotfix) now allows you to both collect emblems and progress through the main game WITHOUT marking you as cheating. Use common sense and don't try to cheat, cheats other than mods that can cheat are marked as cheating and will disable your ability to save.

As an extra, you can also do record attack emblems while playing stages, which you can see in your pause menu.

Automatic Playstyle!
A playstyle dedicated to controller players, with an emphasis less on your aim, and more on how well you can move those control sticks. It has many new camera features, like automatically shifting and turning with movement. Analog mode is dead forever, and will never be a thing again.

You can find playstyles by following these images like so,

There's also a significant update to modding, just check out the Addons and More section of the MB. It's essentially limitless! Most mods are completely overhauled, with a level of uniqueness you never thought possible in SRB2.

If you're wondering about your SA2 levels mod, it's here as a port, sorry if you expecting a full overhaul. It is still very good and in mint condiiton how you remember it!

Not to disappoint as one major adventure'y mod that you can play right now is ADVENTURE SONIC, the mod dedicated to have just enough authenticity to be like the original. It does have extra goodies though, and turns physics bugs into actual features! This isn't the thread for gawking about other peoples mods though, but I'd suggest giving the originals page a good read!

3D Models, and are they official?
It's a bit complex, but yes 3D models are OFFICIAL now, they come included with the main game as stated in this official news post. The more complex thing is that only the vanilla characters and objects come packaged with any build starting from 2.2.7. The models for modded characters can be downloaded here

SRB2Kart, and it's situation
SRB2Kart titular update 2.0 is technically discontinued, but it is instead being renamed and replaced by it's sequel Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers. The release date and progress are currently TBA, but you can get more info from the Kart Krew discord.


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I'm currently working on a video about the evolution of the game's multiplayer. Would be fun to have you along when I record the Version 2.0 footage, if you'd be down for that.

Do you have any specific date on when you'll do this or you'll announce it later? 'Cause i think me and many other long-time players would like to participate on this lol
Hey, everyone. I used to play SRB2 quite a lot back in mid-to-late 2010/early 2011, as a young girl.

As you can expect from the title, however, I eventually moved on to other things and haven't touched the game ever since. A few weeks ago I was reminded of it and thought it was the perfect time to come back, specially while having my sister to play with me. I imagine there's been A LOT of changes over the past 12 years, so I'm going to lay down a few questions I hope this great community can help me with.

  1. What are the most important changes, major additions and overall updates since 2.0.6?
  2. How's mod compatibility? I remember quite a few great .wads back in the day, such as Sonic Adventure 2 being recreated within SRB2. Do old mods still work? Any must have .wads for today?
  3. What's up with SRB2 Kart?
  4. I think I've heard about 3D models somewhere. Is that official or a mod?
Thanks! I appreciate any reply in advance. Looking forward to enjoying SRB2 once more.
pretty much everything changed:/
The game got practically remade. Most levels got either revamped or remade from scrapped when slopes were added in 2016. A lot of new stuff as well

Hey, everyone. I used to play SRB2 quite a lot back in mid-to-late 2010/early 2011, as a young girl.

As you can expect from the title, however, I eventually moved on to other things and haven't touched the game ever since. A few weeks ago I was reminded of it and thought it was the perfect time to come back, specially while having my sister to play with me. I imagine there's been A LOT of changes over the past 12 years, so I'm going to lay down a few questions I hope this great community can help me with.

  1. What are the most important changes, major additions and overall updates since 2.0.6?
  2. How's mod compatibility? I remember quite a few great .wads back in the day, such as Sonic Adventure 2 being recreated within SRB2. Do old mods still work? Any must have .wads for today?
  3. What's up with SRB2 Kart?
  4. I think I've heard about 3D models somewhere. Is that official or a mod?
Thanks! I appreciate any reply in advance. Looking forward to enjoying SRB2 once more.
I Will read all that

so uhhh
1. Sprites, maps, music, skincolors (except the doom legacy engine) had been overhauled. and added slopes

Unlockable levels from the early OLDCs
3 Playable characters

2. Mod compatability is not really a thing. 1.09.5 mods doesn't work with 2.0, 2.0 mods doesn't work with 2.1. blah blah blah, you get the point
3. SRB2K is a Super Mario Kart-esque SRB2 Mod made with SRB2 2.1's source code
4. 3D models is bundled in the SRB2 Files (the models are made by jeck jims) but there's community-made models in this message board
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If you want to experience some 2.0 goodness in the modern version, SRB2: The Past is the way to go!
Welcome back! Fellow 2.0 player here. So much has changed but a lot of it for the better in my honest opinion.

Definitely look around You'll find some cool stuff.

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