Anybody know much about Time Travel & Time Machines?

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The high intensity laser would in theory warp and twist time. Just as all energy and matter does. In theory we could use the warped time to create a wormhole or travel through time.

As for the Astral Projection thing, no one can really say how it's done. Though some people know how to do it, they can't actually explain how. It happens to some people at random though. But being shocked will force you back into your body.
Draykon said:
Alright, to get back on subject. I did a little research and I know of a way that could theoretiacally send you back in time as far as the machine has been active, and possibly into the future until something outside shuts down the machine.

Create a VERY high intense laser and fire it into an array of mirrors that cause it to form a ring, then step inside the ring and beging moving in the direction of the laser, in theory that would cause you to step down a structure of twisted time and space, though thinking about it, it would probably crush you.

I dunno.

To me that just sounds like a really REALLY freakin' cool way to go out.
Draykon said:
As for the Astral Projection thing, no one can really say how it's done. Though some people know how to do it, they can't actually explain how. It happens to some people at random though. But being shocked will force you back into your body.
If that is so, how do you explain the fact that I learned how to astral project? Through practice, I have gained nearly every 'supernatural' ability known to man. The only thing I had naturally was the ability to read my sister's mind when I was younger... And even that took quite a lot of concentration.

It is done by allowing the body to fall asleep while the mind remains awake, which is usually achieved by thinking something monotonously or not thinking at all; Letting your mind wander will either keep you awake or eventually put you to sleep, but if you concentrate hard on one particular action-type thought (I find that the thought of how it feels to climb a rope), you will eventually climb out of your body. It works best if you lay on your back, with your head to the north pole and your feet to the south. I don't know why. I sleep on my side to prevent accedentally astral projecting.

Of course, it's not quite that easy... Copying a consious soul takes a lot more energy then copying a sleeping one, and as such, puts an unheard of amount of stress on your body... The effects of this can be quite scary, and even painful, which is part of why most people who have tried to learn how to astral project gave up...

At first, mere moments after beginning to imagine yourself climbing a rope (from the first person, with no visuals, of course), you will most likely start to get an odd feeling, and that may well be enough to prove to you that what I say is true... It soon grows stronger and you feel almost as if something is lifting out of the top side of your body, yet at the same time, you feel your bottom side sinking like a rock...

If your hand is rested on your heart, you start to feel it beating like mad, impossibly fast, and as such you may fear that it is about to break... But fear not, for that is not your heart beating, and if someone else who is nearby were to take your pulse, it would appear completely normal.

At some point, you'll start to go numb and get a slight prickling sensation as various muscles on your body fall asleep... Like if you ever sat on your foot and it 'fell asleep' due to lack of blood flow, except not the least bit painful. For me, it normally starts at my feet and legs, then goes up to my chest, and the last thing to go is my neck and... face.

I'm not sure, but I think I recall being able to hear a loud humming noise growing stronger as I went as well... After you astral project (or attempt to, at least) the first few times, your body adjusts to the energy demands and thus these effects become less and less noticable or disturbing until they're nothing at all.

Once your body is fully asleep, the outside world is almost nonexistant... You can still hear quite well, but it all seems very distant and unreal... This is what is known as being in a trance, and it is the best possible state for you to meditate or pray in, as you have absolutely no worldly distractions and your soul is more then halfway out of your body.

If you continue to climb your rope in this state, you would experience something which seems like flying through a tunnel... You begin to see things... Colors, rounded walls,... And there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel... Just continue climbing and eventually you climb right out of it, as if it were a hole. You now find yourself in your room, floating right above your sleeping body.

At this point, you are now in ghost form, free to fly around as you please, whatever. Unfortunately, staying in the physical world consumes a very large amount of energy, and you won't be able to stay here for more then a minute the first few times... As such, I suggest you take a quick look around, shout something emotional, and then wake yourself up either by flying back into your body or by forcing yourself to physically move (just wiggling a finger is enough)...

The shouting is important, because like dreams, it is very hard to remember a successful astral projection unless you're good at that stuff (I worked hard on that, too. :P)... I find that if it is a very emotional experience for you, you are more likely to remember it... If not, you'll just have this big empty hole in your memorys and assume that nothing happened, which would be sad because you still wouldn't believe me, even though you did it... :(

Of course, some people do it naturally. In fact, we all probably astral projected when we were very young, and some of you probably have vague, shattered memorys about it... Most of the time, it goes away as you get older, but for some people it does not. These people are the ones who don't know how they do it, of course. We're the unlucky ones, I guess.

Any questions or concerns? I learned this stuff from a 37 chapter book, it is very condensed here, I left some details out, so if anything isn't detailed enough, feel free to ask... The only proof I can give that any of this works is for you to try it yourself, but if you're too afraid to, that's completely natural... :wink:
:eek: oookay...

That sort of tallies with what my friend told me. I've also hear that before you project you begin to hear freaky sounds. My friend said he'd gotten to that state then freaked out and stopped.

as for remembering a projection, I think that's no problem. I usually remember my dreams, especially the freaky ones (like my series of near death dreams...) SO I think that an event like an astral projection would be easy for me to remember.

you mentioned that some of us astrally projected unconsiously when we were kids...Now that old memory I have is begginning to make sense...(I'm not sure If it's still 100% accurate but...I remember when I was 3 or 4, I remember everything being in black and white, and I was looking down into my kitchen, then, I saw myself walk through the kitchen, And I felt myself sort of...FALL into my body...) But then again...It doesn't make much sense because If I wasn't in my was I moving...???

thanks for the info JTE! (goes to look up Astral Projectin at his library!)
Jason the Echidna said:
Any questions or concerns? I learned this stuff from a 37 chapter book, it is very condensed here, I left some details out, so if anything isn't detailed enough, feel free to ask... The only proof I can give that any of this works is for you to try it yourself, but if you're too afraid to, that's completely natural... :wink:

Dang you! I've been looking for a book like that for a long time! I've astral projected once for a few seconds. Though it wasn't quite like you described it.

A was thinking about hanging onto a cliff (don't ask why) I did it for awhile and I suddenly realised I was able to see the world around me, but as soon as I realised it I wound up back in my body. The re-entry is kinda like getting punched in the gut, only it dosen't hurt, you just feel the force of it.
Aegix said:
I've also hear that before you project you begin to hear freaky sounds. My friend said he'd gotten to that state then freaked out and stopped.
Oh yes, I suppose that could happen too; I assume this boarderline's "Sleep Paralysis", which is when someone is drifting to sleep and then they realize they can't move (as their body is asleep) and panic...

They supposedly also hear scary noises, even voices taunting them about their inability to move, and if they open their eyes they think they can see something, either sitting on them or watching them from just out of their view, but they can't move their head to look. The trick is to stay calm and either ignore the sounds and go to sleep (or continue to climb your rope, if you're trying to astral project) no matter what or if you're too afraid, calmly will your fingers to move, as doing so will unlock the rest of your body.

Draykon said:
A was thinking about hanging onto a cliff (don't ask why) I did it for awhile and I suddenly realised I was able to see the world around me, but as soon as I realised it I wound up back in my body. The re-entry is kinda like getting punched in the gut, only it dosen't hurt, you just feel the force of it.
Well, I suppose "hanging onto a cliff" might work too, as that utilizes the same "muscles" as climbing a rope...

I don't know why you'd snap back into your body the moment you noticed you could see; This sort of thing happens to some people, apparently, where they realize they are dreaming and wake up because of it or something... Maybe you started falling asleep before you realized it and were thus 'dreaming'?... I dunno how to get around it, as such a thing has never happened to me before... :(

But yes, waking up like that could be described as similer to waking up from a nightmare: Your astral 'probe' quickly snaps back into your body as if on a rubber band, due to fear or whatever else woke you up, and because of this, your whole body is shocked awake, which causes a painless but odd jump of every muscle in your body...
And Jason the Echidna.
And "That English MKDS dude with Knuckles' head for his decal"
And Old Man Jason.
And... Some horror movie badguy, apparently.
And Kid Redd.
And the "OH MY GOD, THAT'S SUCH A ****ING LONG POST!!" man.
I'm writing in the subject line. I'm a rebel.

Questions for That English MKDS dude with Knuckles' head for his decal.

1. What are the chances of slipping into a coma (Or something similar) while astral projecting?

B: How far away could you wander from your body?
Re: I'm writing in the subject line. I'm a rebel.

SRB2-Playah said:
Questions for That English MKDS dude with Knuckles' head for his decal.

1. What are the chances of slipping into a coma (Or something similar) while astral projecting?

B: How far away could you wander from your body?
I can answer B. There have been claims of going to the Sun and back while in astral form. So pretty dang far.
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