[Open Assets] Color + (Pal-ColorPlus.wad)

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In my personal opinion, this palette is far to bright to act as a vanilla palette without some serious graphics modification. In addition, there isn't nearly enough contrast between the colors of some of the hues, so Sonic is nearly the same shade of blue as the crawlas. GFZ is a complete eyesore with the new GFZROCK look as well. While I'm happy that people who enjoy using this palette are able to enjoy it, I implore the developers not to make this the default for 2.2 or whatever the next version will be.
I really don't care for the palette just from looking at screenshots. It looks like washed-out magazine scans. It'd be a terrible idea to replace the vanilla palette with this.
Now I never said it should replace vanilla's palette, but I'd like a way to play vanilla with this palette added. That way I can unlock things with a new look I like.
Adding palettes doesn't mark the game as modified. You can still unlock stuff if this is the only file you add.
there isn't nearly enough contrast between the colors of some of the hues

Which colors do you have this trouble with specifically? I'd love to fix your gripes with the palette.

Sonic is nearly the same shade of blue as the crawlas.

Definitely going to be changed. I'm not going to lie; that blue was the first color I did and its contrast is awful.

GFZ is a complete eyesore with the new GFZROCK look as well.

That might have been my experiments with the gold color to make it look more shiny, like gold itself is. Now that I look at, it appears to be in use in some rock textures (mainly GFZROCK, as you've mentioned) so I've changed it back for next release.

I implore the developers not to make this the default for 2.2 or whatever the next version will be.

I never intended this to replace the original palette in the first place; it's simply an alternative and I want it to stay that way.
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Which colors do you have this trouble with specifically? I'd love to fix your gripes with the palette.

Now that I'm not in a rush to post, I think the issue is that some of the hue spectra are too broad and/or not distributed over the range of colors in an appealing way. The red doesn't get dark fast enough, the green starts out a tad too bright, and the blue seems to stop getting darker and then abruptly start again. Orange, yellow, and brown are pretty good, and like you said, gold is a bit too shiny now.
Played this now, finally got a chance to use my PC, and I disagree with everything 742mph states except the blue. I couldn't see it too well on my android, but the color contrast isn't strong enough, yes. If you're going to change it, I suggest leaving the darker shades in the spot they're in right now, and work up from there. It's a bit too dark on top of it being slightly low contrast.
I already changed the blue, but I hadn't changed much of what 742mph asked for yet other than the gold. I kept most of the darkness transitions from regular SRB2 (as in, the red is the same as default but with a slight orange highlight for the beginning), so I'm not sure if he just looked at the images, if he tried it, or if he doesn't like the regular SRB2 palette's transitions.

EDIT: Enough foolin'! It's out!

New blue, yellow, and purple.
The blue has better contrast.
Yellow is more vibrant and has more depth. It, however, could not be the gold-ish color I wanted because of issues.
Purple is more distant from Lavender.


I may consider 742mph's ideas in the future.
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This new version is definitely better than the previous one, especially in terms of light/dark gradients, but the blue and red look kind of dull and washed-out. That 'slight orange highlight' you mentioned really reduces the eye-catching-ness of all of the game's (formerly) bright red.
Red, blue, and green are all colors that practically act like brothers. I don't know what happened, but the blue looks slightly drier. This is probably from brightening it though, as I doubt you played with anything else on it. I think the real problem is that red and blue match each other in terms of how rich they are, but green stands out against them both because it's so strikingly vibrant in comparison. When I switched from GFZ, the other colors seemed a bit more normal.

You might either have to tone down the green's 'neon' illuminance, or tone back up the blue's while trying to find a happy medium. I'd say try the latter.

EDIT: Shit, the old blue just looked way better in comparison looking at it now.
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Actually yes, looking at it now, I do see the issue with the new blue. It doesn't look like you added more contrast, but moreso brightened everything on the entire scale instead. I much preferred the dark and fullness of the previous one, but at the same time didn't feel like the brightest shades were high enough.
Alright, I just tried experiments with blue, and compared it to it's "brothers", red and green.


From top to bottom; v1 blue, new blue, current red, current green (spread to fit other colors)

It looks like the new blue is good and spreads out it's shades enough, and I think the red's fine, but the green does not fade to white as do the others. I'm not sure on changing the green, however, because I'm afraid of messing up the current sprites and the COLORMAP, but I'll give it a go if I decide if it's the right direction to go in.

EDIT: Okay, I just tried adding the white fade to green; I actually think that it made the sprites look better! It doesn't effect many anyways because few sprites actually use the upper shades. But, the ones it did change changed it for the better. Definitely going in next version.
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Now, Gold looks somewhat like a REAL gold. Maybe a little, but a little more of contrast and brightness, and that is going somewhere. And..... i keep saying, yellow looks like a mustard color. No problem with that, but is yellow after all, not mustard. Anyway, making it look like a yellow like in 2.0 will look fine, i guess.
No problem with that, but is yellow after all, not mustard.

I was trying to go for a more golden color for yellow to give it more depth, but it didn't like fade-ins/outs so I gone with an alternative; mustard. It is perfectly fine the way it is now (excluding some strange COLORMAP shading (also a little fadein/out issue; plz dont pay attention to the fadein on the title screen), but I can't help that). Besides, I call that particular fast-food condiment yellow anyways, not by a sophisticated name.

Now, Gold looks somewhat like a REAL gold. Maybe a little, but a little more of contrast and brightness

I used to have it with more contrast. I said earlier why I changed it back.
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Apologies for the double-post, but there's a new version out. The only changes were just a new blue line and a couple of green colors changed.

Go get it.
Another one of the things that should replace the vanilla
The first one is motorroach's sonic sprites
Now it's this, let's hope the vanilla game will really use these.
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