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Official SUGOI trilogy port project

As extensive as you want. You can do a small patch to your existing level, or you can remake it from scratch, or anything in-between. The only requirement is to keep the same level idea & name.

Gonna be honest, if it weren't for the fact that I submitted 7 levels in total, I might've went and remade some levels entirely.(looking at YOU, Green Flowers. can't even merge it into one level either, grumble grumble...) So the most I can promise on my end is a good tune-up, some level design changes as well as other fixes too.
As extensive as you want. You can do a small patch to your existing level, or you can remake it from scratch, or anything in-between. The only requirement is to keep the same level idea & name.

I assume adding emblems to levels that didn't have any is fine too, right?
Hi. I will be porting all 3 SUGOIs, but I wanted to give level authors a chance to update their levels. This will very likely be the only chance to make extensive updates to your level. Here are the rules.

  • No new levels. If your level didn't make it into any of the other SUGOI's, then sorry, this isn't your chance.
  • You can only update your levels you had a hand in making. This should be obvious.
  • You cannot wildly change the theme. You also must keep the same name.
  • All six characters must be able to complete the level. They also should not be able to get stuck on another path and unable to beat the level.
  • If the author does not want to update their level, then I will be porting it myself, and keeping it preserved as close as possible to how it was in 2.1. I will only be making the bare minimum changes to make it beatable with all characters.
  • All of the old rules apply. Here they are again.
    • Bare minimum compatibility is srb2win.exe, Software mode, and Single Player mode. (Preferably we'd like Coop too, but it's not a requirement.)
    • If you're adding any textures or music or objects or scripts or anything, make sure they don't replace anything. Other maps are probably using those, y'know.
    • Music needs to be module music. SRB2's MIDI support is bad nowadays, and other formats bloat file size. If your original level used a rule-breaking song, then you can still use it. But if you want to change it, it's gotta follow the rule.
  • If you need to make a revision after uploading, please update your first post. Don't upload it in a new post, and don't send it to me directly. You can make another post saying your first post has been updated, though.
  • I will not be accepting updates for "Long Journey's End" segments. Too complicated :p
  • I am not removing levels.

Deadline is November 15, 2020, at 11:59PM eastern time. Please get all of your updates in before then. I will be more strict about this deadline than ever; fail to get all of your level updates in before then, and I will simply use the old version.

That's all for now, good luck.
Holy SHIT. This is gonna be AWESOME!
Uh what are you looking at???? it's not like I have all 3 unofficial ports... :sweating:
*deletes all 3*
Oh wow, this is great lol

Can't wait to play the "remastered" versions of them!


help, im anime'd
Oh boy! Finally!
I was getting tired of playing random maps with my good ol' mod pack!
I'm looking forward to this!
There is admittingly a slight change I would like to make to one of the flats in my section of deleted domain, as the ceiling flat for one sloped section did get misaligned. However, this would need to wait until after all other edits.
Ah, just in time! I was feeling dissapointed by the OLDC and was just about ready to lower my standards for community mappacks, but I'm glad those standards will skyrocket right back to up unreasonable with these bad boys fresh in my mind!
I sincerely hope this is a joke because one of the main points of the OLDC is to encourage new or inexperienced map creators to come out of the woodwork and show what they're capable of
So something that I'm curious about how much (if at all) the visuals will be changed, since going from 2.1 to 2.2 was a massive jump in terms of coloring, textures and other visual details. Will we see a similar change for sugoi remastered?
Ah, just in time! I was feeling dissapointed by the OLDC and was just about ready to lower my standards for community mappacks, but I'm glad those standards will skyrocket right back to up unreasonable with these bad boys fresh in my mind!

Please don't bring this attitude anywhere around community content. As Apollyon pointed out, both the OLDC and SUGOI are events geared to incentivize beginners to participate and improve their level design skills. The fact that the SUGOI iterations you enjoy are each more polished and enjoyable than their previous are due to continued stimulus; all you're doing by subjecting content creation to arbitrary "standards" is discouraging improvement.
So something that I'm curious about how much (if at all) the visuals will be changed, since going from 2.1 to 2.2 was a massive jump in terms of coloring, textures and other visual details. Will we see a similar change for sugoi remastered?

Up to the authors if they want to update it. As for content I'm in charge of (finale/hub stuff), I am keeping it 99% identical.

Ah, just in time! I was feeling dissapointed by the OLDC and was just about ready to lower my standards for community mappacks, but I'm glad those standards will skyrocket right back to up unreasonable with these bad boys fresh in my mind!

Take note guys, this really obnoxious mindset is literally the exact thing SUGOI was designed to counter back in 2015 :V
Question: Will the three be released separately, or will we be getting a "Sugoi collection" of sorts?
Question: Will the three be released separately, or will we be getting a "Sugoi collection" of sorts?

Probably separately with how big the SUGOI trilogy is file size wise.

also not gonna spoil anything but there might be a spiritual successor to sugoi, but i don't wanna get anyone's hopes up
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Got my stages updated and ready to go.

Skytop: Neodrillas now take 3 times as long to charge their attack

Sapphire Frost: Christmas trees replaced with Ice Cap trees, one jump ramp modified to try to not have you go against the nearby wall

Magmor: restored most of the platform lava (most Lava follows a rule of "if it's see through you can get in it. If it's solid, it's solid and won't let you in." Only an easter egg lava fall breaks this rule.) Improved the falling sloped fofs so it all falls at the same speed. Falling slopped fofs now respawn

Egg Flambe now retreats after every hit.

if anyone asks why I bothered to restore platform lava, Magmor was designed with it, and for it from the start


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