TheLastKitchenGun submitted a new resource:
ABOSIDWRS - A Bunch Of Scripts I Didn't Wanna Release Seperate
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ABOSIDWRS - A Bunch Of Scripts I Didn't Wanna Release Seperate
I had like 10 scripts sitting in my lua folder so I decided to compile them and make a few new stuff
now this exists
commands: 1
small when using this it makes you small
you wont be allowed to use this command when either of the admin variables are on
variables: 8
admin variables have an a_ before it
(on/off) a_forcenormaldashmodeskin: forces allskindashmode off
(on/off) allskindashmode: does what it says, gives everyone dashmode
(on/off) superafterimage: gives a neat little super effect...
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