<Blade> Ezer, BZ4, you both need to start making new levels :(
<EzerArch> Blade, I've been working on new maps
<EzerArch> Just, i'm not showing them on public
<EzerArch> my maps are mostly "construction sites"...i.e. very large rooms where I test and build some stuff
<EzerArch> Okay, since people are asking me to make new maps, I'll stop this bullshit of hiding stuff.
I think I should do this any day...
To be honest, I don't like to post something that's still very unfinished, for obvious reasons. I used to keep things in secret, but, other people post their progress of their works, isn't it? Then I decided to post "some" screenshots of material I have done since I started.
I've been developing a level pack on background while releasing lots of small updates of ArchPack until 1.0 release. It's still very crude, though. Developing this level pack gave me lots of ideas as well as made me face bugs and engine limitations, so I started to bugreport and suggest stuff in order to make some concepts feasible.
Please, don't expect I will be releasing one or all of these maps soon or later. There's no guarantee I will be finishing one or them all. The full completion of this level pack will mostly depend on my "freetime", interest, and on how SRB2 2.1 will turn out, if bugs get fixed and if features suggested and developed by people will be included in the official release.
Now, off to the screenshot rampage.
ZONE 1 - Genesis Keep Zone
This would be the 1st zone: forest and caves. Meant to be simple and easy. The goal is to teach basic movements and simple platforming.
I started to work on this map when I posted
ZONE 2 - Sand Valley Zone
I would be a desert themed level. I think of working with "moving blocks" and tricks with sand.
At the moment, mostly testing architectural elements and some mechanics.
ZONE 3 - Mill Citadel Zone
(I think we could skip this one ^^')
ZONE 4 - Wet Village Zone
Just because I heard people love water levels, I'm already making one.
While I was implementing some water mechanics, I found some pusher-related bugs (
1 2 3), which took me a lot of time to workaround them.
ZONE 5 - Steel Town Zone
This would take place in an ironworks. I'd be using conveyor belts, furnaces, elevators and melted steel.
Not much "beauty" to show for now.
this idea kinda came from that room above.
This one is giving a lot of troubles. I'm having the same problem as DSZ2 with falling FOFs in that large cascade. (EDIT: sorry for not explaining: say, I was trying to build a set of FOFs that move vertically, FOF over FOF, and the distance between them should be constant, but each loop the distance between the FOFs changed and then started to clash each other.)
ZONE 6 - Wind Megalopolis Zone
It would be a large city built on top of mountains. Expect deathpits and platforming. It'd be using: wind currents, whirls, pipes, fans and maybe some electricity. Developing a
whirl effect gave a lot of headaches.
I'm still not decided if I should make a part of the zone frozen, with ice, snow and stuff, since I'm not planning to make an ice themed level.
Once I had suggested
"Circular Zoomtubes"... well, they would be of some use in the next screen:
ZONE 7 - *space station theme* Zone
It would take place in a chemical plant in the space. It'd also be using gravity and laser. I think of using push/pull effect, but it's
kinda broken.
Not much to show yet.
ZONE 8 - *just because it's mandatory* Zone
I want to explore what SRB2 can best offer: fast-paced platforming.
I hope I'll be able to post the progress from now on, not a promise though, and, perhaps, warm up things in Releases section.
That's all.