Anybody know much about Time Travel & Time Machines?

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Well, theoretically, if you go back in time and do something, you'd change the future, but because it always happened, there would be no way to notice, now would there?
Of course, using the method of time travel I mentioned earlier, you really wouldn't be able to change things... You'd just be a ghost in the past, like Mr. Scroodge, completely helpless to do anything but watch... and fly.
Well, in part of the theory on Astral Projection, is that one could travel through dimensions, which fits the theory that one coulr travel through time, but only in Astral form, which as JTE says, would make you a useless ghost... That could fly at the speed of light!!!
Some guy2 said:
In theory time travel is possible and that's, in a way, relative. According to the theory of Special Relativety time slows with motion. If the speed reaches that of light, time slows to a stop. Reaching the speed of light, c = 300000 km/s, is impossible. Photons only travel at c. So time travel is possible to the future but not to the past. That's the way to put it simply.

I'm glad I decided to read over this whole thread.

What some guy 2 explains is what I said before about time travel working forwards, but not backwards.
ree-c said:
Halkel da Thunderhog said:
Time Travel is one of the hardest to understand, yet... it's easy... Time Travel uses Speed, you have to be faster than even Shadow and Sonic put together. Beleive me, That's faster than light itself. But thats just thoery I have heard.

Sonic can go to the speed of sound, so can shadow...unless chaos control is used, which has an infinite speed...

Oh yeah, i was talking more like without Chaos control. It might be faster than chaos control because he moves from one place to another in a flash so i'm guessing it freezes time.

Mystic said:
Well, theoretically, if you go back in time and do something, you'd change the future, but because it always happened, there would be no way to notice, now would there?

Heres something else that really bugs me. When you go to the future, If you change the present when you changed the future, It counts as the future being the present (where SRB2 takes over the world) and the present being the past. Now that's really confuses me. I'm guessing it's like been missing for 5000 years (for example) and when you return, your missing status doesn't exist meaning you go to the future and nothing changes there when you return. Not that's the weirdest of weird.

time travel discussions always make my head spin.

I really hope that time travel technology doesn't get invented. 'Cause it'd only be a matter of time before some nutjob would abuse it and cause absolute chaos/destruction.

I know a friend who tried astral projection. He said he got freaked out and stopped before he actually projected though. he said he was hearing really freaky sounds. It's kinda understandable why nobody does it, you're putting your soul at risk.

And to Halkel da hegehog. Yeah, Chaos control CAN stop time...well...actually it just slows it down A LOT. See Shadow the Hedgehog (the game) for proof of that.
I feel like making a chart to exlplain this, but I'll try it without one first.

When you travel through time, the defenition of present moves to your destination, if you move the present to that presents future, then you will not have vanished over that time unless you stay in the future forever. If you do, however, return at some point, then you will see your future self. If you change something in the future, then return to the past, then what you changed in the future will be because of yourself appearing and doing it.

Traveling to the past is simply impossiblebecause of a paradox formed.

*shot, put in a bag, and thrown into the mississippi river for explaining time travel*
Well, technicly, you're not really in the past in astral form, but in a recorded copy of the energy of the past. Everything with energy is recorded, and this is how it is all viewable, though it is far clearer if there is more energy around it. But that's just the past. I'm not entirely sure how the symbolic future is written...

Ghosts are, unfortunately, not entirely useless or helpless... They are made of energy, and can therefore affect things which use energy. You could work your voice into a recording someone is making, temporarily cut the power to some lights, make someone feel tingly, whisper into someone's ear... show up in someone's dreams... ... ...

In addition, you produce a kind of (ultraviolet? or infrared?... I'm not sure which) light which is not normally visible to the human eye, but can be picked up by certain cameras (digital camras, especially)... And if you leech off someone's life energy, you could temporarily render yourself visible, if only to them.
Jason, some of those theories I believe in, but some of them just sound too crazy to be true. Leeching off life energy? I should hope not! And it would be very bad if some criminal were brought back to life.
Yes, the things I babble about tend to be a "see-it-to-believe-it" sort of thing... I've seen it (hell, I've done it) so of course I know it's true, but it is indeed crazy.

By leeching off life energy, I mean leeching off the excess energy which living creatures naturally produce and normally just waste. Like a lightbulb, emitting light while it's alive, but much more then it actually needs to see.

It is not harmful (and usually completely unnoticed) to take some of that excess energy and use it, though taking too much would cause them to become sleepy a bit faster then normal...

You need to use the energy of physical creatures in order to stay in the physical world. You exist within a bubble of energy while in the physical world, which is why you produce light and can potentially be visible... Yet if you run out of energy, you will be forcefully dragged back to the astral dimention, the dimention of dreams...

At that point, you would not be able to return... But thankfully, you're still alive, and therefore have all the energy you need to stay here. Once you die, you should still have enough energy to stay around for about a week or two without leeching off someone else, giving you ample chance to say goodbye to your living loved ones... If you choose to, anyway.

You could also waste it by accedentally walking through a mirror or having your life quickly review itself in full detail before your eyes or any number of things... Which can be quite disappointing, I'm sure. :(

I'm pretty sure that math teacher who wrote Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass had some astral projection experiences which he drew ideas and inspiration from or something, as walking through a mirror does indeed put you in a messed up backwards world where any number of undefined events could occur.

Getting back to the topic at hand, possessing people is something I've never really attempted, but I doubt it could be done very easily... And without horrible negative side effects to the host, at that... You see, in order to get into someone's body, you would need to push them out... And then they would be unable to get back in, and the situation could potentially be permanent...

You would, in a sense, become two people; Both you and the person whom you possessed, with said person being cheated out of his life. If not, here's another possibility, when you wake up from your astral projection, your physical body would naturally recall your astral probe, leaving the body of the other person soulless, potentially killing them if they can't get back in. In either case, it's not something I'd like to use to fool around with my friends, and there's always the body's natural defences against simply being shoved out, which could potentially destroy your astral probe; If that happens, you would merely wake up without any memory of the event whatsoever. Alas, this may well be why I think I have never tried it.

Oh, also, I should mention that while you astral project, contrary to popular belief, your soul actually does not leave your body. Instead, it creates a copy of itself, which I refer to as the astral probe, and sends that out instead. Because of this, you are perfectly safe while you sleep and if you wake up with blank (but existant!) memorys, you are merely remembering what your real soul experienced rather then your astral probe, as your brain is only designed to handle one set of memorys for each time period...

However, it takes a lot of energy to make a copy of a soul, as you could imagine, and quite a bit more to make a copy of one which is conscious, which is basicly what astral projection does and which is why not everyone can do it... In addition, this energy cost means you cannot sleep if you don't have the energy left to spend, which is part of why insomnia exists and can be quite dangerous.

>_x And yes, this is now a massive post. I would've split it into smaller posts for you if there weren't a law against that, of course, but it certainly goes to show I know quite a lot and have much to say...

Sorry I mistook this topic for something which was the least bit of a serious question and/or deserved as complete an answer I could give, I tend to jump at the chance to spill what I know... Silly 13 year olds... Maybe this ytmnd would suit your needs better. :P
@_@ Whoa...

teh long post...And you expect us to believe you astral projected (okay :roll: I'm a skeptic)

sounds freaky though. I'd only try it if my life depended on it.

And yeah, I dreamed I was a ghost once (oh it kicked ass I tell you! Possesing stuff was fun.)
The scary part JTE is, I've studied this stuff and I agree with everything you just said. An interesting thing about it though is, your "Astral Probe"'s (As JTE called it) reality is defined more by thought than anything else. Which means all you would have to do to find and teleport to someone, is know that someone knows who it is and where they are.
Hmmm...could there also be an Ethereal realm tied into all of this? maybe Heaven and Hell lie on that plane, and that's why we can't see them.
...JTE, are you bychance some (Cant think of a proper name for it XP) or something? jeez... If you say you could try to posses someone with all that ... informative stuff, TELL ME HOW TO NOW! My mind is darker and more devious than Hitlers, I'm sure I'd achive it. *Evil grin*
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