Anybody know much about Time Travel & Time Machines?

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Use your BRAIN if you went in the future looking for your future self GOOD LUCK because you wont find youself because you would not exist in the future because you are whatever age you are in the future so you wont grow up because you left your time so it was like you were dead and came back think about it. :roll:
ZTaimat said:
...JTE, are you bychance some (Cant think of a proper name for it XP) or something? jeez... If you say you could try to posses someone with all that ... informative stuff, TELL ME HOW TO NOW! My mind is darker and more devious than Hitlers, I'm sure I'd achive it. *Evil grin*
Mine is even darker than yours, you absolutly DONT want to go into my mind.
I have some very dark thoughts in my mind. Not even, like, "I'M GONNA BLOW STUFF UP IM SO COOL" kind of stuff.
Matthew said:
Use your BRAIN if you went in the future looking for your future self GOOD LUCK because you wont find youself because you would not exist in the future because you are whatever age you are in the future so you wont grow up because you left your time so it was like you were dead and came back think about it. :roll:

Were talking about past AND future travel. Clearly imposable... Unless mankind is too busy trying to save thier own butts in the present to make it posable. If time machines were ever invented in the future, We wouldn't be in the whole "Global Warming' Bull we're in right now, as someone would have prevented it all. Or prehaps... someone from the future caused the polluting fads of the past through time travel. *Thinks Hitler jr.* ... *laughs at the image*
KingofFlames said:
ZTaimat said:
...JTE, are you bychance some (Cant think of a proper name for it XP) or something? jeez... If you say you could try to posses someone with all that ... informative stuff, TELL ME HOW TO NOW! My mind is darker and more devious than Hitlers, I'm sure I'd achive it. *Evil grin*
Mine is even darker than yours, you absolutly DONT want to go into my mind.

, said the man with a pink Amy avie
Personally, I don't think time travel would be possible.

Let's go back quadrillions of years. We don't know what may have been there then, but it's possible there may have been thousands of civilizations before Earth even became a planet. They have been as smart as us (or smarter) and have thought about time travel, and probably attempted it. If one citizen had caused a paradox, what would happen? Would reality collapse and time freeze, leaving nothing to exist?

If all of the above text is true, then time travel isn't possible. If any citizen had successfully caused a paradox, then we wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be posting this message.
Jason the Echidna said:
Yes, the things I babble about tend to be a "see-it-to-believe-it" sort of thing... I've seen it (hell, I've done it) so of course I know it's true, but it is indeed crazy.

By leeching off life energy, I mean leeching off the excess energy which living creatures naturally produce and normally just waste. Like a lightbulb, emitting light while it's alive, but much more then it actually needs to see.

It is not harmful (and usually completely unnoticed) to take some of that excess energy and use it, though taking too much would cause them to become sleepy a bit faster then normal...

You need to use the energy of physical creatures in order to stay in the physical world. You exist within a bubble of energy while in the physical world, which is why you produce light and can potentially be visible... Yet if you run out of energy, you will be forcefully dragged back to the astral dimention, the dimention of dreams...

At that point, you would not be able to return... But thankfully, you're still alive, and therefore have all the energy you need to stay here. Once you die, you should still have enough energy to stay around for about a week or two without leeching off someone else, giving you ample chance to say goodbye to your living loved ones... If you choose to, anyway.

You could also waste it by accedentally walking through a mirror or having your life quickly review itself in full detail before your eyes or any number of things... Which can be quite disappointing, I'm sure. :(

I'm pretty sure that math teacher who wrote Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass had some astral projection experiences which he drew ideas and inspiration from or something, as walking through a mirror does indeed put you in a messed up backwards world where any number of undefined events could occur.

Getting back to the topic at hand, possessing people is something I've never really attempted, but I doubt it could be done very easily... And without horrible negative side effects to the host, at that... You see, in order to get into someone's body, you would need to push them out... And then they would be unable to get back in, and the situation could potentially be permanent...

You would, in a sense, become two people; Both you and the person whom you possessed, with said person being cheated out of his life. If not, here's another possibility, when you wake up from your astral projection, your physical body would naturally recall your astral probe, leaving the body of the other person soulless, potentially killing them if they can't get back in. In either case, it's not something I'd like to use to fool around with my friends, and there's always the body's natural defences against simply being shoved out, which could potentially destroy your astral probe; If that happens, you would merely wake up without any memory of the event whatsoever. Alas, this may well be why I think I have never tried it.

Oh, also, I should mention that while you astral project, contrary to popular belief, your soul actually does not leave your body. Instead, it creates a copy of itself, which I refer to as the astral probe, and sends that out instead. Because of this, you are perfectly safe while you sleep and if you wake up with blank (but existant!) memorys, you are merely remembering what your real soul experienced rather then your astral probe, as your brain is only designed to handle one set of memorys for each time period...

However, it takes a lot of energy to make a copy of a soul, as you could imagine, and quite a bit more to make a copy of one which is conscious, which is basicly what astral projection does and which is why not everyone can do it... In addition, this energy cost means you cannot sleep if you don't have the energy left to spend, which is part of why insomnia exists and can be quite dangerous.

>_x And yes, this is now a massive post. I would've split it into smaller posts for you if there weren't a law against that, of course, but it certainly goes to show I know quite a lot and have much to say...

Sorry I mistook this topic for something which was the least bit of a serious question and/or deserved as complete an answer I could give, I tend to jump at the chance to spill what I know... Silly 13 year olds... Maybe this ytmnd would suit your needs better. :P

Cool link. Who is that guy in the Pic, BTW?
Solid Snake?...Metal Gear?.... anyway, time travel is true, astronauts traveled seconds in to the future. To do this you need to be traveling at the speed of light or higher, which is impossable.... or until X 3045.
Hyper Metal Sonic X said:
Solid Snake?...Metal Gear?.... anyway, time travel is true, astronauts traveled seconds in to the future. To do this you need to be traveling at the speed of light or higher, which is impossable.... or until X 3045.

OMG! I think I just did it! I surpassed them by traveling a whole minute into the future!
KingofFlames said: you belive in an Ethereal Plane? I do, I'd say it's the plane Heaven and Hell lie on.
I believe there are a lot of planes, and that Heaven and Hell have their own... The planes can all interact with eachother, however, under very limited conditions... Traveling between planes, you can actually see multiple planes at once, with Heaven literally being only a little ways above Hell...

I also believe that there are multiple layers of Heaven, as I have been in places which match the description of "Heaven" in quite a few religions. There is a plane in which Heaven is a vast expanse of pure light, where you can't see or feel or hear anything, but in a very comforting way, not the dark, cold, numb way you'd expect... There is a plane in which Heaven is a large fountain and an endless set of stairs on which long departed loved ones meet once more before ascending to another plane... There is a plane in which heaven is a replica of Earth except nobody ever gets tired or cold or hungry or sick and it's always the middle of the day...

And there are things beyond Heaven, places which cannot even be described, because even trying to make the least bit of sense of them might drive one mad... Places in which you can see in ever-varying numbers of dimentions, and complete spectrums of all lights and sounds which could ever be made or heard, by man or otherwise... Things which the body cannot normally pick up and the brain wasn't built to be able to understand...
Alright, to get back on subject. I did a little research and I know of a way that could theoretiacally send you back in time as far as the machine has been active, and possibly into the future until something outside shuts down the machine.

Create a VERY high intense laser and fire it into an array of mirrors that cause it to form a ring, then step inside the ring and beging moving in the direction of the laser, in theory that would cause you to step down a structure of twisted time and space, though thinking about it, it would probably crush you.

Back with the planes and astral stuff: I believe there could be an endless number of planes, most of which cannot be explained with mankinds current understanding of reality. Though I really don't believe in Heaven or Hell. *Awaits being destroyed for being an Aethiest.*
yo JTE, I'm getting curious about this astral stuff.

how DO you astrally project? I heard some weird thing about it from a freind, But I just want to be sure.

And to Draykon, it's your life. how you live it is no concern of mine (unless you go on a mad kiling spree or something)
No one knows time travel very well really... like i said... it can be easy or hard to explain, depends on the thoery they beleive in. All i know is that if people could make stuff that move to the speed of light then the future will be closer than ever. Unfortunatly... only Time itself will tell you what'll happen. No one can just ask for something that advance in 5 seconds... If someone finds out how to make a time machine, then it could take about 5 years to construct, glitch free. It's like SRB2 in a way... it won't be done unless someone gets the idea and works in a team as a team.
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