Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

This new update seems pointless, why add sonic rush features to a mod that adviserizes itself as a mod that's suppose play like sonic adventure? It just doesn't make any sense

It's not even accurately represented, and a modern sonic mod exist for gameplay like this, so it's just there I guess???
This new update seems pointless, why add sonic rush features to a mod that adviserizes itself as a mod that's suppose play like sonic adventure? It just doesn't make any sense

It's not even accurately represented, and a modern sonic mod exist for gameplay like this, so it's just there I guess???
Like said before, some people considered Sonic Rush as an Adventure series game, so that's why it got added. And so what if it's not accurately represented? It's made for fun, not made to be precise.

Now can we please stop talking about the whole Rush thing added in the update? It's added, and it has been said why it's added. No need to constantly fill up the thread with the whole "SONIC RUSH STUFF ADDED? WHY!!!" thing.

(And if you really want more so accurate Rush gameplay, use the
Modern Sonic mod.)
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What is that sweet-looking custom HUD in some of the .gifs of the new Rush Mode for SA Sonic's gameplay? I'd love to use it myself.
I love this sprite
Screenshot_20240311_162307_Sonic Robo Blast 2.jpg
Like said before, some people considered Sonic Rush as an Adventure series game, so that's why it got added. And so what if it's not accurately represented? It's made for fun, not made to be precise.

Now can we please stop talking about the whole Rush thing added in the update? It's added, and it has been said why it's added. No need to constantly fill up the thread with the whole "SONIC RUSH STUFF ADDED? WHY!!!" thing.

(And if you really want more so accurate Rush gameplay, use the
Modern Sonic mod.)
uh excuse me but since when was sonic rush EVER considered a adventure game? they are completely different in almost every way lol.
It just doesn't make any sense to add a feature like that into a mod that advertise itself as having adventure gameplay, and not even go for the extra mile to recreate it accurately is even more odd, the creators probably just added it because “why not”, I just find it to be a baffling design choice

also you can't seriously expect people to not question/talk about a change like that or a update in general, that's mostly the reason why this thing exist in the first place, unless you want people to just bootlick all day 😐
uh excuse me but since when was sonic rush EVER considered a adventure game? they are completely different in almost every way lol.
It just doesn't make any sense to add a feature like that into a mod that advertise itself as having adventure gameplay, and not even go for the extra mile to recreate it accurately is even more odd, the creators probably just added it because “why not”
Uh, excuse ME, but some people considered Sonic Rush to be an Adventure game. They did add it because of that. And them not recreating it accurately is fine. Just play the MS mod if you don't like the Rush gameplay here.
I just find it to be a baffling design choice
Ok??? I was aware of this, and I'm sure other people are too.
also you can't seriously expect people to not question/talk about a change like that or a update in general, that's mostly the reason why this thing exist in the first place, unless you want people to just bootlick all day 😐
And you can't seriously expect the thread to stay on it's current page by constantly talking about this. It was already answered, no need to fill up the thread with these kinds of comments (no offense).

If you keep talking about this, more pages will be added, so I suggest to stop, and move on.

Conversation over.
Uhh to push the subject somewhere more constructive, I think Rush mode is a bit too generous with the boost energy as it stands. Feels much more like Unleashed or something whereas IIRC Rush at least made you work a bit for it by doing tricks. I know you can do tricks currently but they don't feel necessary at all. I think it definitely needs some tuning.
Uhh to push the subject somewhere more constructive, I think Rush mode is a bit too generous with the boost energy as it stands. Feels much more like Unleashed or something whereas IIRC Rush at least made you work a bit for it by doing tricks. I know you can do tricks currently but they don't feel necessary at all. I think it definitely needs some tuning.
I think it's Perfect. Sa-Sonic is all about keeping up the momentum (not literal momentum) and if you need to stop every 30secs to get more boost then it becomes more of a chore. If you playing a level with limited rings and Badnicks then the generous amount of boost makes sense. Also if it was harder to get boost it might push players to use is other moveset which is a great deal faster than rush mode if you know what you doing.
I’ve seen people consider at least up to 06 as part of the Adventure era, even if Sonic’s VA changed. I think the “Modern Sonic” we have now really didn’t become fully defined until Unleashed. Side games like Sonic Rivals also reused a lot of assets from SA2/Heroes, especially in the sound department.

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if this had Jason Griffith as a voice option or 06 as a style choice. (for the lulz, just remove the jumpball aura from the SA2 style and you basically have it.)
I think it's Perfect. Sa-Sonic is all about keeping up the momentum (not literal momentum) and if you need to stop every 30secs to get more boost then it becomes more of a chore. If you playing a level with limited rings and Badnicks then the generous amount of boost makes sense. Also if it was harder to get boost it might push players to use is other moveset which is a great deal faster than rush mode if you know what you doing.
How is doing tricks or blowing up badniks "stopping every thirty seconds"? It still doesn't feel like Rush regardless of how convenient it currently is. It feels like that "fully-defined" non-Adventure game Unleashed, which should be a problem since we're apparently so insistent about drawing the line at Unleashed.
detransforming from super with rush mode on causes the boost to not work
turning rush mode off and on doesn't fix it either, and the bug carries between levels
That was our original intent and name. But it was so focused on Adventure and Adventure is the biggest influence and more people know of that game than the name of its artist, we went with that.
OH, well that was unexected... Ok i... apologize.
Well now it really makes more sense.
Well if i could say anything, i can have more fun with rush mode without being disturbed, wished that There would be something with Xmomentum Hyper Sonic but that's fine enough.
This new update seems pointless, why add sonic rush features to a mod that adviserizes itself as a mod that's suppose play like sonic adventure?
Why not? Rush's gameplay is so simple it barely took me a week to make. No need to let ideals get in the way if it's no skin off my back. Servers can lock Rush Mode if they want, and they can't force you to use it.

Like said before, some people considered Sonic Rush as an Adventure series game, so that's why it got added. And so what if it's not accurately represented? It's made for fun, not made to be precise.
Not quite what we said. SA-Sonic's always had Sonic Advance influence due to a bias on Metalwario64's end. We settled for "Adventure Sonic" because Advance's gameplay translated TERRIBLY to SRB2. (Even a perfect copy of Adventure 1's physics translated badly. Imagine the current airdrag and floatiness tripled, groundspeed even faster, and jumpheight doubled.)

It IS true Rush was initially Advance 4, even using Advance sprites and Drummond's voiceclips. That bit of trivia made Rush enough of a spiritual successor to feel deserving of an SA-Sonic easter egg. Considering how naturally it controls with SA-Sonic, I'd say it worked out! And if all Modern's identity boils down to is just another Advance game's, not our problem

I think Rush mode is a bit too generous with the boost energy as it stands. Feels much more like Unleashed or something whereas IIRC Rush at least made you work a bit for it by doing tricks. I know you can do tricks currently but they don't feel necessary at all. I think it definitely needs some tuning.
You sure it's a generosity problem, and not just rings refilling the gauge that feels off? All Rush Mode speedruns I've seen have Sonic barely hanging onto a single bar, swerving for every ring/enemy in the way. In Sonic Rush you're near max-gauge all the time if you actively try to uphold it.

I did make rings fill the gauge unlike Rush, mostly since SRB2 doesn't use springs/ramps as often as Sonic Rush, and giving SA-Sonic a full-fledged trick system was beyond Rush Mode's scope. I didn't even intend to get Metalwario64 involved, actually, but he got so excited seeing the progress he immediately made Humming Top sprites.

I’ve seen people consider at least up to 06 as part of the Adventure era, even if Sonic’s VA changed. I think the “Modern Sonic” we have now really didn’t become fully defined until Unleashed. Side games like Sonic Rivals also reused a lot of assets from SA2/Heroes, especially in the sound department.
Yeah, that transition period is the biggest reason it's so subjective when Sonic shifted from "Adventure era" to "Modern era"

Unleashed's design existed already in Heroes. Nobuhiko Honda's design, I believe. Yet Advance 3, the Rush games, Sonic X, and '06 mainly followed Uekawa's design. Even Brawl, Rivals, and the Storybook games took hints. It never shifted all at once.

Nowadays, Heroes' design seems to be the base. Even Uekawa himself is now slowly adjusting his art towards that. Modern Sonic also reuses anything he wants, not just Rush's boost, so things are too muddled. People base whether Sonic is "Modern" or not on the boost's presence, who his English VA is, how he's written, his spine length, his height, his shade of blue, etc.

All arbitrary, subjective things. By extension our choices will be too. We did forgo perfect Adventure physics for something we thought would fit better in SRB2, after all. We never claimed to take no liberties. We only aimed to have the closest look & feel to Sonic Adventure SRB2 has gotten.

hey do you think a hybrid rush mode could be a thing, making it where you can bounce and spin and the boost is on custom 1 instead of the spin button. Sonic's weight is a mix of the 2 modes and whatever changes needed like very slow boost gain from spring tricks and other stuff and boost is drained a lot more.
Rush Mode was so easy to make because locking the Spindash + Bounce locked almost everything else away too. Allowing all moves at once would be MUCH harder to program since there's so many potential combinations of things that can interfere with each other.

I also don't want extra custom buttons for gameplay, or see people lean off from the main playstyle just because it's less powerful


Btw! To prevent the return of The Milne Chronicles™, I'm hosting a temporary Discord testing server to make sure v1.8b gets all the QA it needs before it's official release! If you are up to do some preliminary bug hunting for v1.8b, come on over and apply for testing roles!

I'm leaving home right after this post, so I might be gone when you apply, but don't fret, the testing period will be several days long.​
Metalwario64 updated Adventure Sonic (v1.8) with a new update entry:

v1.8b's Shining Alpha Test Server



To prevent the return of The Milne Chronicles™, I'm hosting a temporary Discord testing server to make sure v1.8b gets all the QA it needs before it's official release! If you are up to do some preliminary bug hunting for v1.8b, come on over and apply for testing roles!

I might be gone when you apply, but don't fret...​

Read the rest of this update entry...
the pepperminted models don't work with the new update. can you make a version that works with the model?
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Why not? Rush's gameplay is so simple it barely took me a week to make. No need to let ideals get in the way if it's no skin off my back. Servers can lock Rush Mode if they want, and they can't force you to use it.

Not quite what we said. SA-Sonic's always had Sonic Advance influence due to a bias on Metalwario64's end. We settled for "Adventure Sonic" because Advance's gameplay translated TERRIBLY to SRB2. (Even a perfect copy of Adventure 1's physics translated badly. Imagine the current airdrag and floatiness tripled, groundspeed even faster, and jumpheight doubled.)

It IS true Rush was initially Advance 4, even using Advance sprites and Drummond's voiceclips. That bit of trivia made Rush enough of a spiritual successor to feel deserving of an SA-Sonic easter egg. Considering how naturally it controls with SA-Sonic, I'd say it worked out! And if all Modern's identity boils down to is just another Advance game's, not our problem

You sure it's a generosity problem, and not just rings refilling the gauge that feels off? All Rush Mode speedruns I've seen have Sonic barely hanging onto a single bar, swerving for every ring/enemy in the way. In Sonic Rush you're near max-gauge all the time if you actively try to uphold it.

I did make rings fill the gauge unlike Rush, mostly since SRB2 doesn't use springs/ramps as often as Sonic Rush, and giving SA-Sonic a full-fledged trick system was beyond Rush Mode's scope. I didn't even intend to get Metalwario64 involved, actually, but he got so excited seeing the progress he immediately made Humming Top sprites.

Yeah, that transition period is the biggest reason it's so subjective when Sonic shifted from "Adventure era" to "Modern era"

Unleashed's design existed already in Heroes. Nobuhiko Honda's design, I believe. Yet Advance 3, the Rush games, Sonic X, and '06 mainly followed Uekawa's design. Even Brawl, Rivals, and the Storybook games took hints. It never shifted all at once.

Nowadays, Heroes' design seems to be the base. Even Uekawa himself is now slowly adjusting his art towards that. Modern Sonic also reuses anything he wants, not just Rush's boost, so things are too muddled. People base whether Sonic is "Modern" or not on the boost's presence, who his English VA is, how he's written, his spine length, his height, his shade of blue, etc.

All arbitrary, subjective things. By extension our choices will be too. We did forgo perfect Adventure physics for something we thought would fit better in SRB2, after all. We never claimed to take no liberties. We only aimed to have the closest look & feel to Sonic Adventure SRB2 has gotten.

Rush Mode was so easy to make because locking the Spindash + Bounce locked almost everything else away too. Allowing all moves at once would be MUCH harder to program since there's so many potential combinations of things that can interfere with each other.

I also don't want extra custom buttons for gameplay, or see people lean off from the main playstyle just because it's less powerful


Btw! To prevent the return of The Milne Chronicles™, I'm hosting a temporary Discord testing server to make sure v1.8b gets all the QA it needs before it's official release! If you are up to do some preliminary bug hunting for v1.8b, come on over and apply for testing roles!

I'm leaving home right after this post, so I might be gone when you apply, but don't fret, the testing period will be several days long.​
Thank you for responding to my thing, I get all the bugs and coding difficulties that can be part if this mode suggestions but again it was just and idea and it would be cool in my opinion, atleast make it a side thing on the table after your done with fixes with other stuff or you think that SA Sonic needs a new mechanic or content thing added.

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